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  1. #1156
    1gary is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    See the edited post above. I'm done, too much oinking.
    OMGNot enough for the edit,but then had to give directions to it.

  2. #1157
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by IC2 View Post

    Mr Mustang /Bill. Dump me if you deem it necessary
    As long as you agree to disagree, I see no reason to "dump you".

    Bill S.

    PS: I will of course use this post to make a general warning as there are two (T-W-O) high maintenance users (no not you IC2) on this thread who warrant a potential time out. I will not mention names as I believe in staying as neutral as I can. They know who they are, and at any given time, should they not follow the rules of decorum in regards to this thread, they will be removed until after the elections are over. No other warning will be posted.
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  3. #1158
    1gary is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Ya know what guys. Both sides of the isle learn once in the Presidents office it is a whole new game of politics. I think running for the office and making promises before hand and changing direction on those promises is just apart of it. I do think that is a fair statement.

    My point about Mitt was he was bagged,sealed,and delivered back in 2008 by Kennedy in a debate and lost the election.Someone got to him and told him if he ever wanted to run for President this is what he would have to do. Now look at those changes and I do think it is logical that is what happened. Now my point,that isn't leadership,that's selling out.

  4. #1159
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    i want to see the law that makes it illegal to become successful. i want to see proof that romney did something illegal to earn his wealth. i can not believe anyone could possibly believe if he had that the irs would not be up his butt with a microscope .

    on another site they were making a big deal about romney and his wife having approx 250k invested in chinese companies. the romney's wealth is stated at 250 million. in a trust administered by his lawyer. show me a hedge fund without chinese investments or without big oil . show me a retirement fund without big oil or toyota . your 401k's are as much of the problem as anybody else.
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  5. #1160
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    I asked the same thing back in post #1183 still haven't seen it
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  6. #1161
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    This is a bit of a “gear change” but I believe it to be relevant and germane to our “overall discussion” as we now see some very interesting poll numbers and I even heard Sam Donaldson say this morning, “… it looks like the election may be Mr. Romney’s to lose.” Interesting that even staunch democrats and liberals are starting to distance themselves from Mr. Obama as they always want to be perceived (yeah right) as supporting the winner.

    I believe what has caused this shift is the unfortunate events in Banghazi that are now coming to light and it is obvious that this administration attempted to downplay and then cover up an egregious lack of support for Ambassador Christopher Stevens and his staff. This has nothing to do with any “previous administration” and surely even the most ardent supporters of Mr. Obama must realize that the buck has stopped at his desk (by way of Hilary Clinton) and that he is ultimately responsible for the brutal murder of Americans at the hands of terrorists. This is by far and away more important than the results of any debate in influencing the people of America to swing the polls in favor of Mr. Romney.

    As to Mr. Romney’s wealth – most who complain about such are jealous. The big difference between me and Bill Gates is that he was at the right place at the right time and he was willing to take risks that I would not have! Why isn’t Bill Gates “demonized” as Mr. Romney is? He was certainly born to a well-to-do family (look up Preston, Gates & Ellis – Attorneys at Law). I’ve yet to hear anyone bash Bill – oh wait; he’s a liberal democrat so it’s okay for him to be rich. How about George Soros? Ah yes, another liberal who finances all kinds of “anti-republican” efforts with millions of dollars – but hey, that’s alright because his political views are free speech and protected by the First Amendment to the Constitution - just like yours and mine are!!

    Regards All,
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  7. #1162
    MelloYello's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bob Parmenter View Post
    Um, I've reread the sentence...............I'm pretty sure the "DON'T DO THAT" refers to the complacency, or ambivalence portion of the prior sentence. My apologies if that's unclear.
    mistake was probably mine - - - old eyes, old brain and, well, you know !
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  8. #1163
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    Quote Originally Posted by MelloYello View Post
    - - - old eyes, old brain and, well, you know !
    All too well..............
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  9. #1164
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    I was sittin' here thinking. We had another president accused of a cover-up, didn't we?

    His name will come to me .....

    How was his transgression handled? I forget.

    Oh well, he was a Republican anyway so there's no chance of that happening this time.


  10. #1165
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    Quote Originally Posted by Big Tracks View Post
    I was sittin' here thinking. We had another president accused of a cover-up, didn't we?

    His name will come to me .....

    How was his transgression handled? I forget.

    Oh well, he was a Republican anyway so there's no chance of that happening this time.


    You mean the bungled third rate robbery attempt?
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  11. #1166
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    Jim, are you thinking of Tricky Dickey's H20Gap fiasco?
    Or am I in left field again? Where I've been most of the day today ;-)
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  12. #1167
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    Yeah! That was his name!

    Thanks, Emmett. You too, Ken.
    Last edited by Big Tracks; 10-10-2012 at 07:16 PM.

  13. #1168
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    mellow yellow you are correct...And no one was killed a big plus, this coverup makes the Watergate event look like child's play.
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  14. #1169
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Oh Alan.................................I still see your posts, chill out.............................as for Gary, there's likely more to that outcome than you or I are aware of. Bill's been pretty loose in his grip by most standards.
    ted dehaan and lamin8r like this.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

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  15. #1170
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    Quote Originally Posted by pepi View Post
    mellow yellow you are correct...And no one was killed a big plus, this coverup makes the Watergate event look like child's play.

    And our vaunted main stream media pounced on that story like flies on a cow paddy and the only think tricky Dick was guilty of was being fiercely loyal to his inner circle and then lying about it, reminds me of someone else who lied under oath, but he got away with it. And I could care less about his sex life and I would have probably done the same thing if I had to wake up to that every morning.
    Big Tracks and pepi like this.
    Ken Thomas
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