Thread: This Is Not A CraigsList Notice
04-09-2012 04:03 PM #271
I agree with you, but running a non resident n against a resident n I'll take the resident if I know nothing about either---sorta like I'd rather have a rambler than a O'mercedes or O'bmw-
And I'm still pee oood about the situation---------
He had the senate seat so screwed up that Blago couldn't get any bids on it$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
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04-09-2012 04:33 PM #272
Yes, Please EVERYONE do you own homework! Seek the truth!
HMmmm.. let's see. A STATE RUN insurance program, mandated by the STATE, in a STATE that ran off every insurance company known in the free world! Corrupt? Why would you think that? Now "they" needed to make it mandatory for all our STATE citizens to have insurance of some fashion. If you cannot prove that you've paid for an insurance program, then we'll penalize you and force "our state program" onto you, oh, and if you're not a citizen, (legal or not) no worries we'll GIVE you our best policy! Free of charge! OH and you don't have to prove your a citizen! Just say you just got here! Make up something, they can't catch you! Even the Feds are to busy to check where the aliens are!
My point is Dave, That Romney ran as a conservative because the people of this state had reached their fill of Democrat politics as usual. On a rare occasion the citizens of Massachusetts chose a conservative to try and balance the political arena. Seemed like the natural thing to do until Romney changed his stripes and decided that he wanted to go higher in his polical ambitions, what better way than to ram rod "Health Care for the Masses"?? Do you believe for a second that the Mass. Democratic Party would denounce the idea? HAH! They were in heaven! Let us spend more money that we do not have!
This was almost as bad as the Dukakis "Massachusetts Miracle!" Even as the factories were headed for Mexico!
Anyway, many citizens in the state cried foul! And the Romney machine ran us all over! How can a government decide what you'll own??? I hope you vote for him and when he decides we all should wear purple socks, you can be the first one in line! And don't forget to keep you FEDERAL mandated cell phone on so they'll know your location at a whim..
I guess I'll be writing in Mickey Mouse again! I'll never vote for him! He is an Etch A Sketch!
04-09-2012 04:58 PM #273
Your right it was his grandfather who served. My mistake.Charlie
Lovin' what I do and doing what I love
Some guys can fix broken NO ONE can fix STUPID
Christian in training
04-09-2012 05:13 PM #274
I cannot comment on the events in your state government, but state to federal is like apples & oranges in approach. As I said before, the key to a good president is having someone who's smart enough to know that they don't know everything, and having enough charisma to convince industry leaders to invest their time to make things better. My hope is that as a successful business man, Romney has enough moxy to put together a good team, and then that he's smart enough to listen to them. Will he be the next Reagan?? I don't even have a hope for him to be that good, but if he's half as good he'll be ten times better than what we have now.Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
04-09-2012 06:14 PM #275
Sorry Roger, but I think he's a chameleon. What do you want him to be? He'll make every attempt to be that. The only real truth about Romney (IMHO!) is that no one knows the real person. He is the ultimate politician, his message you ask? It depends what part of the country he's standing in.
04-09-2012 06:42 PM #276
Yep, and look at Reagan. His whole career he "played the roles", and became a pretty good actor. As the president of the Screen Actors Guild he learned that being on point for everyone in the group was a serious thing, and he was smart enough to know that life is really a series of roles, but with real and severe consequences. You have some personal baggage with Romney from the state level, but again, state politics is totally different arena than the presidency. My hope is that the chameleon will take on the right colors for the situation. In all truth, if he surrounds himself with enough strength, and has the good sense to listen to them, then a chameleon might be a pretty good fit!!Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
04-09-2012 08:39 PM #277
04-10-2012 10:03 AM #278
I really don't think Mike intended that as a personal shot at you. I read it as an open comment to everyone (maybe more at me than you??) that's been commenting about Romney's state record maybe not being as important as Mike believes it to be. I hope you're still reading this, and that you'll stick around as I enjoy your insights here, and your techinal experience across the board.Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
04-10-2012 10:27 AM #279
And this is why we do not allow political threads on CHR very often. People take things like this personal, noses get bent out of joint, and people leave.
Personally, I do not believe cars and politics mix at all. We are getting to the point (again) where stuff like this effects the friendly atmosphere we have here. If I shut this one down, there will be no reprieves, no second chances, that will be it on political posts of any kind from that time forward.......Choice is yours ladies and gents........I'll go back to lurking..........
Bill S.Instead of being part of the problem, be part of a successful solution.
04-10-2012 10:43 AM #280
First off..............thanks Bill for not doing a knee jerk closing of this thread, you're being very fair in this and I hope the others appreciate that it's a gift to be able to vent, even though we don't always agree. From my perspective this political stuff isn't too far different than some of the automotive stuff. Ford vs. Chevy "discussions" can be pretty polarized well as types of wheels, preferred colors, and so on.
As for Dave being offended enough to want to walk, that's certainly his choice, he knows his emotions best. He and Mike have a history of friendly banter, give and take, and apparent mutual respect demonstrated in at least one particularly long running thread. If they value that relationship I would suggest that they try to figure out how to repair it in the world of PMs or emails. They're grown boys, I'm sure they've already figured that out.
As for the broad subject range of this particular thread, many of the things we discuss here have either a direct or indirect affect on our hobby, and if we can deal with these subjects in a responsible way we can all benefit. Let's keep it going in a reasonable fashion please.Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
04-10-2012 11:08 AM #281
As a person undecided, and unhappy with both candidates, I enjoy this thread. It's a source of a lot of info, I can't find elsewhere. Like Bob said, the effects of this next election will be huge on the direction our hobby(repressented by this site) will go in the future. To be honest I am even more concerned about what will happen to our 2nd Ammendment Rights, as a result of who gets elected. Here in california, if a quack can dream it, it becomes a possibility of a law. I worry that by time I get my truck on the road, I won't be allowed to use it. I already don't have the right to defend and protect it here, without the chance of me ending up in jail, protecting my property. I like the discussions concerning what's next to be a legal requirement. Will we eventually have to wear helmets in our cars as that will be safer? Cell phones manditory so we can call 911? Health Insurance manditory for citizens but not illegals at the cost of tax paying citizens? These are real questions that deserve discussion, if for no other reason, than make people stop and think, listen to what is being said and question it, instead of blindly accepting it. I believe a few hundred years ago, most of our ancestors came here to get away from taxation, and big government. Somewhere along the line, they lobbys and and private interest groups, made sure no one would be elected without their support, so now we have candidates who say anything to get elected, but don't deliver once in office. Keep this discussion alive. Thanks Bill." "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
04-10-2012 11:25 AM #282
I agree, I totally enjoy the freeflowing information that is provided, including regional insights of which I may not otherwise be aware. The events of the day are often a direct impact on our hobby, as Bob points out. Case in point, the EPA's recent action on the E15 fuel without the needed research into the true impacts of the increased amounts of ethanol, and their approach to protect older vehicles, lawn equipment, boats, etc, etc, etc by placing stickers on the pumps warning of potential damages, even though some OEM's have mentioned warranty impacts even on newer stuff?? How silly is that?? And Kansas is one of the first states targeted for implementing the switch from E10!!
All things considered I would like to see the thread and the discussions we've had continue. But that said, I for darned sure don't want this thread, or any other thread for that matter, to be the cause of someone walking away from CHR. Hopefully we can all keep things from being seen as personal slings & arrows.Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
04-10-2012 12:14 PM #283
Santorum suspends his race for election.Charlie
Lovin' what I do and doing what I love
Some guys can fix broken NO ONE can fix STUPID
Christian in training
04-10-2012 01:11 PM #284
04-10-2012 01:19 PM #285
And to anyone who reads this, I apologize if I offended you. It was never my intention to stir the pot as it were.
Dave's reaction catches me totally off guard and leaves me second guessing.. Again, if I upset or angered you, please accept my apology!
Thanks to the mod's for not tossin' me out! I'll try to do better in the future.
Yep. And I seem to move 1 thing and it displaces something else with 1/2 of that landing on the workbench and then I forgot where I was going with this other thing and I'll see something else that...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI