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Thread: Warning from the past.......

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  1. #31
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by DennyW
    ((My plan is a bit more radical....Everybody just quit paying taxes til the system runs out of money... Money is power, with no money they have no power......))

    I would like to see you pull that one off Dave...
    Well, seeing as how most people wouldn't want to do anything illegal, it'll never happen.... so I guess I'll just be like everyone and just sit back and watch the whole thing fall apart when Asia calls in all the loans we have from them that we could never hope to pay off....
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  2. #32
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NTFDAY
    Remember people, that in the early stages of this country only white land and business owners were allowed to vote.
    The whole thing started down the slippery slope when we gave women the right to vote. (that should get a response or three)

  3. #33
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    Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has.
    Margaret Mead

  4. #34
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by DennyW
    That's the whole problem Dave....If you don't have a world wide, or at least a us wide get together, it ain't never going to happen. It takes total commitment, and unity to accomplish big things.

    and that ain't gonna happen either. So like I said, I'll just sit back and watch the deciline through to it's termination, I figure that is gonna be close as soon as gas hits about $4.50/gallon....
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  5. #35
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DennyW
    I think all the women should get together and go in the front door. That should get some response....
    Fallin' out of my chair laughing Theres a movement I could support.

  6. #36
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by DennyW
    Well, I don't know when things will go bang...I do know that in 1967 when I went on R&R to Australia, the gas over there then, was over 3.00 a gallon. Have no idea what it is now. What's going on now, ir not what should be here, I know....But, what's a person, family going to do when there is a division of people ? I have no answers either. I guess, just get by the best I can. I filled the tank up on my Bronco II before winter, I only start it up once a week. I still have half a tank, so I'm good for now...
    Heck, I haven't bought any gas since October, the garage is only 20 steps out the back door..... Everything else is on the 2 block rule...If it isn't withing my walking distance of 2 blocks, as the good doctor has perscribed for my daily exercise, I ain't going!!!! Well, til racing starts anyway!!!! Sponsors take care of a lot of that. Maybe it's an insignificant protest, but it's about all I can do that won't get me locked up!!!!!!
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
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  7. #37
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by DennyW
    All I have to do is open the kitchen door, and I'm in the garage... Just have no room at the present to work yet. How did you get off with only 2 blocks ? I have to do 2 miles every other day..... We won't even go there on locked up for anything....They call me...., slick Willy.... Not really. I've always been a good boy. At least they never caught me but a few times....
    Well, VA disabled since '72, 3 strokes, and numerous other medical malodies. Supposed to be on the couch watching soaps but I choose to be in the shop building Hot Rods and race cars. When I go out it's gonna be doing what I want to do.
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  8. #38
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    A new North American Union, with a flag that is a combination of the US, Canadian, and Mexican flags then the 3 countries become an organization just like Europe????

    Sure, why not???? Many of our politicians are for sale to the highest bidder, why would we be surprised if they all got together and sold the entire country to the highest bidder????? As for the Amero coin that would become the North American version of the Euro???? What is it's metal content, and where can I get one, it looks kewl and I'm something of a novice coin collector anyway....

    So, which would be worse? A country being sold to the highest bidder or one that is repo'd by the Asians for non-payment of debts?????
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
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    Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!

  9. #39
    techinspector1's Avatar
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    Yep, the Amero will just be one more step in the steady march toward one-world government. As a matter of fact, as I think about it, that may be the reason for the dumbing down of America. To bring it more in line with the economies of lesser nations so the transition will be smoother. Maybe that's the reason there has been little or nothing done about the proliferation of illegal aliens.

  10. #40
    '32 skidoo is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by techinspector1
    Yep, the Amero will just be one more step in the steady march toward one-world government. As a matter of fact, as I think about it, that may be the reason for the dumbing down of America. To bring it more in line with the economies of lesser nations so the transition will be smoother. Maybe that's the reason there has been little or nothing done about the proliferation of illegal aliens.
    Like many on this site, I, too, served my country - wouldn't take a million dollars for the experience and wouldn't give a nickle for another. Raised and trained by WWI and WWII vets. Eagle Scout, weaned on 'God and Country' - a hard-shell conservative, not Democrat, not Republican. And sadly what I have watched evolve are the ones who dodged, protested, and evaded serving are the ones running the country. Those who did their country's bidding, have either sold out to the wishes of their "bosses" or are not given the time of day.

    Unfortunately, too, is that what I have read in this thread is just about the way I see it. As technispector has stated, the massses have found that their vote will open the public coffers. Gone are the days of self-reliance, respect for authority, and love of independence.
    What happened to the "Silent Majority"? or did it really ever exist? Sad
    I thought I was broke 'til I bought a streetrod

  11. #41
    halftanked is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If anyone actually wants to try and do something other than vent,it would be best to pick one issue and work together to decide the best way to bring about a change. I personally would like to see something done about petroleum prices,as right now that's what is hurting me the most. I'm being told that it's the speculaters that are driving up the prices, well then I see a need to put caps on that. Opec constantly raising prices is enough,don't you think? Thismight be a good time to get together,come up with agood plan and work to get it implemented. Hank

  12. #42
    jyardgirl's Avatar
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    Well said Hank. and if i may add to it. The food prices is what is hurting my family the most. thank goodness that my hubby has a company gas card or he would not be able to get to work. But the money we spend a month at food lion is twice what our mortgage is. We have not had a cost of living increase in 3 years. We are now forced to go to a food pantry 2 times a month because our lights and water bill is getting higher and higher. How long does our government think that we can as hard working citizens carry this load on our backs. this is insanity when you get a government official get on the national news and say that the economy is in a slow down. I doubt if they know or even give a shit that milk is at 5.50 a galllon and everything that has wheat, dairy, or is trucked in is outrageous. But then WHY should they care. They do not have to suffer like the average american does. And please do not get me started on what it cost to get my son a physical to play a sport.


  13. #43
    volksrod's Avatar
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    The one thing that I have to say about this is that we as a nation are letting the politicians and lawyers take away what ever freedoms that our forefathers have fought for and paid for with their own blood. Now these same politicians and lawyers are trying to organize the world government to finish the process. If we allow that to happen we will loose what freedoms we have left. When I go to the polls I always vote for the person who doesn't fear the fact that I want to take care of myself and my family. It's really too bad that the majority of Americans can't get together as a nation of people and take our country back but most people will not agree on what they truly want.
    Just remember that our freedoms were paid for with blood and if we give those freedoms up, they will have to be re-earned by the spilling of more blood. The world government that politicians are working so hard to achieve will have its own constitution which will supersede our own constitution so everything that we have fought for as a country will be lost.
    This in my opinion is the first thing that we should fight against and the Democrats trying to disarm us is all a part of their plan. Once they have taken away our defenses they can just load us on trains if they want to.
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  14. #44
    flh4speed's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DennyW
    Absolutely !!! Scary thought, isn't it. They have already done that very thing over seas. I watched it on tv some time back. All I can say is, I paid my time, and they don't get mine. Just because they wear a badge, that doesn't scare me, it's the person behind the badge you have to watch some times.
    theres good and bad in everyone denny , i just wanted to toss that out but in my personal experiance there is NO such thing as a good cop..
    but on the flip side sense i moved up here things have changed 90% for the better .........good points have been made by all..


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  15. #45
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    There are so many things that the Democrats stand for that I do agree with. The right to choose being one of them but they also want us to become dependant on the government with their health care and welfare issues. A nation that is dependant on their government is doomed.
    Give me something to cut with, I'm going to build a Hotrod

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