Thread: One Way To Build A '32 Hyboy
09-20-2008 06:04 AM #346
Yeah, you NEVER know where Brad is going to show up.........he's like the Travelocity Gnome!
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09-20-2008 07:00 AM #347
It's not like I haven't drove 15hrs just to see a car or a large car show. Ken your work is top notch whether you enter or not. You can count on me to help if you do enter.
BradCSome days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !
09-26-2008 10:24 PM #348
Don- I have taken your suggestion seriously and have contacted them for an entry form. They E mailed it to me and I am now staring at it a couple times a day. They consider 12 cars for that class, so they ask for 3 photo's of what you have and pick what they think would be the best to represent the class.
I think I can get it finished on time, there is one small problemI'm going out of the country on Jan 16 and won't return until the 4th of Feb. The show is Jan. 23rd to the 25th. I have good friends who will take it there and do what is required at the show. It's always something
J. Robinson-Thank you for the vote of confidence, but I have to tell you I'm building this thing to drive, one of these shows would be one to many, I think.
Steve- I believe you would, thank you.
BradC-From what everyone is saying I believe you would be there too, I think it would be worth it just to meet some of you.
09-26-2008 11:11 PM #349
We are still wiring this thing, 7th week. There are so many challenges so many things to figure out. But I love it, it's what makes it interesting.
One of the things I wanted was to have an electric cowl vent opening and a electric license plate opener to fill my gas tank. I bought two of these cowl vent kits that are programable, I can't remember the name of the company but they look to be good quality. The cowl was straight forward I just had to make my own hinge mechanism because of all the junk I have under the cowl door. The license plate opening and closing was a whole different story. The first thing was I didn't like the way the license plate looked on the rear panel. It was just to big, and when I added some trim around it, it just didn't look right. So I cut a one inch strip all around the plate, now it fit the back panel. So then we frenched it to that size. I made a sketch of the new size and took it over to a friends shop that has a Lazar cutter and he cut out this miniature frame for me. I have an employee who is a great machinist and a friend, he has been with me for 8 years. I explained what I wanted to do and needed a miniature hinge set and a driver for this flex cable I bought from Mcmaster Carr. This is why I'm able to do some of the things that are done on this car, I have a lot of help. There is a button in my seat riser to open them.
I took the doors and had the inside powder coated, to insure of no rust later. The complete interior of the car will be done when I blow it apart.
One of the problems in the wiring was trying to hide the wires to the headlights, fan, horns, and the map air sensor that is in the air inlet tube. I decided to cut a hole in the air inlet tube and weld a 1/2" piece of tubing the length of the tube inside and run all the wires inside of it.
09-27-2008 02:53 AM #350
Actually Ken, we enticed you to do the GNRS thing for selfish reasons. Every forum should have at least one celebrity, now we can brag one of our members has a car in the most prestigious car show in the country!
This is going to be very cool, all kidding aside. I mean, how many rodders in the country can say they even attempted to get a car into that show? Even if for some reason you don't get it done in time or whatever, just the fact you are considering it is great. We're behind you 100 percent, and if there was ever a car worthy, it is this Deuce of yours.
In addition...............
Ken, I just got done watching Hot Rod TV, and this week it was coincidently about the GNRS. I just wanted to say to you that I hope we haven't pressured you into considering something that you had not intended in the beginning. We realize that the most of the cars at that show are purpose-built from the very first piece of steel that is cut, all the way until the last drop of wax goes on. We know you did not have that in mind when you started your car, you simply wanted to build your vision of a very outstanding Deuce, and from all the pictures you have provided so far, you have more than exceeded that goal.............your car is going to be stunning when done. But what I am trying to say is, we don't want you to change directions and put a time crunch on yourself just because we have thrown this idea at you. All we were trying to say in the beginning is that we are in awe of the craftsmanship you are putting into this car, and just wanted to let you know that. Even if you don't do the GNRS thing, we all can't wait to see each update, and to see the final product. Besides, I found out they don't even let you take that trophy home with you!! What kind of car show is THAT??? LOLLast edited by Itoldyouso; 09-27-2008 at 08:25 AM.
09-27-2008 10:27 AM #351
Ken I'm glad your doing this. #1 it shows a lot of folks that only buy these kind of cars, that home hot rodders can do it too, and better! Your attention to detail is inspiring. I too worry along with Don about the time limit thing, but like everything else in life, if it works out that you are finished in that time frame then it would be great to see you there, but if not, what the hey, the car still is going to be truely spectacular!
On a scale of magnitude ten times less, when I started my truck I hoped to have it road worthy by time the Salute to American graffiti show was this year(missed that one by a long shot, then for Hot August nights, missed again). Now I'm shooting for road worthy status by next spring, and maybe refined and painted by two years from now(all due to free time and budget constraints!) So with that said I hope this doesn't add tension to your build, for some of us deadlines are a good thing , to others not!
I am excited that you are doing this. I'll be happy to go to the show and brag off the car to the hoards!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
09-27-2008 01:59 PM #352
Ken with you being out of town at the time of the show, kind of takes the fun out of your win........(a testament to your quality of your work). What do you mean you don't get to take the trophy home.
BradCSome days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !
10-03-2008 01:08 PM #353
Don-I appreciate all your nice comments, thank you again. Don't worry, no one could talk me into this, I have till December 1st to get the entry in. I'm going to see where I am next month, then make the decision.
Steve-It's comments like yours and several others that pushes me harder, I like dead lines and time tablesThis has really been fun to share this build here. If it wouldn't have been for a nudge by someone here, (Don), I wouldn't of done it. It's fun to read about you, and you project, when you get new parts and the excitement you share when you work on your truck
BRADC-Actually I wouldn't mind not being here, for the show. I'm pretty much an introvert. I don't do well in crowds, I'm the guy in the corner at party's. When I take one of my cars to a local show I just walk away from it. So I would be off to the side somewhere watching to make sure someone doesn't key itIsn't that something, you can't take that thing home, you just get your name on it, but you do get a nice jacket!
10-03-2008 01:28 PM #354
One of the things that has bugged me on previous '32's that I have built is the after market hoods and side panels and hinges. That is one of the reason's I have built my own hing mechanism.
So this friend of mine is here visiting from England. He happens to be a master metal man that works restoring Ferrari's. They have done all the tourist stuff and he looked really bored
So, I said John would you be interested and throwing together a hood and side panels for me? He said sure!
I told him all I wanted was a hood and side panels with a inner structure that wouldn't flex when I opened my hood. So he wiped these out for me, his wife is still not talking to me
I have to make the Little pockets that go around the upper control arm mount, but I can handle that.
Boy are they heavy !!
10-03-2008 01:37 PM #355
Brilliant!! That should eliminate any bending or flexing.
10-03-2008 05:40 PM #356
Hey does he need to tour any wine country up north? I have a spare bedroom and a truck to tinker with!
Nice work. I'm working on a way to stiffen up one floor panel, and my front hood as well!" "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.
10-03-2008 09:07 PM #357
39Deluxe-Thanks, I think it will do the trick. I'm going to get the inside pieces powder coated then spot weld the inner panel to the outer, then tig the outside.
Steve-I'll ask him, I know he likes wine
10-03-2008 09:11 PM #358
I'm 95% there, on the wiring, I thought I would share. The two wires hanging down in the truck photo is the plug in for a trickle charger. The second shot there is a black wire rolled up sitting on top of the stereo head that is for a mp3 player.
KenLast edited by Ken Thurm; 10-03-2008 at 09:20 PM.
10-03-2008 10:29 PM #359
Ken, the wiring is coming along very nicely. Are those Deutsch connectors you're using in the main harness in the 3rd pic?
10-07-2008 07:06 PM #360
I want to be the saleman to sell Ken all those zip ties...........LOL. I luv how you kept everything so tight.
BradCSome days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !
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the Official CHR joke page duel