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Thread: random stuff

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  1. #1246
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    In Idaho dad said spring was the day that separated too dam cold from too dam hot. Fall was the day that separated too dam hot from too dam cold.
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    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

  2. #1247
    HOSS429's Avatar
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    recently i got my 4.3 chevy powered pinto back from the fellow i sold it to .. aside from him breaking the rear end for some reason it will not start unless i run a hot wire from the battery to the coil .. it had always worked fine for me with my running the stock ford solenoid in conjunction with the chevy solenoid and just feeding my coil off the ignition terminal on the ford solenoid .. for some reason that no longer works ..i have`nt fooled with anything of this nature in so long i`m at a loss as to what to do .. how much voltage should my stock ford solenoid be putting out at the ignition terminal ?.. and does the chevy starter have an ignition terminal that i may need to hook up to ..do ford solenoids get weak over time ? on the ignition output i mean ..
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  3. #1248
    34_40's Avatar
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    The stock solenoid only supplies 12 volts while cranking. It shouldn't be "live" unless cranking the engine.
    There should be a wire from the ignition switch to the motor compartment to turn the ignition on/off.
    A cheap test light and a few minutes time and you should be able to identify it.
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  4. #1249
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    Hoss, maybe this will help. a simple drawing for a GM type points ignition but the wiring is close to the same. delete resistor of course.
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  5. #1250
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    getting the test lite solved everything in about a minute .. i found the original hot feed i had used before .. i dont know what the guy i sold it to for a minute was doing but it cranks and runs good now .just got to get the rear end fixed now and enjoy it again .. i got my welder back so the rear end is going to get fixed one way or another ..
    53 Chevy5, glennsexton and stovens like this.
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  6. #1251
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    That's good news. Glad to hear it's running again..

    You know- without pics it never happened! 8-)

  7. #1252
    stovens's Avatar
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    greatnews HOSS
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  8. #1253
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    That's good news. Glad to hear it's running again..

    You know- without pics it never happened! 8-)
    well .. it`s going to be fun for a minute but it has to get old soon .. finally got the rear end welded up and put back in today .. i only welded one spider as i did not want a locked rear .. i did not expect the result i got in the test ride .. it will spin the locked wheel on demand .. it will spin it at 60 MPH .. it will be undriveable on wet pavement .. i welded the passenger side axle .. would it have made a dif if i did the drivers side .. i still need and want a stock working rear ..i haven`t added a picture in so long i dont remember how ... give me a bit ...
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  9. #1254
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    several years ago as i was leaving a local grocery store a person who knew me motioned me over to where a lady was having* trouble starting her car ..* the person stated that i was once a mechanic and perhaps could help with this issue ,,i had heard them trying to start the vehicle and recognized the clicking sound of a bad battery connection so i casually walked over and put both hands on the positive and negative battery terminals and felt that the negative was warm from a loose connection ,,* i inconspicuously ( spell that off* the top of your head ) twisted the ground cable to tighten it up a bit and at the same time said " HEALED* "* and shut the hood* .. i walked away* and heard the car fire up but i was on my way by then ..* anywho another similar situation occurred recently* * * as my neighbor could not get her riding mower to start .. she called me .. i pulled the little lever on the back to put it out of gear and pushed it up to my shop and cleaned the carb bowl and got it going .. i pushed it back to her garage and forgot about it .. a couple of days later she calls me saying her mower runs now but it will not move in any gear .. i say i will be there in a minute .. as i walk up to it i remember that i had not pushed the gear engage* lever back in so as i was looking at it i took my foot and pushed the lever in and put my hands on the steering wheel and again said " HEALED "* *and just walked away ,,* *whether you baffle them with brilliance or befuddle* them with bullcrap leave them wondering .
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  10. #1255
    36 sedan's Avatar
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    A friend of mine did a very similar thing several times, like magic. Then one day, he was stumped, could not get the darn thing to go. I asked him what was wrong? he simply said "sometimes the magic doesn't work".

    I've been using that phrase for over 50 years!
    NTFDAY, TOW'D, glennsexton and 2 others like this.

  11. #1256
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOSS429 View Post
    i remember that i had not pushed the gear engage* lever back in so as i was looking at it i took my foot and pushed the lever in and put my hands on the steering wheel and again said " HEALED "* *and just walked away ,,* *whether you baffle them with brilliance or befuddle* them with bullcrap leave them wondering .
    I've had a couple of those that always made me smile, the funniest to me was while at work, standing at the urinal and the boss walks up to the one next to me and starts a conversation about work. I finish my business and turn to wash when I realize the unit I had used was still flushing non stop. I turn back while drying my hands and yell "knock it off". And it did! So I shrug while smirking at the boss and walk out the door... I felt like Arthur Fonzerelli!

  12. #1257
    johnboy is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    We once had a Nissan 'thing' (can't remember what the model was, daily drivers are just rubbish things we buy off the side of the road and drive until they go 'Pop',) and it had a delay on the headlights, they'd turn themselves off after fifteen seconds or so.
    The missus took it down to the village one evening, got out and walked away, and had some fella yell: "Lady! You've left your lights on!"
    She turned around, folded her arms, and nodded in the direction of the car. (A la Samantha from 'Bewitched'.)
    And the lights went out.
    "Thank-you!" She called to him.

    She reckoned his bottom jaw was somewhere around his navel.
    NTFDAY, TOW'D, glennsexton and 5 others like this.
    Mountain man. (Retired.)
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  13. #1258
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    i have made the mistake of trying to follow national news and things going on in this country and quickly saw i could not tolerate the bull shi+ being spewed by the major news medias .. i was a fan of fox news for a moment but now they are cowtowing to the whims of the left and will shut down any comments on stories that do not fit the liberal views .. radio talk shows are headed that way as well .. i guess i will just have to zone out .. i am glad we do not have a political forum on this site as i most likely would lose a few friends ..
    53 Chevy5 likes this.
    iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?

  14. #1259
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    Hoss, I've found it's best for me to simply not turn on ANY news programs these days, other than occasionally the local news to see what their guesses are for the weather, but even then it's easier to log on to their web site and only look at what's of interest for me. I'm sure others disagree, but I've got no respect for the talking heads and the trash they talk.
    53 Chevy5, HOSS429 and 36 sedan like this.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  15. #1260
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    If you have it, try OAN. That don't have the drama or BS and the White House reporter is a cute little thing.
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