Thread: random stuff
06-28-2020 06:49 AM #1261
JMHO, ever since the National Inquirer became mainstream news, no longer is there any truth or integrity in the news. Instead of an actual news broadcast, it's just another pretend reality show...
- Google Adsense
06-29-2020 11:59 AM #1262
Hoss, OAN stands for One America News and i believe you can see it online now as well.
I am with you on tuning out the majors for quite a while...
Stay safe!Scott
31 Ford five window
06-29-2020 01:48 PM #1263
HOSS429 .. Genesis 1 chapter 1 ,, i suppose some of us are born into hot rodding and some grow into it .. i feel i was born into it .. i firmly remember at age 4 my father driving a pea green 53 ford ..every friday was pay day and so every friday he would bring home a six pac of Double colas and a half gallon of Neapolitan ice cream ( you know the strawberry/ chocolate and vanilla kind ) .. being as i was the baby of the family i got dibs .. one day a pea green 53 or so ford pulled into the driveway and as usual i ran out and clung on to the leg of dad as he came up to the porch and was hollering " DADDY DADDY " but there was a little bit of confusion and a few moments later another green car pulled up and out stepped another man .. i did not know my father when i saw him but i knew that green 53 ford .. the first man was a salesman .. when my father came up he quickly asked my mom .. if this man is little HOSSes son i need to have a talk with you ...chapter 2 later ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
07-02-2020 10:36 AM #1264
chapter 2 ....1963 and i was 7 years old and my dad drove a 1957 chevy 2 dr light blue 3 on the tree.. only one time do i ever remember going to town and while in town i remember sitting at a red light and a real loud corvette screeching off from the light and my dad saying " some body is in a hurry " ... later that same year my mom and dad separated briefly and i was sent to live with one of my older sisters who hated me i guess .. every day she beat the crap out of me cause i would not quit crying wanting to go home .. her husband at the time drove a new 63 blue impala .. her daughter hates me now because i did not attend my sisters funeral .. she does not need to know why ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
07-31-2020 02:21 PM #1265
in late 1975 when i bought my r code 69 stang for 250 bucks it needed a 3/4 front .. not hit all that hard but the sheet metal was damaged beyond repair .. i was already working at the junkyard at the time so i got the repair parts for free .. i found a left front fender the same color ( gulf stream aqua blue or so ) and a hood that was a lighter blue so i painted it black all over .. my replacement hood did not have the shaker cutout .. a fellow needed my shaker hood setup on a car he was fixing so he offered me 20 bucks for the whole getup .. i jumped all over it .. 20 bucks was a tank full of gas .. a pack of smokes and a six pack of beer ..can i get some smokes and beer and a tank full of gas for what that scoop would bring today ?iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
08-05-2020 12:33 PM #1266
20 years ago when i was looking for a 69 stang to put my 429 engine and c6 trans into i looked at a 70 torino .. it was already a 429 cobra with the shaker hood and automatic trans .. the motor was missing .. they wanted a thousand bucks for the body was a good body .. i asked about the original engine and they pointed to a dump truck sitting in some weeds .. the engine is in that truck and it aint for sale ..ok .. i noticed the shaker assembly in the back seat and asked how much for that .. they said " a thousand bucks " and the car comes with it .. i just was`nt that hot on a 70 torino .. i later found my stang in Mississippi ..though i dont own it now i recently helped the new owner get it running again .. i`m itching to build something again .. the pinto gets a lot of looks when i take it out but the quiet whoosh of a stock V6 just is`nt doing it for me anymore ..i need to rattle some windows again ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
08-05-2020 08:40 PM #1267
429 Pinto?Seth
God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing. C.S.Lewis
08-06-2020 03:22 AM #1268
08-06-2020 12:00 PM #1269
been there .. done that ... i dont remember if i have posted about a BOSS 302 pinto i built about 40 years ago but it was a full tube frame car with role cage and narrowed pro car rear and the works ,,i made the mistake of trying to run a C4 automatic behind the Cleveland headed 289 i cobbled together .. it was a screaming engine as long as i didn`t floor it until i was above 3000 rpm .. anything from a dead stop would just shoot flames out the carb ..a high stall converter was useless as the engine did not make enuff torque to rev up ..i took the BOSS HOSS 289 out and built a 460 to run in it but then developed bump steer problems that i could not overcome ..i sold the body to a fellow and soon lost track of it .. the 460 motor then went into a 70 ford drag race pick up with a twin 70 ford tow truck for several years but was damaged when a tree fell on it during my trying to dodge a tornado leaving the drag strip one night .. i then put that motor in a 83 T Bird ,, the baddest hot rod iv`e ever owned ,, drove it till around 1999 then got the itch for the 69 stang that later became the HOSS429 ,,, HOSS460 just didn`t have the right ring to it .. so yeah ... if i can find that original 460 set up pinto perhaps i can now cure the bump steer issue or live with it better ... my current V6 pinto has bump steer as well .. i had to move the rack in order to get the chevy engine in it ..Last edited by HOSS429; 08-06-2020 at 12:02 PM.
iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
08-10-2020 09:20 AM #1270
the BOSS HOSS 302 build .. i built this engine about 40 years ago but i still remember every detail of it .. funny how concentration can do that ,, i have`nt played golf in over 10 years but i can remember just about every shot i ever took on most golf coarses .. but anyway i remember this engine just as well ..i had had my mind on a boss 302 for quite some time .. i knew a fellow who had an original intake for one and i finally got it off him ,, cost me 75 $ ... i had access to everything else i needed as i was working at the junkyard at the time .. i got a set of open chamber 351 cleveland 4 barrell heads and milled the rocker pedestals down to accept screw in studs and guide plates .. i used big block chevy studs and pontiac rockers as they were 1.65 ratio VS the 1.73 or something cleveland rockers .. i was concerned about valve to piston clearance .. a fellow ford friend of mine had a 289 hipo steel crank and rods he was`nt using so he gave them to me .. i knew the 351 and the 289 had a 4 inch bore so the cleveland pistons would fit .. they just stuck out of the block about 80 thousandths hench the pontiac rockers .. i beveled the pistons edges with a grinder to fit into the clevelands open chamber head .. i had to drill intake water openings in the heads as clevelands have dry intakes but BOSS 302`s are wet .. push rods were 318 dodge as they were 3/8 ths diameter and close enuff in length .. i hardened them for the guide plates took me two weeks to get the engine started .. i would crank and crank till i killed many batteries and it would not fire up .. i would take the electronic ignition out and bench wire it and it would shoot flames .. put it back in a get no spark .. i would switch back to conventional points ignition and get the same results .. after a time a fellow worker was putting in a new battery ( from some new wrecked car ) and noticed that i has the cables backwards the whole time i had been trying to crank the engine ,, the engine was turning backwards for two weeks ..put the battery in correct and it fired right up ..but as stated in the last post it would not perform in front of a c4 trans .. i later converted it back to a hipo 289 and put it in another pro street pinto i had built .. i was quite impressive showing up at the drag strip with two pro car pintos on a role back car hauler ( from the junkyard ) but neither one would get out of it`s on way ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
08-11-2020 09:17 AM #1271
a brief break from reality ..`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
08-13-2020 05:35 PM #1272
being as most ( I say half ) of the convience stores in my area are ownd by indians ( not American indians but india indians ) i have made a bit of an attempt to learn a little of their language .. especially since the one who operates the store i visit most frequently is quite a hotty .. anywho i have learned that Kim-cho is a greeting that sort of says " good day how are you ? " and they will usually respond with " majamma " which is i`m fine thank you for asking " .. yet i have learned that even among indians ( people from india ) that some words do not mean the same thing as i have gotten illegable responses from other indians in other stores .. today i visit a store in my area that i do not frequent very often and as i am paying for my produce ( beer) i say Kim -cho .. and i get a blank look from the attendant .. i say majamma and get the same look .. they respond with some gibberish i dont understand then i realise they are not indian ( from india ) ... they are iranian ( from iran ) .. the people who own the other half of all convience stores ... hA ! but they love their new country and not a single one of them is with the crowd that wants to burn everything down ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
08-13-2020 08:02 PM #1273
my absolute fav episode ..`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
09-01-2020 09:59 AM #1274
ha.!!!!!!!!!! .iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
11-20-2020 01:48 PM #1275
i have lived within 3 miles of where i was born my entire life .. when i cruise around i constantly run across places of fond memories .. today i got the pinto to finally start and i go on a short run about and come upon a location i fondly remember from over 50 years ago .. it`s a home that was once a grocery store .. i remember as a young teen ager riding my bicycle all day looking for undamaged returnable soda bottles .. 6 bottles would get me a free double cola .. sodas cost 12 cents or 10 cents with a return bottle ..the store owner was an elderly fellow and in later years some friends of mine would pull up to the gas pump and start pumping gas and another fellow would distract the owner as gas was rationed for a bit in the mid 70`s .. as the store owner was distracted the fellow pumping the gas would restart the pump and rip off the old fellow .. i could`nt do much about it as these were mean people back then of my " friends " was later killed in prison and another was banished to another state and never allowed back in Alabama lest he be arrested on site .. he died a few years ago in florida ..i am becoming the last dinosaur so to speak ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI