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Thread: Chimney top.

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  1. #16
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    When I was looking at the picture of your chimney I was thinking "How did he get that up there?" I hate heights and even looking at that picture made me queezy.

    I am a little disappointed that you didn't pinstripe that piece though.


  2. #17
    tango's Avatar
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    Here is some info for Folks to read who Like to burn them Nice Wood Fires .

    Effects of Wood Smoke
    Wisdom is acquired by experience, not just by age

  3. #18
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    As bad as smoke is, we at least are burning wood in a catalytic 75%+ efficient fireplace that is eligible for tax credit & built in the USA providing US jobs. Not saying burning wood is clean, just saying we are doing what we can to minimize it's affects, unlike those who are smoking up the neighborhood burning leaves & yard waste. Fossil fuels have a negative impact also, not to mention depleting that resource. I don't know of a magic alternative, all forms of heat have their plus's & minus's.

    Product Detail | Gas Fireplaces | Wood Inserts | Electric Fireplaces | Fireplace Xtrordinair
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  4. #19
    rspears's Avatar
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    I found a product called CreAway, a white powder that converts glazed creosote to a brittle, flaky state that can very easily be cleaned away with a traditional brush on a rope or from below with fiberglass rods. No dust, just a shower of small black flakes that can easily be vaccumed with a shop vac. Start a fire, then spray the powder into the gas stream so it's carried up into the chimney. EZ and effective. We use our little wood stove primarily as a backup heat source in case of power loss, being all electric. Normal heat/cool is a ground source heat pump (geothermal).
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  5. #20
    1gary is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    All this warnings about you can't do this or you can't do that.The people with all this advise want ME to pay for what they think is better.Never have a idea that involves them paying for the freight.OOOOO-use electric because it is the cleanness form of heat.AAAAAA-most of that comes from coal burning electric companies.Yeah but,but there are nuk power plants.OK-OK the waste from that we'll bury in YOUR backyard to glow for ever so your grand kids have something to remember you by.

    I am soooo tired of all the darn do gooders and their warnings and what I end up paying for.I have lived in my 64 yrs on this god's green earth do all those things they say I can't and ya know what??.I haven't had to bite down a silver bullet yet.Really not planning to anytime soon.
    Good Bye

  6. #21
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    I try to do what I can within reason, but I don't see the benefit of being a fanatic about it either. I agree with 1gary. As long as there's guys like Al Gore threatening to tax cow farts, it's hard to take them too serious.
    "PLAN" your life like you will live to 120.
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  7. #22
    tango's Avatar
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    1gary Keep disregarding all them safety Warnings . Sooner or Later you will get bit in the azz for it . As for the Guys who do in fact care . I thank you for that
    Wisdom is acquired by experience, not just by age

  8. #23
    1gary is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Well it better be sooner than later.Cause at my age there ant much later.

    Tell ya what.I got a deal for ya.YOU STOP having kids leaving me more space to live my life as I choose and I promise not to change.It's a win-win cause than you don't have to worry yourself at all about me.

    See even to this day the Chinese have it right.They respect their elders because with that kind of experience comes the real def of Wisdom.I'm just saying here..............

    I am very sorry to the O/P for this off topic postings.Only excuse is to deal with a user the just loves to stir the pot.Yepper I should be smarter than this and I am going to punish myself all today mentally all day thinking about it.
    Last edited by 1gary; 11-02-2011 at 03:38 AM.
    Good Bye

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