I took a look at my Brookvlle 31 body.
Same deal as yours on the door bottom molding/beltline/whatever match.

I don't have a stock A to look at, but checking pics of my pal's gennie 29 A roadster looks like the same thing in the same area except the driver's door is the skinny side.

Other area's seem to be ok, but probably won't get noticed until I get to the paint stage.

I did try my 32 top on the 31 and it's a good fit except for being 2" too long in the horizontal bar area right behind the windshield post.
I'm using the 31 windshield stanchions and 2" chopped 32 windshield posts.
A nice swap fwiw.
(Not sure if the 32 posts work with an A windshield frame since I'm building my own windshield frame.)

The 32 top was tried on for size since the rear of the top leans forward and is a little swoopier than the vertical rear of an A top.
