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Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer

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  1. #436
    Gastrick's Avatar
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    Too bad Don. I hope that someday this episode is a memory that's mostly forgotten. This type of thing is why my current coupe looks rough right now. Low stress. My last project was so detailed, tedious, and time consuming that I burnt out on it. I'm having fun with my car right now. I'll take it apart and paint it later though. I do want it to look nice someday.
    I may not be good but I sure am slow

  2. #437
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    Hey atleast billetproof is in a couple of days!!! just take a deep breath and enjoy the sights, and hopefully this bump will seem like a bad dream!

    Im sure the stress is overwhelming right now, but when it`s finally over the rewards will be worth it!! Just hang in there guys.

  3. #438
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    Poor Dan. I know his frustration level has to be at the "explode" level. I'm sure he has probably had thoughts about where he is now and where he would have been if he had kept the first chassis & body... Tell him to hang in there; some frustration is almost always part of the process (though usually not this much). I know I have said many times that in my next life I am going to be a stamp collector and not going to have anythig to do with $%*^#@*$ dirty old cars!

    Racing! - Because football, basketball, baseball, and golf require only ONE BALL!

  4. #439
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Thanks guys. Oh yeah Bill, your Deuce is just soooooooo rough. They should all be so rough, that's why everyone who sees it falls in love with it.............me included.

    John, Billetproof..........YES!! We are ready to go. Don has to play, but Dan and I are coming. Not bringing my T though because we just want to relax and do the spectator thing and get time to see some old friends and drink a few cold ones. Really looking forward to it.

    Jim: The way things have been going with this thing, even stamp collecting looks good. I keep telling him to chill and just get the darned thing running, but since it has been his obsession for the past 4 years he can't seem to do that. I guess it's like your first kid..........you sweat every little scratch or sniffle they get, then the second one comes along and you lay back a little more.

    Oh, I've finally gotten a little time to start playing with a little project of mine while he has been there sanding away on his. I started to notice that the 29 roadster pickup body he passed down to me looked very much like it would fit on the chassis I had waiting for the 39 Dodge truck. So the other night he and I lifted it onto that frame and it fit like it was made for it. It ends up looking like a 50's drag car with the moon tank up front and the tripower Olds engine. Just a few tweaks and everything will fit.

    My plan for this one is maybe a brushed on paint job, some door art (Dons Speed Shop ), lots of old speed decals, and generally early American rat. Want it to look like something I would have owned 50 years ago if I had the ability. I am using a chrome model a grille shell with no radiator, that will still be hidden in the bed. I like the looks of it and as soon as I can drag it out of it's hiding spot I'll shoot some pictures.


  5. #440
    BradC's Avatar
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    Don, I would go with (3 D's Speed Shop) or (Don's Salvage Company).....LOL
    Some days it's not even worth chewing thru the restraints !

  6. #441
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    ....... some door art (Dons Speed Shop ), .....Don
    How about "Pop's Pool Hall" or "Bald Guy's Brothel"............
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  7. #442
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    Or maybe Washington State Wiseguy.


  8. #443
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    Pop s cat house and speed shop
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  9. #444
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    I may not be good but I sure am slow

  10. #445
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    Hehe, I coulda used one of those badges about 40 years ago. The pay probably wasn't the greatest, but oh, those perks.


  11. #446
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    ... So the other night he and I lifted it onto that frame and it fit like it was made for it. It ends up looking like a 50's drag car with the moon tank up front and the tripower Olds engine. Just a few tweaks and everything will fit...Don
    So what happens to the Dodge truck now? I have a thought (Just what you need - another project). Drop that Dodge body onto an older Toyota pickup frame. Adjustable torsion bars up front, 4-cylinder economy, etc. Would make a nice "beater" style shop truck...

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  12. #447
    stovens's Avatar
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    Wow poor Dan. I'm actually glad he decided to sand it. It's a royal pain in the butt, but it will be done right! One thing I have learned after building the addition to my house is that I now ask people to write down the details I'm telling them, or give them a bullet list, so they actually do what I ask. I'd go round and round with contractors and subs, catching them using wrong materials, or completely ignoring what they were suppose to do. Nothing like time delays and repeatedly getting the same thing wrong to really get the temper flying! It's one of those things that my wife often can't understand when I work on my truck. I'll get stuck on working on one thing, start tearing into another, and get royally pissed because I need a specialty part which will further delay what I wanted to get done in the first place. She'll say, if it's so frustrating then why are you doing it? Some times I want to yell because it's so damb fun getting my knucles busted! And that's just my stuff, not what somebody else is doing to my stuff!
    Hang in there, and can't wait to see the pics of the new project!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  13. #448
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    It's been a while since I did any updates on Dan's rpu, mainly because all that has been going on is getting the powder coating redone. He has spent the past couple of weeks sanding the filler smooth, and it paid off because it is actually straighter than it was the first time we had it coated.

    He took it to the powder coater last Tuesday, and Friday they called us to let us know it was done, and so were my wheels for the rpu I am building. Last night we went to the shop and unwrapped the frame, and it really came out nice this time. As upset as we were with the clear coming off I have to say the owner of the shop manned up and stood behind his work. They completely stripped about 43 pieces back to bare metal and recoated every one of them. A lot of companies would have tried to weasel out, but he was true to his word. He even wanted to not charge me for doing my wheels red, but I insisted on paying because I felt he had done enough.

    Anyway, here are some pictures of Dan's frame..............again! This thread is getting like Groundhog Day, I feel we have been in this exact spot a few times before. But this time I think we are good to go.

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  14. #449
    brianrupnow's Avatar
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    Damn, Don---I'm happy for you and for Dan.--Onward and upward!!!---Brian
    Old guy hot rodder

  15. #450
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    Thanks Brian. I actually saw a smile on his face last night, so I guess the pain of the last 2 months is somewhat forgotten. This is such a FUN hobby sometimes.


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