Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer
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05-21-2008 12:27 PM #10
Steve, you got my interest with that "beautiful blond secretary" thing.I want that as part of my contract.
Brian, I was thinking of you and your rpu last night as we were putting this thing together. You and Dan did pretty much the same thing, both of you constructed rpu's from sedans, which in my opinion would be harder than the one we are currently doing. It takes a lot of foresight and planning to create what you both did from scratch. I've seen a few attempts people have made at doing what you did and most of the ones I saw fell short. Your's looks like it was a roadster pickup from the beginning.
BTW, I called Rick at Brookville today to thank him for all the hard work he did and they did to get this thing out to us on schedule. Dan and I are very pleased with them in all respects so far.
DonLast edited by Itoldyouso; 05-21-2008 at 12:30 PM.
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