Thread: This Is Not A CraigsList Notice
10-06-2012 11:41 AM #1066
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10-06-2012 12:11 PM #1067
I can't vouch for anything that's in there, Mike, and I can't dispute anything that's in there either. My own contribution to that lengthy speech consists of the three sentences above the dotted line.
I will agree with you, if there are inaccuracies in it or if there are not, it's still enough to scare the britches off of just about anybody.
10-06-2012 02:35 PM #1068
yesterday the unemployment numbers came out at 7.8% that was planed last July unemployment rate is people registered for work if people give up they go off the unemployment role obama knows that so he issues an executive order that welfare recipients no longer have to register for work so the are not counted employed timed to hit just before the elections if you ad thoes people back in you have an 8.3% just what the c.b.o. and all the economist said it would be CAN TOU SAY CHICAGO POLITICS.....tedI'LL KEEP MY PROPERTY, MY MONEY, MY FREEDOM, AND MY GUNS, AND YOU CAN KEEP THE CHANGE------ THE PROBLEM WITH LIBERALISM IS SOONER OR LATER YOU RUN OUT OF OTHER PEOPLES MONEY margaret thacher 1984
10-06-2012 02:40 PM #1069
as far as big bird is concerned the big bird franchise makes more than 200 million dollars a year and donates much of that to the d.n.c. he doesn't need our tax money......tedI'LL KEEP MY PROPERTY, MY MONEY, MY FREEDOM, AND MY GUNS, AND YOU CAN KEEP THE CHANGE------ THE PROBLEM WITH LIBERALISM IS SOONER OR LATER YOU RUN OUT OF OTHER PEOPLES MONEY margaret thacher 1984
10-06-2012 03:06 PM #1070
I don't think it matters much who is president. That is whole thing is a show and tell side show that offends me congress thinks that little of me and my intelligents.
So Obama did use his power to side step a deadlocked congress is very telling who needs to be changed and who is in power.It's congress's members that need to go...............
10-06-2012 03:12 PM #1071
socialism works great until you run out of other peoples money .
10-06-2012 04:47 PM #1072
Dave W
I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug
10-06-2012 04:54 PM #1073
Hahahahahahaaaaa......... Hee hee hee hee hee hee.... Rrrroooffffllllll ic2, that is funny!
10-06-2012 05:22 PM #1074
know what you got when you have a politician buried to his neck in sand ???????????
not enough sand ...............
10-06-2012 05:44 PM #1075
Those executive orders that Obummer is writing are all about eliminating checks and balances which keep the government from doing anything against the wishes of the people. I suspect George Soros is writing them and Obummer is signing them.
I don't understand how the American people can be so blind.
We're just about to lose this country of ours and people like me who speak out will be eliminated. The rest of the sheeple will be put to work "toward the common good". Why can't people see this??????
Go back to post #1096 submitted by Big Tracks and read the Executive Orders slowly and carefully. What else can you make of all that, than a takeover. It's all right there in black and white.
Look at #11921. If you had the best interest of the American citizen at heart, why would you want to prevent Congress from acting for 6 months on a state of emergency declared by the President???????????????????? What do you think Thomas Jefferson would have to say about just this one item??????????????Last edited by techinspector1; 10-06-2012 at 06:23 PM.
10-07-2012 09:59 AM #1076
Mike - You might very well be right.
BUT ........ (and I'd bet you saw that coming) you seem to be presenting "" as a reliable and truthful source of information. Frankly, I believe that's not the case.
Their website is described as as “a project of the Annenberg Public Policy Center” at the University of Pennsylvania. Click on the “About Us” button you quickly find the following statement: “We are a nonpartisan, nonprofit ‘consumer advocate’ for voters that aims to reduce the level of deception and confusion in U.S. politics.”
To quote Colonel Potter on the old "M*A*S*H*" show, HORSE HOCKEY!
This "nonpartisan" project is funded by the Annenberg Foundation. This foundation awarded nearly $50 Million to a reform project for Chicago public schools that operated from 1995 to 2001. A founding member of the organization was Bill Ayers. On the board of directors was none other than ..... BARAK OBAMA!
I'll be darned! I didn't realize that he was nonpartisan.
I have mentioned before that I am an insomniac, and that can be a real "bummer" but it gives me time in the wee hours of the morning to ponder life's great mysteries and do some deep thinking.
(Is anybody still reading this crap?)
Anyway, last night I got up and started doing some googling. I find that a great many "truth-and-nothing-but-the-truth" websites like FactCheck have popped up in recent months. All non partisan, of course.
JimLast edited by Big Tracks; 10-10-2012 at 06:32 AM.
10-07-2012 10:47 AM #1077
Jim I definitely agree with you as far as "unbiased" information that is out there. I honestly don't know of any single place that a person can go to get true facts.
In a former life I was an intelligence analyst and in another a production control clerk (the person responsible for all the reports dealing with production, costs analysts, individual productivity, etc.). The few things I took away with me was…..never rely on a single source of information and even with 2 or more sources the truth often lies somewhere in the middle. The other is that facts and figures and be easily manipulated (not necessarily lied about……but put in a certain context to look favorable or unfavorable)
One of the most current examples I’ve noticed are the articles concerning campaign fund raising. The top article says Obama Raises $181 Million and the headline below it proclaims Romney raises 12 Million……..You have to read the articles to find out that Obama’s fundraising figure was over a month and Romney’s was on-line donations over a 2 day period.
I personally feel that the key to getting good elected officials is a well informed public…..a difficult situation when trying to find a media outlet that doesn’t have its own agenda.
.I've NEVER seen a car come from the factory that couldn't be improved.....
10-07-2012 10:55 AM #1078
I do think everything here is based off a broken government system that has been broken for yrs. I truly do believe that. Seems everyone longs for a Thomas Jefferson era concept of government when given the current times that won't work and hasn't for a long,long,time.
10-07-2012 11:34 AM #1079
It's funny you say that Gary, because I think we are headed towards an all powerfull government, that will dictate so many restrictions to our lives and pursuit of happiness, that many people feel oppressed like the original colonist did. People feel already they are being overtaxed by the government. I for one find it interesting, that everytime a vehicle is sold, california taxes the buyer. When I bought my 48 Ford truck, registration fees were over 500 dollars. I told the guy behind the desk, that the truck probably cost about 500 dollars new. And if they had been collecting fees on it for close to 60 years at that time, that the owners could have bought several new trucks with what was paid to legally keep this one on the road!
He just said So?
So I have to say there is alot of merit to what you said." "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
10-07-2012 11:36 AM #1080
"Here's some TRUTH about the conservative BS machine you might want to watch."
Lefty would never have a BS machine, they are the poster children for that. Not going to waste my time viewing some joke show. I also do not want trickel down government.
Will tell ya I did see the debate. How about you, enjoy that show did ya ?Last edited by pepi; 10-07-2012 at 11:40 AM.
I have two brains, one is lost and the other is out looking for it
Stole from FB...
the Official CHR joke page duel