Thread: This Is Not A CraigsList Notice
08-24-2012 11:12 AM #676
I remember Governor Stevenson and am old enough to have voted for his opponent in 1956. I'll agree, Allen, that is a clever quotation. I like it.
Another of his quotations, one that gives ME a good chuckle, says: "In America anyone can be President. That's one of the risks you take!"
The present administration shows how great that risk can be.
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08-24-2012 11:32 AM #677
Wasn't Stevenson from Illinois?Ken Thomas
NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
The simplest road is usually the last one sought
Wild Willie & AA/FA's The greatest show in drag racing
08-24-2012 01:29 PM #678
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
08-24-2012 06:31 PM #679
I guess the closer to election we get, the more mud will be slung from both sides. In the end, everyone needs to vote for who they feel best represents them. For once I feel that Obama isn't my choice. Doesn't mean I love Republican or Democrats, just looking for a change from this last 4 years, just like I was 4 years prior to that! Dave pretty much sums it up clearest, they all are corrupt self serving liers. Politicians aren't people, they are self serving power hungry individuals, who don't care or respect "we the People!"" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
08-24-2012 07:39 PM #680
Ya know what guys? None of this crap really means anything!!!! The people we'd better vote for this year are the one's who are ready to do something about the upcoming food shortage in this country!!!!!! Corn is over $8.00 a bushel already, and the full impact of this falls corn shortages aren't even beginning to be felt yet! Three guys I talked with this week sold their pigs (over 1,000 head feeder pig to slaughter operations) and will not be buying more because the price of corn negates any possibility of a profit!!! Cattle feeder buddy of mine in Nebraska was going to chop all his corn (the little their is) for silage, buy more cattle and feed them.---Wrong, the corn is so high in nitrates and low in nutrition it's not even fit for cattle feed. Then add to this a government that mandates 10% ethanol in gasoline, and is trying to increase this to 15%. This will add even more to the price of corn, some say around $11.00 a bushel by harvest time, and all of a sudden we have placed fuel in front of food!!!!! You think a bit of a dilemma in the agricultural part of the country doesn't involve you??? If you eat, you're involved in agriculture!!!! Some have bemoaned the farm program and farm subsidies--many of which have been ignored by Congress and are now or soon will expire. Don't expect farmers to raise pigs and cattle at a loss!!! Left to simple economics of supply and demand, corn will sell to the highest bidder (ethanol production) and food production will suffer terribly!
That's it in a nutshell. The national debt, world economics, ad nauseum will mean very little this winter when you're trying to figure out how the heck you're going to afford to put food on the table!!! How's $12.00 a pound pork chops, and $15.00 a pound hamburger sound???? If that fits into your budget, then you must be right up there in income with Mitt and the boys!!!!! Is this the price we must be willing to pay to keep government out of big business???? I sure as heck don't have all the answers, I'm not even sure what all the questions will be but what I am sure of is that if the idiots in Washington don't quit arguing about a bunch of stupid, meaningless bs and become a proactive government instead of a reactive government it's going to be a long, hungry winter for a lot of us!!!!!
Can we still afford to keep our troops in countries that don't even want us their (at the cost of how many human lives and how many billion dollars annually? Is there anybody running for any office who actually gives a hoot about the day to day problems the majority of us face now, or the problems coming in the future??? If nothing POSITIVE is done soon in Washington we could conceivably fall into a depression that makes the recessions of 2008 and 2012 seem trivial!!!!! I'm to the stage that I could care less about what anyone wants to do about situations throughout the world, I'm looking for the people who have a plan for feeding the people in this country and some sort of plan for economic survival for Joe Average!!!!!
What do you expect from the people you vote for???Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
08-24-2012 08:54 PM #681
I've let these kind of comments, yours and Steve's along with a couple others, slide as usual grousing. But it's time to try to interject some sensibility in this portion of the commentary. Do we have problems with crooked, self serving politicians. Sure, we get the government we deserve. If we believe the government should have the power to rule our lives............this is what we get. They tell us what kind of light bulbs we can use. Tell us we must use food, or land that could grow food alternately, for purposes other than food. Piss away borrowed money to fund pixie dust energy boondogles, and on and on..................we've listed a bunch throughout this thread.
But what really bugs me is this, "they're all the same, IT DOESN'T MATTER WHO YOU VOTE FOR" B.S. It does matter. It seems this "it doesn't matter...." crap always comes up when certain politicians are in trouble in the polls or focus groups. Then it gets filtered into the media messages in a subtle way.............."Congress is disfunctional....", "Such and so are obstructing....." and so forth. When one segment of the political spectrum doesn't get a blank check the other guy is unreasonable for not caving in. Funny, we never got any of that "disfunctional" jazz a couple years ago. The media's guys had full control...............................and look at the results. You want government to "do something"? When they have full control of the medical system they'll literally have the power to say whether you live or die at their whim.
The 2010 election was the people sending a clear message that a significant number of the population didn't like what happened in Congress and from the White House. Some of you don't like or agree with that message, but it was a democratically expressed message.........not controlled by the top of the political system and it's lap dog propaganda machine. A good number of those folks elected then are trying to put some dampers on an excessive government, but don't have the numbers yet to make it happen. They are, of course, a target of the power hungry and could just as easily lose their seats. THAT'S why this "they're all the same......" junk gets spread. It's a TACTIC to subtly suppress voter turn out. Think about it...................who would benefit most from a dejected electorate in this election cycle. If you (the general you, not Dave specifically) can't figure that out, maybe you shouldn't vote. The founding fathers wisely structured our government with the intent that no politician could annoint himself king (or similar). They purposely wanted divided power so that all factions could have a chance and none be suppressed by some authoritarian structure. It saddens me to see too many in our society lose sight of that and as a result, intentional or not doesn't matter, throw away freedom for the common man.Last edited by Bob Parmenter; 08-24-2012 at 09:02 PM.
Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
08-24-2012 09:04 PM #682
Dave, the corn we eat is not the corn they make fuel out of. Post 673. I know prices will be going up do to the lack of corn , If they were growing all FOOD corn it wouldn't be as bad. Bob I can't wait to try and get a ballot before election day as I want to sit and go over all the canditdates. Or I will be spending a lot of time at the pole in November. I never have and realy don't think anyone should just vote a stight ticket.Charlie
Lovin' what I do and doing what I love
Some guys can fix broken NO ONE can fix STUPID
Christian in training
08-25-2012 05:59 AM #683
hell nobody votes in this country. the numbers are embarrassing . they set home on their ass and watch football, do their farming at krogers and think bitching will fix it. when i was a kid there was a garden in every back yard and most had some chickens to boot.
what i want to see is someone with the balls to cut all the bullshit out of the budget. somebody tell me why an old fat farmer in texas has to pay taxes to give to the new york arts district ???? cut it all. period. trying to read all the social programs we fund will cross your eyes. most are pure bullshit to start with. every senator and congressman are scared they wont get a piece of the pie . we elected these old bastards now we need to get rid of them . and you do that by voting not watching football. another waste of tax dollars and real estate .
08-25-2012 07:14 AM #684
Well, the corn grown around here goes into many, many more products then just canned corn. A shortage of any corn will raise the prices of all corn!!! By the way, sweet corn is grown in the same part of the country, only difference it matures and is harvested earlier....the drought has effected the sweet corn fields, too.... If a shortage of canned corn that we eat were the only problem, it wouldn't be a problem~~~Last edited by Dave Severson; 08-25-2012 at 07:18 AM.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
08-25-2012 07:16 AM #685
As far as congress is concerned-the term "they" is a convenience term where no one is held accountable for a bill or act.Show me a guy that on this date sponsored a bill and it turned out bad.Accountability is the key to cleaning this up.Core facts matter and not media lead stories.Good Bye
08-25-2012 07:50 AM #686
Ok Bob, all that is true.... but Shine's post nailed the real truth and does more then blame someone for all of our problems. Voter apathy and the resultant pitiful low voter turnout is the problem. I don't think everyone is fooled by the media, I'd like to give most people credit for having a bit more intelligence then that. It would seem to me that you and a lot of others view the majority of us as a bunch of babbling idiots who are like lambs being led to the slaughter.... If all your beliefs don't come from what you hear and what you read, then where do they come from??? But you are correct in saying we have the government we deserve, the government that apathy put into power and apathy allows to remain in power. It's easy to blame someone else, be it the media, liberals, conservatives, or whoever but we all must also remember that when one finger is pointing at some one, many times 3 fingers are pointing back at the real culprit!!!! It's just the same old blame game, "I didn't do it, it's all _______ fault". Much easier to just complain.... Just what is it that makes your sources any more credible then Alan's or anyone else's??? Right wing and left wing spread the propaganda and bs at the same rate!!!!!
By the way, election time doesn't mean anything is going to be cured. The rising food prices will start before that and by the time January comes around and all the newbies actually take over in Congress and the White House (big maybe on the White House) rising prices will already be upon us. Again, we're waiting on a reactive government and not a proactive government....
One final note, if Mitt Romney is our last best hope, we're all in a heap of trouble anyway!!!! The only plan our purpose I've heard him come up with is that somehow, magically, he's going to do away with Obama's health care plan his first day in office and the he has a plan to fix the economy Or is it just as secret as Obama's "secret agenda" that many would have us believe will cause the end of the country????
Obama supporters are very enthusiastic about him for their own reason, and will probably show up at the polls in great numbers.. Let's just hope that Romney's supporters are just as enthusiastic and will show up at the polls in greater numbers!!!! I'm one of "them" who is not voting for Romney but rather voting against Obama..... I don't believe Romney is the right man for the job, but I guess he's better then what we have....
One party is not all good, nor is the other party all bad.... Voter's need to vote for the man and not just the party....Both parties have good people and bad people.... Perhaps if for this election, voters would vote for the people who are going to best look out for ALL of us and not just the special interests who they represent.... If not, then it's correct that "it doesn't make any difference". A sad thing to say, but the way I see it, the truth.....
PS--my prediction for voter turnout is 43%.....pitiful. We will again get just exactly what we deserve.....Last edited by Dave Severson; 08-25-2012 at 07:56 AM.
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
08-25-2012 07:59 AM #687
bush did it and clinton knew........
08-25-2012 10:00 AM #688
The part about voting for people and not party lines I like a whole lot Dave. My only concern is if that would create more deadlock in getting something done.
I think the law needing to be passed is a ban of special interest groups from government. Cure the problem completely.
Then limit or remove all advisory staff.Make a member of congress stand alone in his views.It's that what the founding fathers meant it to be??. Hell we vote for members of congress and end up not getting what we are paying for.
A law saying these side stories about people having nothing to do with job performance are not allowed and that way we do attract the best and brightest. I am still somewhat ticked about Chris Christie not being a valid candidate because of his wt.If he is 500lbs and does a good job,all I give a damm about is the job he is doing. What got my respect was him saying in a interview that his personal life has nothing to do with him being governor.Yeah-he spoke up for himself and I gave him tons of credit for it.Also said his being governor is a open book for the job he is doing and questions about that go ahead and ask whatever the interviewer liked.
08-25-2012 11:55 AM #689
How could voting for the qualified individual as opposed to a party ticket increase the deadlock? Do you actually believe that voting a party ticket, regardless of the qualifications of the individuals on that ticket can IMPROVE the situation? If that's true we're definitely in bigger trouble than any of us have put forth to date!
As far as banning special interest groups, and then banning (your words)these side stories about people having nothing to do with job performance
Eliminate the staff of our elected congressmen? In today's information flood it would be totally impossible for any one of them to be informed about the things they were voting for, IMO. The ability for a stand-alone congressman to function probably ended about 1950, and even then they would have had to have a secretarial staff at a minimum.
Chris Christie? Who the heck is Chris Christie? From your description he sounds like the Mark Mangino of New York State politics! His personal life has nothing to do with his qualifications to be Governor? Give me a break!! If the guy can't keep his personal life in order then he for darned sure doesn't need to be representing the people. Or at least keep him in New York and away from KANSAS!!! We've got enough troubles with guys skinny dipping in the Sea of Galilee!!Roger
Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.
08-25-2012 12:23 PM #690
we dont need any more laws. we need to enforce the ones we have.
Yep. And I seem to move 1 thing and it displaces something else with 1/2 of that landing on the workbench and then I forgot where I was going with this other thing and I'll see something else that...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI