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Thread: Self Repo?

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    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Similar pitfalls to making the dollar digital instead of paper. The concept/technology will be sold for an innocuous/beneficial purpose, then some time down the road Big Brother has the opportunity to flex his muscles. If government doesn't like what you spend your money on they lock it down. If they deem you're exceeding your carbon emissions quota they shut down your vehicle or even repossess it until you learn to obey.
    NTFDAY and 40FordDeluxe like this.
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    Something similar happened some years back, I cannot find the info now but (I think it was) France or Germany tested a system that would control your motor speed on the highway. So you would be motoring down the highway and when you entered "the speed zone" (my words) your car would only achieve a speed they deemed safe or sufficient. Looking at it now, I am sure the CHP would love to see it in place!

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    they will never drop the dollar. period . it is the hidden economy. far too much cash only happening . politicians would starve to death. flee markets , swap meets, dope dealers and such would be out of business. there's a huge portion of people who don't have bank accounts .

    i can only pray that people have woken up to what is happening on the left and vote for freedom and prosperity.

    i thought everybody had a few thousand phew phews by now.

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    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    Something similar happened some years back, I cannot find the info now but (I think it was) France or Germany tested a system that would control your motor speed on the highway. So you would be motoring down the highway and when you entered "the speed zone" (my words) your car would only achieve a speed they deemed safe or sufficient. Looking at it now, I am sure the CHP would love to see it in place!
    The European Union passed a law that new vehicles sold after July 1, 2022 must be equipped with speed limiters. So far they sense the limit, check against the GPS location and then give visual feedback to tell the driver he's exceeding the limit while reducing vehicle speed. If the driver chooses to maintain speed the accelerator pedal vibrates against his foot, and becomes increasingly harder to press.
    Lots of scuttlebutt about the system coming to the USA, but nothing has happened to date.
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    53 Chevy5's Avatar
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    I think paper currency will be around for awhile yet, but more and more I am paying people with Venmo and Paypal. I think Big brother wants that so they can track everything.
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    And I am just the opposite. I am down to a single credit card, I still have a paypal account but haven't used it in almost a year! I won't buy on things like Ebay or any of the others. If I don't have the cash I usually barter for things I want. Electronic "currency" has so many holes in it, only the politicians and thieves will enjoy it!
    NTFDAY and 40FordDeluxe like this.

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    rspears's Avatar
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    I don't hear anyone saying that the government is trying to do away with cash, but the retail arena as a whole is embracing electronic payment, to the end that the normal folks find it more convenient to put the card in the slot and pay once at the end of the month. Add to the mix the incentives like cash back or airline miles that the card companies offer, and the push to abandon cash is very real. Write a check? They run the check through their machine for an electronic transfer and hand it back to you on the spot. It's a debit card without the card.
    The point is you say "....if I don't have the cash", but I'd offer that "having the cash" means that you have the funds to buy without credit, but when you pay it will be with your card. I know for me the stack of $20's I carry in my pocket don't get used for month upon month! I'd venture a guess that if you gathered 100 millennials in a room you'd have a hard time coming up with $500 in cash! Uncle Bob's spot on with his analysis, and Seth's comment about Venmo & PayPal reinforces the reality.
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    Back in the middle 80's I worked for a company called Brinks. Maybe you've heard of them.?.? Anyway, they, along with another large corp. named Mosler had a plan worked out with the Government to issue small thin rectangular plastic cards with your name and an account number on it. Everything that involved money would be done through that card. Mosler was inline to create / handle / oversee / manage the whole system. The cards were sitting in Brinks vaults all over the country ready to be dispersed. But like all electronic programs - as fast as "they" secure it... someone hacks in!

    I've "bought" many plane rides to Columbia... cases of wine... huge TV's.. thankfully I haven't had to actually pay for them! A simple card scanner at a gas pump causes much heartburn for millions of folks across the country. My stack of 20's in my pocket fits just right.. I don't like to let them out 'cause I am .... um... frugal? LOL OK - I am cheap!
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    Quote Originally Posted by 34_40 View Post
    And I am just the opposite. I am down to a single credit card, I still have a paypal account but haven't used it in almost a year! I won't buy on things like Ebay or any of the others. If I don't have the cash I usually barter for things I want. Electronic "currency" has so many holes in it, only the politicians and thieves will enjoy it!
    I get what you're saying but it will take 2-5x longer to do anything these days if you rely on cash alone. Big brother watching and monitoring spending is really bad. FB wants you to fill out tax info for marketplace now too.

    I also love to barter and trade. I get so many parts and projects via barter. I'd do it all the time if it would always work out.
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    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Big brother is a bit overrated IMO, the one's who really monitor card purchases and respond with ads is companies trying to sell you something! I do use a debit card because it's a heck of a lot easier than trying to know and have with me the cash I'll need. I doubt the "leftists" or the "government" is putting on any sort of push to do away with cash, but businesses sure as heck are, whenever you use any kind of card you information and shopping tendencies are sold to other retailers on a wholesale basis!
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    taking away cash is part of Marxism. one of Solinskys ways to take over a democracy . dependency is the best way to control the populous .

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    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dave Severson View Post
    .... whenever you use any kind of card you information and shopping tendencies are sold to other retailers on a wholesale basis!
    Yep, and it's not just sold, but monitored real time! Before Christmas a friend was in a Target store and on her phone did a quick search for a product, just to check details. A few minutes later, pushing the cart down the aisle her phone "pinged" with a message saying that (the product she'd looked at) is just ahead on Aisle 22, and it's on sale today!! Then when she was in the car she checked her FB account and there was a post there about the same product. Crazy, crazy, crazy.....
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    google is your friend , right.

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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    Yep, and it's not just sold, but monitored real time! Before Christmas a friend was in a Target store and on her phone did a quick search for a product, just to check details. A few minutes later, pushing the cart down the aisle her phone "pinged" with a message saying that (the product she'd looked at) is just ahead on Aisle 22, and it's on sale today!! Then when she was in the car she checked her FB account and there was a post there about the same product. Crazy, crazy, crazy.....
    It is crazy. All these people think FB is just a social media outlet. LMAO! If that was the case, why do they need several locations with 7 or more buildings as long as foot ball fields? They're all full of servers. One location is in Altoona Iowa. Also, lets take it one step farther. Has anyone else caught on to what else FB owns that is popping up on all kinds of other special technological programs?

    When you get a new smart phone, you can't use any apps anymore without letting the apps have access to your microphone, pics, and everything else. They're not monitoring us. Even if they are using this info to sell everyone things, it's just the beginning and it isn't heading anywhere good.
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