Thread: random stuff
04-20-2021 08:53 AM #1351
Maybe this will help Thomas
NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
The simplest road is usually the last one sought
Wild Willie & AA/FA's The greatest show in drag racing
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04-20-2021 10:08 AM #1352
thanks .. looks like i already have about as big a 14 inch tire as i can get ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
04-20-2021 12:45 PM #1353
14s have become a custom size. Remember them listed for sale at about $15?
The 70R is the ratio of sidewall height to width..
Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.
04-20-2021 02:08 PM #1354
15's are getting almost as bad! 70R, 60R, 50R all named the same way which means if they'd continued the process the new "rubber band's" would be something like 10R or maybe 5R! For me the tire needs to be something like 25% of the wheel size - on 18's the sidewall needs to be 4.5" or more, and a bit more is more better! Old school.... or just OLD!Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
04-27-2021 08:56 AM #1355
1973 i was still in school .. i know i worked now and then for a fellow laying carpet .. he must have deducted taxes on me .. 74 5 6 and 7 i worked at the junk yard .bought a 428 mustang .. bought a 69 440 six pac super bee .. built a ton of V8 pintos .. a whole lot of cash but not much in the way of a paycheck ( dont tell the IRS) .. 78 i dont know what i did .. how does one not earn a penny ? 79 i worked in a cabinet shop .. nearly cut off two fingers and quit soon afterwards ... 80 i got married and had to get a real job .. an R&R man at a transmission shop ..worked there till the late 80`s .. got divorced and have been poor every since ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
05-01-2021 08:37 AM #1356
even as we speak i`m sitting at my " make the world go away place " .. well .. i will be in a few minutes .. i spend time here just listening to the water ripple over the rapids .. i clear my mind of all thigs that bother me .. once in a while a river floater will come by and i always ask " what do you do when you here dueling banjos ? sometimes they know what that pertains to .. most time they dont .. .. i brought several chairs here to sit in and they disappeared pretty quickly so i finally chained one to a tree ,, it has survived a flood or two .. on another hand i probably missed out on a unique car .. it was a 65 ford galixie with a 390 and a 4 speed .. running car but very rusty .. 5 grand seemed a bit high but it went away very quickly .. i actually have a good lead on a 5 speed for the pinto but just dont feel like doing it .. headed to a car show later ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
05-03-2021 10:17 AM #1357
nice event a few days ago .. actually more cars there than i expected .. most all i have never seen before ,, if the place continues it will certainly become one of the biggest shows in the area .. i think this is the 4th or 5th year .. a little surprised that no one recognized me but i have cut way back on car activity in the last several years ..i noticed my pictures dont fill the page anymore .. i reset my camera to try to post pictures on city data but that failed .. i dont have a third party host anymore ,, if any of you are considering photobucket then dont unless you are willing to pay for hosting .. they promised me unlimited hosting years ago then changed pick for best of show ...iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
05-03-2021 12:41 PM #1358
Yeah my whole thread had blurred out photos from Photobucket now extorting money to use our free accounts, and get our pictures on posts unblurred. Not sure how people are linking photos on this site so I haven't posted any of my pictures on here do to size and mb constraints. If anyone has a free site they know of to upload our pictures and that provides links for us to use on online forums, please Share. Nice truck Hoss." "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
05-06-2021 06:26 PM #1359
Septic tanks keep shit from view for years..
Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.
05-12-2021 02:11 PM #1360
good things come to those who wait .. a dozen posts or so back i was lamenting my desire for some new tires for the pinto and the inflated prices .. i searched fb and gregslist every day .. this morning these beauties popped up for less than half price and i pounced on them .. been riding on my same tires for over 20 years .. i still have to buy one more front tire at the full evilbay price but thats ok ,, i just have to keep them hid from the scum i was talking about in my deleted post until i can get them mounted . hopefully i can get 20 years out of these as well .. i`ll be 86 ... HA !!iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
05-12-2021 03:50 PM #1361
05-12-2021 06:23 PM #1362
And there is a topic. Tire dates, Mass is now checking the date codes while you go in for inspection sticker. They give you 10 years then they want you to replace them. I know my coupe is in excess of that and going by the odometer they've got 505 on it now. Well.. the fronts do anyway... the rears made many rotations while standing still... 8-)
But I didn't do this!
I guess the page got lost again... 8-( Was a good picture too!Last edited by 34_40; 05-12-2021 at 06:25 PM. Reason: i have no idea
05-12-2021 07:19 PM #1363
Here we don't have annual inspections any longer, so they rely on the tire stores to monitor the dates, and they do because it sells tires. If you have a flat they are not supposed to repair anything older than 10 years, so you may have to shop for a small, independent shop or use plugs....Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
05-13-2021 04:21 AM #1364
I'm thinking a little time with a Dremel tool can make the dates "go away"...
05-16-2021 06:24 PM #1365
it bugs me when people follow me for more than a mile or two or more than two turns ,, i get paranoid and start turning down roads i had no intention of going it is kinda strange that that very thing happened to me in reverse a few years ago .. on more than one occasion ,, i was coming home from playing basketball in park city tennessee one night and i fell in behind a car that i noticed had a bama tag .. after about ten miles i noticed the car in front of me swapped lanes and gave a signal to turn left .. so did i .. on cariger road which is about two miles long they came to an intersection which they could go left or right .. they went right onto boles road .. so did i .. after about a mile and a half there was a 4 way stop .. the car in front barely slowed down and ran the stop sign .. i stopped and went straight ahead also .. another half mile up the road the car made a sudden right turn onto roy davis road .. so did i .. up ahead about two miles was a one way stop at an intersection .. the car ahead ran it as well .. i went thru as normal .. one mile up the car turned on henry taylor rd ... so did i .. a mile and a half down they turned into a driveway .. my driveway .. i tried to figure out who this person was as i did not recognize the vehicle ,, i pull into my driveway behind them and as i get out of my car i hear a lady frantically speaking on her phone .. i cant make out what she is saying but i walk past her car and walk up on my front poarch and enter my house ... after a few minutes i see the car pull away .. the same thing happened a few weeks later to a much lessor degree but the can in front of me was a neighbor down the road who i knew ,, they stopped in front of my house as i pulled in my driveway .. these things happened at night ..iv`e used up all my sick days at work .. can i call in dead ?
Great to see your new post, Mike, and great to see CHR up and running again after several days of the Hmmm, can't reach this page.... Also good that you found an easy solution to your storage/access...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI