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Thread: Daytona

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  1. #11
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
    Join Date
    Jul 2003
    Car Year, Make, Model: '67 Ranchero, '57 Chevy, '82 Camaro,

    Amazing what the crew chiefs and crews can do with the constraints NASCAR places on them...Restirictor plates are smaller (again) and still everybody who is anybody was turning 200+ laps!!! By themselves, the cars will run high 180's but paired up they're instantly at 200!!

    Bump drafting and 3 or 4 wide in the turns is good racing IMO!!!! These are some of the best racers in the world, maybe they're just so good they make it look too easy and some would construe this as a boring race???? First rule to remember in any race is that before you can finish first you must first finish!!! Running that close at those speeds has got to be the most mentally and physically draining activities in any sport!!!! I've got to wonder what they would be running with no restrictor plates, 240 or 250 mph +??

    Then on the horizon for 2012 fuel injection is coming... Maybe it will be like the restrictor plates are now and you'll be given your ECM when you show up at the track?? Maybe for the first year the NASCAR tech guys will be able to slow the cars down a bit, but I'm sure given half a season or so the crew chiefs and engineers will again start showing a steady increase in speed.

    Maybe paired up racing on the superspeedways isn't "exciting" for all the fans, guess I just sit back and marvel at the adjustments the crews and drivers continuously make to keep their cars up front. Strategy is going to become an even bigger factor at Daytona and Talladega then it has been before. Getting your car paired up with the right guy at the right time is probaly what will win the race.....sounds easy except for the other 42 drivers thinking the same thing!!!

    Anyway, this week is for sure going to be a crazy one at Daytona!
    Last edited by Dave Severson; 02-13-2011 at 05:04 PM.
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