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Thread: 1928 Watzit?

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  1. #16
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    I knew somebody would remember that old joke! :-)

  2. #17
    flh4speed's Avatar
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    something has gone fowl around here

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  3. #18
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    "fowl"...."hen".....I get it!

  4. #19
    flh4speed's Avatar
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    so just what is the chitty-chitty bang bang mobile??

    Age and treachery will always overcome youth and enthusiasm.


  5. #20
    Big Tracks's Avatar
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    Anything unusual about that flathead six?

    The reason I ask is that the Oakland engine had two heads on it with the distributor sticking up between them.

    ....... I think.


  6. #21
    Youngster is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I'm gonna go with the Whippet. The bumper dosen't work, but that could have been replaced. I saw one at an aution years ago, very classy little car. In the picture of the front there are two round canisters by the bumper irons. These are a type of shock that uses a coiled spring and a length of webbed belt. Odd set up, but the Whippet is the only car I've seen them on.


  7. #22
    Corvette64's Avatar
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    The square exhaust manifold kinda looks like an Oakland. Wheres Uncle Bob? Uncle Bob help us!

  8. #23
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    This is not easy! I have spent a few hours on the net trying to solve this puzzle.

    I knew there were hundreds of models before the Great Depression. I found a list of about 800-1000 different cars that have been made worldwide. It's kind of discouraging.

    Many models have similar fenders, cowl, headlights, and wheels, but still, I haven't matched the bumper. So far, I think the closest was a '26 Pontiac, but not exactly the same. I even explored other GM models of the era that were discontinued. Sometimes the Nash, Hudson & Willys look similar....but not the same. The last thing I tried was to look at was inline 6 cyliner engines, but found that there aren't many engine pictures posted. I'm just about out of patience.

    Maybe I'll ask Jay Leno. He likes the odd and obscure! :-)

  9. #24
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Corvette64
    The square exhaust manifold kinda looks like an Oakland. Wheres Uncle Bob? Uncle Bob help us!
    Sorry, I took a quick look and not enough unique styling ques to get a lead from my memory. Just some thoughts to help with those who might be willing to do as HRP has done in searching a ton of info. Based on the headlight housings, artillary wheels, steering wheel center, and mechanical brakes, I'd say it's no newer than mid 20s, Mopar is out because of the mechanical brakes. Based on how the character lines stop at the belt line on the rear body panel it likely had a fabric covered roof turret. It's unusual to have such a difference between front and rear bumper design (not impossible though), it could be that front bumper is a transplant as the rear looks "right". The reveals stamped in the fenders would probably be the best comparative (absent the rad shell) if you think you've found a picture that's "right". If those sync up then you go to cowl design, and any other body feature that looks "unique". Comparing engines could work, but as HRP pointed out there were hundreds of "manufacturers" in the teens and early 20s, most of which were what were known as "assembled cars", meaning they bought components from subcontractors and put a car together. So many different brands of cars would have a Continental, or Buda engine, among several others, as well as off the shelf transmissions and rear ends. Same for items like headlights, handles, tanks and so forth. They would often tool up for a brand specific grille shell/radiator shell, mainly because that was the most distinguishing brand identifier.
    Last edited by Bob Parmenter; 11-17-2007 at 08:20 AM.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  10. #25
    Big Tracks's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HOTRODPAINT
    The last thing I tried was to look at was inline 6 cyliner engines, but found that there aren't many engine pictures posted. I'm just about out of patience
    Waaaaaaay back (like 1951) I bought a '29 Pontiac from a wrecking yard for the princely sum of ten dollars cash. It had a big six engine like I described a few postings back, two heads on a straight six with the distributor sticking up between the heads. Since Oakland became Pontiac shortly before that car was made I'm assuming that the same engine was also used in cars with the Oakland name on them.

    It was a handsome old brute (a coupe) with an oval rear window and was heavy as a battleship.

    I drove it for a while and would have kept it longer, but I got the patriotic urge REAL bad (that means that I was about to be drafted and I had to rush down and join the navy).

    So I gave it to a buddy and never saw it again.


  11. #26
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    I'm not sure about the make of the car, but two of the bullet holes were from a Browing .22, and one was from a Colt .32 short . . .

    Gone to Texas

  12. #27
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    Good eye! :-)~

  13. #28
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    How about this one? Seems to match in every way.

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  14. #29
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    could be, fenders, headlights & bumpers seem to match && if you look at the rear

    everything seems to look the same including the tail light housing...joe
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  15. #30
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    And the cylindrical shaped "doo-dads" at the front base of the fenders (probably part of the shock absorbers) look the same. I think you've finally figured it out HRP! Good on you!!
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

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