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Thread: God Bless Gen. McChrystal

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  1. #16
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    If I were President and an underling did the things he did, he would be in my office, on the carpet, and lucky to leave with any rank at all. You simply can't have men, who should know better, shooting off their mouths just because they disagree with some policy. You expect more out of Generals, especially ones whose command is on that level.

    It's easy for us to sit here and second guess the decisions our elected officials make, but none of us are privy to the global pressures they are under or the politics they have to play to keep us one step ahead of our foes.

    McChrystal was a loose cannon and had to go, via quitting or being fired.


  2. #17
    Lord Antagonism is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Here's an angle I doubt anyone has considered. McChrystal has decades of service, and is no dummy. I'm thinking this was all done on purpose to force Obama to order him to retire because the marching orders cooked up by the White House and VP "Bite-Me" for the Afghanistan operation would have put McChrystal in an unwinnable situation that would leave a stain on his military career.

    From the lowest grunt to the highest brass it's a soldier's right to complain about the clowns running the circus, but you don't do it in front of civilians.

  3. #18
    Stu Cool's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lord Antagonism View Post
    Here's an angle I doubt anyone has considered. McChrystal has decades of service, and is no dummy. I'm thinking this was all done on purpose to force Obama to order him to retire because the marching orders cooked up by the White House and VP "Bite-Me" for the Afghanistan operation would have put McChrystal in an unwinnable situation that would leave a stain on his military career.

    From the lowest grunt to the highest brass it's a soldier's right to complain about the clowns running the circus, but you don't do it in front of civilians.
    This very thought occurred to me. But, since he has stepped on his goober string before, I think he just did it one too many times and in a fashion that could not be tolerated. If he wanted out, all had to do was announce his retirement for personal reasons. Others had mentioned General MacArthur as a comparison, I think General Patton would be a better choice. Brilliant military mind that let his mouth get him in trouble.

    Let's hope that General Patraeus and the troops in theater can be successful. Afghanistan is a tough nut to crack, just ask the Soviets and others before them.

    Last edited by Stu Cool; 06-24-2010 at 10:04 AM.
    Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong!

  4. #19
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    Sometimes things need to be said in a open forum like that so that people can see what's really going on.
    If he would have gone up against Obama in private, Obama would have tried to make his whole team look incompetent.
    See the Politicians are supposed to take recommendations from their Generals, obviously they are not doing that!
    If they were following his recommendations, the interview would have been a lot better.
    Politics can get a lot of soldiers killed as we seen with Vietnam.
    And if some of you have noticed the other side is not exactly playing by the rules either.
    And Gen. Mc Crystal knows this, he's the one that’s been on the ground over there the whole time.
    Never the less Gen. Petraeus is a great man and I hope he leads our troops and our country to Victory.

  5. #20
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    I know where you are comming from Louey.
    They vote everyone pay cuts then give them selves raises.
    Go figure!!! Politics at it's best.

  6. #21
    MelloYello's Avatar
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    The saddest part of ALL OF THIS, is that it ONLY boils down to "money movers" and "getting re-elected" - - - - NOT winning the WAR or protecting our Troops!
    " I'm drinking from my saucer, 'cause my cup is overflowed ! "

  7. #22
    vara4's Avatar
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    I agree Mello

  8. #23
    Hot Rod Surfer's Avatar
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    Tough decision for POTUS to make, here is a quote that might offer some insight...

    “The amazing thing about it is there’s no complaints from McChrystal or his staff about the administration on any substantive ground. After all, McChrystal and his allies won the argument within the White House. All the criticisms — of Eikenberry, of Jones, of Holbrooke, of Biden — are actually just immature and arrogant snipes at how annoying Team America (what, apparently, McChrystal’s crew calls itself) finds them. This is not mission-first, to say the least.”
    ...at least I'm enjoying the ride!

  9. #24
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    So what some of you are saying is all the military personal should be "YES" men/women and shouldn't speak the truth when it involves not only my child but 10's of thousands of other people children, wives, husbands, sons, daughters, and other friends & family members. Personally I'd rather be told the truth by someone who knows what is truly going on & has the guts to say it rather then a "NOBODY" who doesn't know squat about not only fighting a war let alone running this country.
    Having Obama as the head of our military is about as stupid as me doing brain surgery.
    Just because I seen it done on the health channel doesn't make me a doctor even if I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express.

    Oh and personally I would have told anyone who had the gonads to tell me I "HAD" to apologizes to the Pres. to go(& I'm saying this nicely so it doesn't get deleted) go drop dead. Because those words would have NEVER came out of my mouth in a million years, I have TOO much pride to let some NOBODY tell me what to do. Especially when most of the world & more then half of Americans thinks he's is a failure in every way. But then what do we expect from a NOBODY who has basically no political background, no military experience and during the time he was a Illinois Senator he didn't show up to do his job more then 50% of the time. But then what do we expect from a guy from Illinois's World Famous "CROOK" County...joe
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  10. #25
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    Geez Toomany... what are your true feelings??? BTW... I agree with your thoughts and think that the only thing General MC did wrong was voice his opinion in the wrong venue. No matter what happens he still has his pride for saying what he thought needed to be said. Look at it this way, he'll retire, write a book which Hollywood will make a movie of and he'll be rich! Sounds like a plan to me and then he can tell Mr. Obama to... anything he wants at that point! Greg

    Greg Kline
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  11. #26
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by TooMany2count View Post
    Having Obama as the head of our military is about as stupid as me doing brain surgery.

    during the time he was a Illinois Senator he didn't show up to do his job more then 50% of the time. But then what do we expect from a guy from Illinois's World Famous "CROOK" County...joe
    First of all, The Obamination has never had a job in his life where he had to do a budget, hire and administer people and work 8-5. He was a community organizer

    Next - he, if I recall had a 143 day job as senator before he started running around the country for the presidency, then of that 50% of the time noted he was at the Senate, much of the time he voted 'Here' rather then commit himself to a position. While in statistics it doesn't indicate a position, it does show attendance. And yes, I am a 'birther'. He hasn't yet nor has anyone else convinced me that he is Constitutionally qualified or electable. If he ever produces a real birth cert, then I'll change my mind.

    His direction in Afghanistan has cost increased numbers of American and other NATO countries young folks lives. We haven't had very many soldiers from my area killed in either Iraq or Afghanistan, but there were two local kids killed in the past week. Sad!!

    I hope General Petraeus has the cojones to get the job done here. He made it happen in Iraq.
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  12. #27
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    Q: "Why did Barack Obama take up golf?"

    A: "Because he heard it was a sport where you could improve your lie."

    mike in tucson

  13. #28
    Don Dalton's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bluvelle65 View Post
    Geez Toomany... what are your true feelings??? BTW... I agree with your thoughts and think that the only thing General MC did wrong was voice his opinion in the wrong venue. No matter what happens he still has his pride for saying what he thought needed to be said. Look at it this way, he'll retire, write a book which Hollywood will make a movie of and he'll be rich! Sounds like a plan to me and then he can tell Mr. Obama to... anything he wants at that point! Greg

    Greg, what do you think he got($'s) from the Rolling Stone Rag??? This could be the plan, he's no fool.
    Don D


  14. #29
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    It would be nice if the Prez would approach the unemployment problem, oil leak problem, border problem, and all the others with the speed and vigor he uses to go after a General and his staff over some off-the-cuff comments. JMO.

  15. #30
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    Here is a quote from Breitbart site written by Jeff Dunetz:

    "McChrystal is a Four-Star General, a position you do not achieve by being an idiot. Today’s military leadership is well schooled not only in war-making but in diplomacy. He knew what the content of the article would be. He also knew that the article would lead his own dismissal (or the proverbial resignation letter where he says he’s quitting to spend more time with his family).

    The Rolling Stone interview highlights the difference in the leadership styles of the President and the General. When this President faces a crisis, he looks for someone either internally or externally to blame. On the other hand, the General sees the War in Afghanistan reaching a crisis point because of the way it is being waged, rather than looking to find a scapegoat in his ranks as Obama would do, McChrystal found a way to let the country know what is really happening, while at the same time redirect any criticism for the war effort, away from his men and on to his own wide shoulders.

    Notice that even in his apology above,the General does not take back the comments, he simply apologizes for making the comments. The Military commander was sending his troops and the administration a message. To the troops he was saying ” I have your backs even to the point of hurting my own career.” The message for the administration was, “Your way isn’t working, let us do what is necessary to win this war. Even though this was a violation of the Code of Honor, the General’s statements were a service to America and to his men by confirming what we all suspected, the President and his administration does not have a clue."

    The General does not need nor got any payment from Rolling Stone, he will do fine with his military retirement, his speaking fees, and probably a book deal on his mission (not his interview). mike in tucson.

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