Thread: My panel truck build.
05-16-2008 11:57 PM #91
John, this section looks so much better than when you started. Very nice work.
BTW, how is the new job coming?? Is that the grille from a 58 T Bird I see in the background?
DonLast edited by Itoldyouso; 05-17-2008 at 12:02 AM.
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05-17-2008 06:22 AM #92
Looking good John!!!!! Don't let the time thing worry you.... I've had my '71 Ford pickup for 17 years, still have never driven it....Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
05-17-2008 07:53 AM #93
Thanks guys! And yes don that is a grill from a 58 bird you see, but its on a 59 bird.
As far as the job goes, its not so good! The guy turned out to be a real piece of work! He decided to renegotiate on his word without consulting me as to why, and kept taking money from me. Every week after the pay period ended, he would have his right hand man tell me they were taking $2 an hour. I was a little pissed after the first week, but decided to stay, after the second time, you can figure out what i told them! One of these days ill get it right. I have decided to go back to school and get my ba in construction managment, but with the wife working on her masters right now it`s gonna be awhile. Things are slow in the industry right now, but something will come along soon, so for now ive been doing lots of home repairs for the nurses the wife works with.
05-17-2008 08:04 AM #94
Ouch. Really sorry to hear that John. The job market really sucks right now. On the streets adjoining our shop there are signs all over "building for rent." Company after company has gone out of business. The upholstery guy who did my T was telling me the other day he has gone back to our landlord to renegotiate his rent because he isn't making it. Hope this starts to turn around pretty soon before it REALLY gets bad.
You will find your niche. You are a bright, personable guy and just need to find the right thing. I wish you well bud.
05-17-2008 09:00 AM #95
Unfortunatly my niche is construction, but ive been trying avoid it these last few years. I guess i just need to bite the bullet and realize that its what i do, its what i know, and its what im good at. My dillema now , is im at the top of my game, and i cant figure out how to go higher. I cant get any better than i already am, there is not a thing out there that i cannot frame, i was the youngest guy to ever get hired as a building inspector for duval county, and probably the whole state! I beat out 57 applicants, most were gc`s or superintendants, to get that job! For the life of me i cant figure out why i cant get further in my career, not to toot my own horn, but you cannot find a better framer than me, ill put myself aganst any framer in the state!! But no one will hire me to take the next step , thats why ive decided to go back to school, once i get a degree, i will be unstoppable!
05-17-2008 09:46 AM #96
You gotta come up here to Calgary. The construction market is booming so out of control you can't get anyone and the people you get don't know what they're doing. The foreman will drive to work sites and offer more money to guys that will come help them. The Tim Hortons coffee shops are paying $15/hour with full benefits. Dump truck drivers in Fort McMurry are making over $100 grand a year. Problem is you'd have to learn what snow is
05-17-2008 09:50 AM #97
If i could sell my house, i would be headed your way!! Me and the wife have been talking about getting out of the good ol usa anyway. She`s from upsate NY so she knows about the snow.
05-17-2008 10:13 AM #98
My girlfriends sister is a Nurse as well, she's always getting called in for overtime. They just finished building a new childrens hospital so they have to staff it also.
The down side is housing prices are getting pretty high in the city. I bought mine for $140g 10 years ago now it's appraised at about $650! I keep thinking I should sell and move to Florida. Maybe we could work a trade
05-17-2008 04:14 PM #99
Problem with Florida is that you get most of your pay in sunshine.
05-17-2008 04:34 PM #100
Originally Posted by Dave Severson
05-17-2008 05:32 PM #101
Originally Posted by Itoldyouso
"Today, the power of a certain group of bankers is colossal according to Harvard and Princeton professor emeritus, Carroll Quigley, who confessed to being an insider and confidant of this elite group. He said of this group:
This network which we may identify as the Round Table Groups, has no aversion to cooperating with the Communists or any other group, and frequently does so. I know of the operations of this network because I have studied it for twenty years and was permitted for two years, in the early 1960s, to examine its papers and secret records. I have no aversion to it or to most of its aims and have, for much of my life, been close to it and to many of its instruments. (Carroll Quigley, Tragedy and Hope (New York: The Macmillan Co., 1966), pg. 950.)
Quigley summarized the insider's grand plan: "Their aim is nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. The system was to be controlled in a feudalistic fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences."
05-17-2008 05:56 PM #102
Originally Posted by techinspector1
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
05-17-2008 06:12 PM #103
[QUOTE=hotroddaddy]Thanks guys! And yes don that is a grill from a 58 bird you see, but its on a 59 bird.
hmmmm. So who does the 'Bird belong too??? '58-60 'Birds are on my list of "gotta build one of them someday" cars......Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
05-17-2008 06:28 PM #104
That would be the wife Dave, but if times get harder, then youll have first dibs!
05-17-2008 07:28 PM #105
Originally Posted by hotroddaddy
Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
Stole from FB...
the Official CHR joke page duel