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Thread: Fun Time at Cruise Night

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  1. #1
    deepnhock's Avatar
    deepnhock is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: '37 Stude Coupe Express

    Thumbs up Fun Time at Cruise Night


    Went to 'The Villages' cruise night yesterday...
    The Villages is an upscale retirement community in Lady Lake, Florida (50 miles north of Orlando)..
    Beautiful day...great weather...
    300+ cars and trucks..
    Third Saturday of every month...3pm to 8pm'ish'....
    Big cruise parade through downtown square at the end of the show. First class deal..
    There was a great older gent there with a stunning custom Lincoln that had an electrically controlled skunk that he put right behind his front tire...
    People would look at this skunk and then bend over to look closer.. He was setting bay the back of the car and he would make the legs twitch and the tail lift up... People would squeal like pigs and jump back... Had the crowd laughing all evening.
    Scared the cahoots off of a young black daog when it lifted it's tail... He bailed and about yanked the arm off the guy holding the leash ...

    More pic's at:


  2. #2
    deepnhock's Avatar
    deepnhock is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Car Year, Make, Model: '37 Stude Coupe Express

    Thumbs up Fun Time at Cruise Night


    Thanks fer makin my day so early in the AM Jeff.. Any idea where I could get one of them "Radio controlled" Smellar's??

    Streets... :P

    He said he whipped it up in 3 or 4 hours, but it took him a couple of months to find the pelt.... Seems the skunks in Florida are all woosie warm weather skunks and they don't have stripes. He had to import an Idaho skunk (or somewheres' out west)... His controls were hard wired and rather simple... I immediately thought of an R/C toy car from Big Lots for $15 or so... A couple optional controls and it could chase that dawg (and spray it!)<seg>..

  3. #3
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
    Bob Parmenter is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    "The Villages is an upscale retirement community in Lady Lake, Florida (50 miles north of Orlando).."

    Given the demographic of most rodders today, did the community have guided "tours" for their units?

    That skunk is a howl!! We had a guy up in Washington who had a Model A coupe. He put one of those electric openers on the deck lid. Had a stuffed, fairly realistic looking, monkey fastened to the underside so that it looked like it was opening the lid. People would stop to stare at this "magically" opening deck lid, then chuckle, laugh, or giggle at the monkey when he became evident. They'd usually move in a little closer to take a look see............................then the owner would hit the whizzer!!!! What a show!!
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

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