Thread: Respect, Respect, Respect!!!
03-07-2005 01:18 PM #1
Respect, Respect, Respect!!!
Originally posted by Brent Mills on 12-21-2003
"We must respect each other around here, and many are simply sick of the bickering ..Its BS. People should be able to ask legitimate questions around here without turning into a friggin circus.
What this is doing is taking new folks who have questions that need to be answered and alienating them, as the most sincere intentions some how turn in to a steaming pile of crap, and they are left wondering what they did wrong. STOP! THINK! Then post something that is useful to the group without pushing someone’s buttons.
RESPECT, RESPECT, RESPECT, RESPECT. Live it every day here, please. While there are some folks who probably don’t care for each other much, we are generally a tight nit group.…So many great folks, and we don’t need to be pissing in each others cheerios while on line. If you can’t find a way to communicate in a respectful manner, keep it to yourself.
Having said that, I know many of us are close enough that we can spar a bit in fun, but you must keep in mind that things are easily taken out of context when written, so be sure you have the relationship you think you do before making jabs at your buddies. Just common sense stuff that seems to elude us lately.
I hope you understand the concern here and do everything you can personally to make this place better every day. This is still the greatest group of people in the world, but we are a huge bunch now, and we need to be mindful of the things that have made this place a success and have won each of us so many friendships over the years.
Thanks for your attention to this, and take care."
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01-29-2006 12:54 PM #2
Respect Your Fellow Members
POLICY: Do not belittle, disparage, ridicule a fellow member. This includes name-calling, questioning people’s integrity/knowledge in a disparaging way, or openly trashing someone’s reputation online.
COMMENT: None needed
Treat New Members With Kid Gloves
POLICY: All new members will be treated with an equal amount of respect as long standing members. We will not forget that we were they once. Allow them to post questions and answer the question even if it has been asked and answered 100 times somewhere else or can be found by doing a search. If you feel so strongly about directing people to search old topics instead of answering the question, just kindly tell them the answer and say, "you can also find that information by performing a search of the CHR archives".
COMMENT: We enjoy new members because they aspire to own a car like the one we’ve already built or are currently building. These people just want to hang out and pick our brains. If we could exchange beer here, they would even buy us a beer and sit and listen for hours about what we have to say. This is a good thing; let’s encourage questions and comments, no matter how ridiculous or insignificant it may sound.
Religion, Race and Politics
POLICY: This site is dedicated to cars, not religion, race or politics. We don't mind off topic posts from time-to-time, but please refrain from discussing religious beliefs, political views or race. This is not the place.
COMMENT: It's way too easy to hurt someone's feelings when discussing life issues such as religion, political views, and/or the color of someone's skin or ethic background. The reason this site works is because we talk about cars and events, without discussing topics such as these. Let's refrain from these topics to avoid hurting one of our fellow friends. We are diverse culture and this forum should reflect that.
Directing People to Other Web Sites
POLICY: Please do not try and direct people to commercial sites. This is commonly called "SPAM". If you own a competing site or think it might be viewed as a competing site, do not post a link to your site or post a link in your signature without first asking for and getting permission.
COMMENT: We hate spammers and will do all we can to delete your post. Please respect our site and stay away. If you have a competing site, an Internet business, or an automotive related site we should not have to explain this rule any further.
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