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Thread: my $500.00 49 plymouth im always cry'in about!

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  1. #1
    49 club coupe's Avatar
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    my $500.00 49 plymouth im always cry'in about!


    here are a few pics i found after digging around the junk drawers in my office,i found this car in someones yard and saved up $1500. dollars to buy it and when i went to cut a deal he said the inevitable MAKE ME AN OFFER!well i kind of cheated a little because a mutual freind of ours told me about it and i did some night drive bye's, i know i know.. well my freind told me that he wanted to sell it to get it out of his yard.Before i seen it i thought maybe it was a (rust rod).my freind insisted that i could get it for 500.00 and that i should look at it.well i drove by and craped my pants when i seen it in the shape it was in!i seen my buddy the next day and said no way he will take 500.00.well long story short when he said make me an offer i thought to myself i always give more than i should at first for some of the toys ive had so i figured lets haggle,right?i said well i dont want to insult you and im not sure where to start.with a half hearted smile i said how about $500.00 dollars to start off with,thats a start.he said "A START" and just kind of glared at me.then he said you give me the money and ill give you the keys.like i said i wore two pair of bvd's that day and good thing cause,one pair was shot right there.this is a decent ride but has alot of hidden surprises as you all of the hotrod world know!you know all the OTHER mickeymouse fan club but anyway it has its flaws but its cheap enough! well i got it home dropped the tank cleaned it out got a new feul filter new plugs and drove her all last summer i probably shouldnt have because she got a bad bottom end after driving her every day 20 miles back and forth to work for 4 months.i had too.at 37 years young ive never seen a 49 plymouth coupe before and im the only one here that has one.i took her to the car show and everything what a blast any way this is what the 355 is going in,and i know its blaspheme but thats whats available and thats what its all about right,its what you got not what you want at least right now. ill keep ya posted on the transformation,and thanks guys and gals cause there aint no-one i know around here my age that is in to it and i got to learn some how! the water is knee deep and risin and im just a smillin
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  2. #2
    49 club coupe's Avatar
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    not sure what the idea was on the back bumper thing,or the grill thing so i was able to hit the dunkirk flee market last year and scoop up bumpers and a decent grill also it had no interior and they swiped all the stainless.

  3. #3
    brickman's Avatar
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    You fell into it that time, you stole it! What a sweet little rod, what does it have under the hood?
    "Sunshine, a street rod and a winding beautiful Ozarks road is truely Bliss!"

  4. #4
    49 club coupe's Avatar
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    here are some diferent pics
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  5. #5
    speedy55779's Avatar
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    back around when i turned 16 my dad had a 48 plymouth deluxe 2dr coupe that was really nice and straight just needed paint. I'm still mad at him for selling it after trying to make it a father son project although i did get to work on it some i changed the fuel pump and gave it an oil change but it was the same as yours some differences though but not much and i miss that car. i have 2 41 plymouths deluxe 2dr coupes that need alot of work pretty solid though just need to be worked on and then the other is so so just a parts car i guess
    Derek Doble

  6. #6
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    You bought THAT for $ 500? You bought THAT for $ 500? You must have had some pictures of the guy he didn't want his wife to see, that's for sure. Wow, the body looks fantastic. Those ribbed bumpers were the hot setup at one time to swap onto customs.

    Needless to say, you stole that car. Keep us posted on the progress and any questions. BTW, more and more people are cleaning up and dressing up those old 6 cylinder engines, they have suddenly become cool. Couple of carbs on it, some split exhaust manifolds, and you've got a nice, dependable hot rod there. Buddy of mine had a 50 plymouth that he kept TRYING to blow up so his Dad would buy him a new 62 Chevy.............never happened, you can't kill those things.


  7. #7
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    I love those ol shoe box Mopars!!! Here's a shot of one of my (many) projects that got sold before I ever finished.......

  8. #8
    49 club coupe's Avatar
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    wow that one looks way cool,buisness coupe right? you know trying to find parts for this is hard and they are always on ebay when im broke lol and how come when you look in magazines and parts companies there aint squat for older plymouths
    Last edited by 49 club coupe; 01-16-2008 at 06:31 AM.
    when all else fails USE A HAMMER!

  9. #9
    49 club coupe's Avatar
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    where and how can i find out about upgrading the front suspention? i thought about clipping it as i posted before,then read on about these early IFS plymouth had (like mine)it does stear good and al that but would love to have disc's up front. what about like a volare or some thing?or should i just rebuild the front end i have ? or should i clipp it?so many questions and so little mulla
    when all else fails USE A HAMMER!

  10. #10
    Twitch's Avatar
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    Good for ya! Proves there's still a few bargains out there. Hope you're having fun with it.
    There is no substitute for cubic inches

  11. #11
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    My parents bought one of them - NEW - so I have lots of early childhood time riding in the back seat. I recall that it wasn't my fathers favorite car since it really didn't like starting in the winter tundra area of Upstate NY.

    Yours looks great - good luck with whatever you end up doing with the car
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  12. #12
    T42's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 49 club coupe
    where and how can i find out about upgrading the front suspention? i thought about clipping it as i posted before,then read on about these early IFS plymouth had (like mine)it does stear good and al that but would love to have disc's up front. what about like a volare or some thing?or should i just rebuild the front end i have ? or should i clipp it?so many questions and so little mulla
    Check out Fat Mans......he has a kit for the stock front suspension and a weld on type sub frame.

  13. #13
    49 club coupe's Avatar
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    yea that place is decent if you can read there online catalog,im going to call them and see if they have on to send me
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  14. #14
    Twitch's Avatar
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    Check out www.kanters.com and ask for a printed catalog. They got LOTS of stuff for old cars. I've never seen a place with more engine rebuilt kits for cars from the 30s-60s either.
    There is no substitute for cubic inches

  15. #15
    49 club coupe's Avatar
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    a place called rockauto is anouther sorce for parts as well
    when all else fails USE A HAMMER!

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