Thread: Warning from the past.......
03-10-2008 06:02 PM #61
The post with the silver bar,the amero and jericho link is gone ...completely gone and the post count is not even off................
It was right before post 52 ,that is what post 52 is refereing to ,is the missing post............Last edited by shawnlee28; 03-10-2008 at 06:05 PM.
Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)
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03-10-2008 07:34 PM #62
If the Founding Fathers came back and saw this country today..........they wouldn't recognize it......and I think it started when the States abdicated their rights do they could feed at the Federal Tit......yuck!!
03-10-2008 08:10 PM #63
Originally Posted by shawnlee28
03-10-2008 09:08 PM #64
I must admit I didn’t watch the video at the beginning of this thread because my wife was napping on the couch, and I didn’t want to wake her. She just got home from work where she works for $8.50 per hour. Her heart is not working like it should and she is always tired, she is trying to take up the slack since I can no longer work. I did read all of the post and like most everything in life there are good and not so good points on things. Like Denny, I walked into the Social Security office of my own free will at 15 years old. I wanted to work at a gas station making $0.60 per hour. I went in the U.S.Army at the age of 17; I was tired of people telling me what to do. While in the Army I found out that I had a defect in my back after being in the Hospital, I was told I could live a normal life but should not do anything that would put stress or strain on my back. As soon as I got out of the Army I became an Iron Worker. I worked in the Steel Mills in Chicago, which are long since gone. I was not the smartest guy on the job but I was wondering why the Japanese people, were coming through an experimental lab where we were working on improving the quality of steel. These people were all smiles and friendly with their cameras around their neck. 1972 I was working 18 sometimes 20 hours a day with the new process of making steel. At the same time going to and from the steel mill we would pass vacant lots with coils of foreign steel. I work downtown on tall buildings. Two motor cycle accidents, too many broken bones, arms, leg, surgery’s way too many plus a little thing called vertigo I have to grin and bare it. I do the best I can with what I have left. In 1972 I was making more money in one week then we are living on in a month today. I was on jobs in the late 70’s that some people were told to stay home and they would send them a check. I worked in the steel mills where guys would sleep and brag about beating the system by taking food stamps. Yes if we would have taken a long look at what was going on then it would be no surprise as to where we are at today. I kid my wife when I say if we had invested in oil the price would not be where it is today since we lost on everything we invested in.
Keep looking up is the best I can end with and hope our grandkids can get things back in some order.
03-10-2008 09:40 PM #65
"live free, or die", people dont seem to think that way anymore, also the phrase, if you have the ability to take action, you ahve the responsibility to take action. i frankly belive that people today are some dumbed down they ahve no idea what is coming and they will most likely accept this. give me liberty or give me death is what i ahve to say. the nazis want me come and get it, but it aint gonna be easy
03-11-2008 07:47 AM #66
You know, if you take the time to email your representatives and state your concerns,rather than just posting here,you walk away feeling that you have at least tried to be part of the solution. While I'm not really looking forward to this years presidential elections,none of the above is my real choice, I will be voting. Yes, my vote is just one drop in the bucket,but it might just be the one that makes it overflow. Hank
03-11-2008 08:01 AM #67
politicians lost their respectability a long time ago when serving the public became a career rather than a privilage ..
03-11-2008 09:15 AM #68
They have a wonderful machine for voting ,to take care of any skewed results.
Here is a list a known lies .........we have been discarded in the political process and can be lied to without fear of retribution. edited by shawnlee28; 03-11-2008 at 09:32 AM.
Its gunna take longer than u thought and its gunna cost more too(plan ahead!)
03-11-2008 10:19 AM #69
Minor correction in the "FDR conspiracy BS."
At the time of Pearl Harbor NOBODY knew the significance that aircraft or aircraft carriers would play in the coming war. The problem we have here is retro hindsight projected from 67 years in the future from knowledge only we could know after the war was over!
The fact is to anyone who knows a damned thing about the history of the war is that Admiral Kimmel sent the carriers to bolster the Marine fighter planes at Wake and Midway Islands. For months there had been a growing number of warnings of sabotage and 5th columnists from the 160,000 people of Japanese ancestry in the Hawaiian Islands. The latest theory was to be ready to repell a submarine attack followed by seaborne landings.
Of course every other base around the Pacific had the same tensions for they were all targets. The problem was no one knew where the Japs might attack 1st. Of course withing a few day the Philippines and other US bases were attacked.
The Japs knew that Admiral Kimmel usually had the fleet in port during the weekend so Sunday was an opportune time.
Just because today we can see what's shaking anywhere from the SR 71 or satellites you must know that in pre-war time there was almost no surveilance of any kind especially aerial. Admiral Yamamoto sent his force through storm filled waters that were not travelled much. There was no way anyone could have known their exact time of arrival at any rate.
To use previous quotes by FDR about not "sending the boys to war" after the fact is almost slanderous because when that statement and ones like it were made there was no imminant threat from Japan at any specific point, target or American location. No one knew what the Japs were going to do. We have to concede here that at least 50% of what went on in pre war time was up to the Japs and not FDR or any American commander.
I suppose that if Yamomoto had chosen to attack Wake and Midway 1st there'd be some gomer writing silly crap about how we massed the carriers there cause we were told to expect an attack and the Battle of Midway would have begun the war and occurred 6 months early!
The fun and frivolity of the American penchant for teasing presidents is going a bit far when we attempt to indict them as revisionist back through history. When did FDR become the bad guy and Hirohito become some victim?
When did wimps like Chaimberlan who gave in to Hitler become more luminous than the man that was the wartime rock of Great Britain, Churhchill?
FDR, Churchill and many other personna rose to the occassion and used their talent to lead. Even if it was just for a limited occassion, that's all that was necessary.
We don't expect Medal of Honor winners to continually conduct their actions with disregard for personal safety during the course of an entire war do we? The leaders the Allies were stuck with or inherited did pretty damned good overall.
Hitler was created by the greedy European allies who sought to punish and take retributions from Germany after WW I forcing her into prolonged poverty and degradation. If the Treay of Versailles allies hadn't been raping Germanyeven at the end of the 1920s, Hitler wouldn't have had an ear.
This is exactly why the US's Marshall Plan was designed to rebuild former enemy's industries. It's is better to have economic trading partners than sullen, brooding pockets of future discontent.
So please don't use that lying BS about FDR knowing about Pearl Harbor. If the conspiracy fruitcakes spent as much time studying the war as they do buying into that weak crap they'd actually know somehting.There is no substitute for cubic inches
03-11-2008 10:20 AM #70
Originally Posted by DennyW
Several years ago, the "Republican(?)" governor in this state, who was a lame duck, got in bed with the Democrat leadership of the state Assembly and decided that what the State needed was an income tax. It made no difference what the voters said, what the polls read, or what the general feeling was throughout the state, come H, E, dbl hockey-stick or High Water, it was going to happen.
That was until two local radio talk-show hosts caught wind of it and started
inciting the natives on their drive home shows. Not too much changed UNTIL the listeners started circling the capitol and General Assembly, while they were in session, in their cars, blowing the horns. What a racket! There were families in cars, individuals, and neighbors -folks driving for miles to be a part and make their voices, read horns, heard. This went on for several weeks. The end result was that the matter was finally dropped. One of the state senators who had been pushing hard for it resigned after his term and then, when attempting to run again, was defeated.
The same thing happened last year when the Amnesty issue was being ram-rodded through Congress. Had it not been for the public rising up and saying, "NO!", it would have silently and quickly been passed. Thanks again to radio talk shows for making some of the public aware.
Until folks take charge instead of letting their elected officials make their decisions for them, nothing, but nothing will change. "We have met the enemy and he is us."I thought I was broke 'til I bought a streetrod
03-11-2008 10:56 AM #71
I would like to see the Youtube flick but this is one of about four tries to download the Flash Player. I have MicroTrend (PC-Cillin) anti-spy/virus protection and it recently (yesterday) cleaned up a virus I got from an attempt at looking at a Youtube flick on another topic. Maybe someone can give me instructions on how to download the Flash Player? When I install it I get the script "f" symbol and a green and white bar at the bottom and then that goes away and I reboot and get nothing. As far as the topic goes it is very complex and the only clear opininion I have is that the US Corporate taxes are too high which drives jobs overseas. I favor a nationalistic strengthening of the job corp, examination of the phase out of US steel and aluminum and policies to keep US heavy industry strong and that means lower industrial taxes and improved technical education. Virginia has attracted some high tech industries from Germany and elsewhere by granting local State tax breaks and funding of local technical education for the work force. However, having taught students from the general population, I think there is weakness in the idea that all we have to do is train students for high tech jobs when their aptitude struggles to meet the requirements. I grew up in an environment of steel mills, quarries and textile mills of which all are gone now and I have to say that we have had other discussions here but I am still not convinced of the benefits of increasing the minimum wage. Our minimum wage and high industry taxes almost force companies to migrate overseas. As far as the looming election goes it looks ominous to me and all you have to do is read the history of the Carter years to get the idea.
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodder
03-11-2008 01:34 PM #72
Originally Posted by shawnlee28
I've been up on a soapbox for the past few days trying to get people to vote, only to find out that it doesn't matter anyway. Those with interests either one way or the other can skew the results as they see fit.
OK, new agenda. Before we all go out and vote, we need to fix the voting system. Is there a way to insure that each and every vote will be counted the way it was cast? Can some of you who are smarter than I am please weigh in on this and give us some help? I'm willing to go door to door to get signatures to introduce a bill to change the system and rally others together to do the same. SOMEONE has to do SOMETHING!!!!
03-11-2008 02:42 PM #73
Originally Posted by Twitch
I was waiting for this response and was starting to get concerned that I hadn't gotten it yet. Thanks for proving my point...... It's all in how it's spun isn't it????
It doesn't matter whether you believe that FDR knew or didn't and for that matter it doesn't really matter whether he knew or not....It can be spun a lot of different ways. Just like the info we saw in the video in the first posting.
To take it a step further....
There is no proof that Churchill ever used opiates in college....
There is only speculation that FDR consulted astrologers.....
Hitler never cheated on his wife....but considering he got married 3 hours before he doesn't exactly carry a lot of weight in my mind.....
A lot of what I posted was to prove a point, not to debate the intelligence capabilities of the US Military in 1941.....Everything is relative to how it's spun and by whom.Last edited by Firechicken; 03-11-2008 at 02:50 PM.
Sometimes NOW are the "good old days"...
03-12-2008 09:34 AM #74
As a writer of historical articles on WWII, mostly air combat related, I see wacky crap like that often when I do research. The whole Pearl Harbor conspiracy crap is easy to debunk since if true it would have the President in intimate contact with Japanese strategy planners. Since it was Admiral Kimmel's decision to send the flat tops to Wake and Midway the President never had a part in something so low key as ship movements. It's ridiculous to imagine the Prez plotting out strategy for a couple minor islands in the vast Pacific.
The time involved for the carriers to weigh anchors and sail to the islands would have required a week's advanced knowledge that a Japanese attack was coming to Pearl so they'd be away.
Like the dumbazz 911 nuts. On one hand they call Bush an idiot then give him credit for masterminding the plot involving secretly planing explosives in the towers and more mind-numbing impossible crap.There is no substitute for cubic inches
03-12-2008 11:26 AM #75
The only conspiracy I give any credit to is the assassination of JFK.Ken Thomas
NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
The simplest road is usually the last one sought
Wild Willie & AA/FA's The greatest show in drag racing
Yep. And I seem to move 1 thing and it displaces something else with 1/2 of that landing on the workbench and then I forgot where I was going with this other thing and I'll see something else that...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI