Thread: Roadster pickup getting closer
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06-15-2008 03:38 PM #10
Thanks guys, and Happy Fathers Day to you as well.
As far as Dan or me doing this for other people, we sort of have a running joke about that right now. When we ordered his body and saw there was about a $1500 difference by ordering it unassembled, I told him we should order a couple and take one to a big car show and sell hard could it be?? Well, after fooling around with for the past 4 weeks Dan keeps saying to me, "Hey, I have an idea. Why don't we buy a couple of these bodies and put them together to sell???" After all, we would love to work for $ 1.00 per hour!!
No, we are too slow to ever earn a living at this stuff. Picking up soda cans would be more lucrative, I think.
The guys bought me new chrome shocks for Fathers day and I got them on the front of my T. Really made a difference over the worn out ones. We are going to Hooters tonight for dinner. Yeah, the food is ok, but the scenery is about as good as it gets.
During my job interview yesterday,the interviewer asked,'Why do you think I should give you this job?' I replied, 'Because my best friend Davis works in your IT department, and he told me you're...
the Official CHR joke page duel