Thread: Gas $9 a gallon
06-12-2008 08:33 PM #46
Originally Posted by Dave SeversonKen Thomas
NoT FaDe AwaY and the music didn't die
The simplest road is usually the last one sought
Wild Willie & AA/FA's The greatest show in drag racing
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06-13-2008 08:40 PM #47
pizzi-man is right 71 cents on every dollar is for health care in europe on the averge. DO THE math. 9-dollar gas x71cents=6.39 . 9.00 -639 =2.61 per gallon.OH buy the way it takes two weeks to see a DR .WHAT aDEAL!
06-13-2008 09:54 PM #48
just so you all know as of today Exxon-Mobile announced that due to lack of profits and increased taxation, they are no longer able to compete selling gas in the US and withdrawing all interest in selling of gas in the US for the time being.... speculation alone could bring gas to $8/gallon by Monday i reccomend we all sign this if you have not yet, Drill Here Drill Now, even without increasing production instantly, it will cause i threat to foreign markets and hopefully use speculation to cause prices to drop a little bit...... if not, well.... start rationing your gas..... only drive for utter importance..... or i guess as Jimmy Carter and his africanized clone Barak Obama would say... "its time for america to tighten their belts"Last edited by thesals; 06-13-2008 at 09:58 PM.
just because your car is faster, doesn't mean i cant outdrive you... give me a curvy mountain road and i'll beat you any day
06-13-2008 11:11 PM #49
As intriguing an idea as that is (an Atlas Shrugged moment would perhaps shock some sense into the public which would then, hopefully, reach the politicians), they're actually just selling the 2200 retail units they own, they'll be strictly a wholesale supplier for that part of the company.Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon
It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.
Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.
06-14-2008 05:33 AM #50
I didn’t read the article but my wife said Exxon, is selling their stations too their people who run the stations now. I guess if they couldn’t afford too buy them, they would be sold too the next person in line. I will try too find the article.
They pretty much say the same thing; it’s how they head line the story!
One will get the reader’s attention quicker.,2933,366287,00.html
RichardLast edited by ford2custom; 06-14-2008 at 06:07 AM.
06-14-2008 09:41 AM #51
I have tried to do other things for a few days and try and cool off since we were warned not to post blatant political statements on the Forum, BUT (!) this is the heart of the whole idea of hot rodding as the availability of fuel. I congratulate Bob for providing rational arguments from the Wall Street Journal. I am so mad about this ban on off-shore drilling that it endangers my high blood pressure situation. There were reports that Speaker Pelosi was very active in applying all kinds of pressure to the present Democrat majority in the U.S. House of Rep. to NOT vote for off-shore drilling! It is clear to me that Environmentalists simply want to stop burning fossil fuels! This will help the polar bear population at least on the U.S./Canadian side of the North pole but maybe not on the Siberian side. One estimate is that at the required fifty mile limit for off-shore drilling rigs they won't even be visible from the shore due to the curvature of the Earth! Meanwhile Cuban wells drill off-shore! I was also interested in other links to the Bakkan fields in North Dakota, but the idea that U.S. oil would be sold in the U.S. is probably not true under present market laws, any further oil would simply go on the world market and could only lower U.S. oil prices by increasing the world supply. I just watched the Niel Cavuto show and I agree that several resources should be developed. DRILL (!) for more oil, especially off-shore, build more nuclear power plants for electricity and develop more hybrids like the Aptera as well as invoke Solar and Wind power for the power grid but all of this sensible development can be and IS being blocked by partisan politics and spin that disguises the raw political motives of folks who were elected supposedly to represent the People! Come on folks, why should we reelect folks who deliberately sabotage the economy and then use Environmental ideas to disguise their obstructionist views? It is obvious to me that the Democratic majority in Congress is simply doing everything it can to make the economy look bad until the election but since Bill Clinton vetoed drilling in ANWAR, a new Democratic-Environmental Congress will be even worse. OK, so why am I so mad? I have about $25K in parts so far on my roadster and wonder if I can plan to ever run it to more than local meets? I would like to buy an Aptrera but I now have my play money tied up in a roadster that I hope will get slightly over 20 mpg with big rear tires, stock cam, R700 OD and "flying brick" aerodynamics. The worst case are these enlightened Environmentalists who live in city town houses who think the population can simply stop using fossil fuels and then also vote against nuclear power plants for alternative electric power. Hey it's time for another time out for me!
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodderLast edited by Don Shillady; 06-14-2008 at 09:49 AM.
06-14-2008 11:25 AM #52
Originally Posted by marco
If gas had kept up with the price of houses then gas would be $7.50 per gallon based on the price of gas and homes from the early 70's.
06-14-2008 08:16 PM #53
Originally Posted by marco
Health care is just another issue that has to be resolved...but other then a lot of finger pointing and blame casting, nothing will be done about it either....Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
06-14-2008 08:19 PM #54
[QUOTE=Bob Parmenter]As intriguing an idea as that is (an Atlas Shrugged moment would perhaps shock some sense into the public which would then, hopefully, reach the politicians),QUOTE]
Kind of doubt it would make a bit of difference Uncle Bob.... As with anything else, the democrats would blame the republicans, the republicans would blame the democrats, and the majority of the population would just sit on their thumbs and wait for the government to fix it.... DDSSYesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
Carroll Shelby
Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!
06-15-2008 03:55 AM #55
Just a correction, the tax on gas in the UK is not allocated to healthcare, it is just added to the piggy bank for our government to waste, sorry spend, healthis one but it is not specific.
We also pay an average of $400 in road tax per year to be on the road in the first place, before you push the gas peddle.
Over and out on this one.
06-15-2008 05:43 AM #56
.....yes, we are not suppose to discuse politics so I won't mention any particular party; BUT the bottom line is that one political party is FOR offshore drilling & FOR drilling in Alaska and the other party is AGAINST It!!! If we were to drill in Alaska & offshore the price of oil would plummit because of increased supply..... Some in the 'against party' also want to increase taxes on the oil company's profits. Money that is used on research & development. Research & development that will lead to more supply which will lead to cheaper oil. Money that is used to hire more employees for research & development, which will lead to improving the economy by lowering the unemployment rate. 'They' also want to raise the tax rate on dividend income from 15% back to 35%. Which will lead to less money being reinvested in the economy. Yes, raise the tax rate on dividends when dividend income is ALREADY taxed TWICE! Yes, they tax corporations on their profits, then the corporations pay out dividends to shareholders {the owners of the company's} & then the shareholders are taxed on the money AGAIN! The economy WILL improve by people reinvesting their money in the economy NOT by the government taxing people more so they {the govenment} can spend more on 'free be' programs. 'Free be' programs DON'T stimulate the economy! Company's & shareholders do it by reinvesting in the economy!!!! And while I'm on it, another thing, is the 'other party' wants to raise the capital gains rate on stock sales, home sales, etc. Well when you raise capital gains rates people DON'T sell their investments because they don't want to pay the rediculously high taxes. So they just hold them. If they hold them nothing gets reinvested in the economy. If capital gains rates stay low then people sell assets, pay their tax {which helps the govenments deficite} & then reinvest the procedes in another investment, which in turn helps the economy....... & so on..... I'm done... Good nite.... Bill
06-15-2008 10:33 AM #57
Don Shillady wrote:Hey it's time for another time out for me!
I am damn sick and tired of all of the eco-terrorist, tree huggers and do gooders who feel all the rest of us need to suffer for our sins. I say if we got oil in our territories, let's drill it and let's build the refineries to refine it. We also could use a few more nuke plants (hell, I live 20 miles for 3 Mile Island) to support the growing need of electricity and to help the continously upward spiraling of the cost of de-regulated electricity. I also think we need more prisons and less paroling of criminals, and I also don't think we need more sex offenders and psychiatric nut cases living in our communities like the some of the well meaning activists do. ( I notice the offenders never seem to end up in the same neighborhoods as the activists ). And while this may not be popular, I believe that the death penalty can be a deterrent and that rehabilitation does not work in the majority of cases.
Unfortunately, those who we have elected are less concerned about our needs, then they are about theirs.
Well, Don, I guess maybe it's nap time for both us.Bob
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail....but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying..."Damn....that was fun!
06-15-2008 11:26 AM #58
I also don't think we need more sex offenders and psychiatric nut cases living in our communities like the some of the well meaning activists do. ( I notice the offenders never seem to end up in the same neighborhoods as the activists ).
Sex offenders should not get a second chance. They let them out, and they do the same thing over, and over. If they can’t execute them turn them over to Lorena, Bobbit, if I misspelled her name you know who I’m talking about unless you were not around at that particular time.
RichardLast edited by ford2custom; 06-15-2008 at 07:13 PM.
06-15-2008 06:34 PM #59
I am to the point where I don't believe anyone in government is going to help us. I don't believe that the oil companys are spending 80 billion a year on R&D. I don't believe any media because they are driven by corperate America. I have written my congressmen and now I sure don't feel they are on my side so I will pay for the gas for my hotrod until I can't afford it anymore and like all of us I will regretfully park her.
I never thought in my lifetime that the freedom to drive a car would be taken away."Sunshine, a street rod and a winding beautiful Ozarks road is truely Bliss!"
06-15-2008 07:22 PM #60
Well so far I have not been banned so here is some interesting good news I found in the local newspaper (Richmond Times Dispatch) from the Associated Press, "Oil companies get OK to annoy polar bears". Apparently the U.S. Fish and Wildlife agency has given explicit written permission to seven oil companies to "annoy and potentially harm them (polar bears) in the pursuit of oil and natural gas." The article estimates that only about 2000 polar bears out of a total of 25,000 living in the Artic live in the Chukchi Sea where the exploration sites were leased. This agreement was made before the polar bear was designated an endangered species but apparently still holds. However, I had a sidewalk debate with an Environmentalist today and he is well informed but he kept saying the U.S. needs another Manhattan Project for energy, but I replied we already had a Manhattan Project and the result was and is nuclear energy. We went through the analogous argument for the problem of municipal sewage treatment and he rightly notes that nuclear waste is deadlier and lasts longer than raw sewage. I wonder where France disposes of it's nuclear waste, really, I would like to know. Anyway I left him with an assignment to find out how much energy comes to the Earth each day from the Sun and whether that is enough at 100% efficiencty to provide energy needs worldwide. I will also check this but it is my present understanding that even if all photovoltaic cells were 100% efficient and a maximum of wind mills are running, that will not provide eneough energy. Only fossil fuels and nuclear fuels have enough potential. On the one hand the darkness of North Korea compared to the rest of the world at night implies some waste of energy for night lighting and pollution like hexavalent chromium doccumented by Erin Brockavich does argue for checks and balances in environmental policy, BUT (!) the bottom line is that I am on a fixed income and I just had the last payment of my "Copper Parachute" severance which maybe I squandered on my roadster so unless I go to work again the annual increase in minimum wage proposed by one of the candidates will leave me in the dust in spite of Social Security COLA. Rationally, I think all methods need to be utilized for energy, conservation, solar, biofuel, wind and continued oil drilling but to just suddenly choke off petroleum energy when in fact there is a LOT of oil in ANWAR, the Chukchi Sea, off-shore in several places and the Bakken field in North Dakota and Montana is simply obstructionist! My last comment for today on this is that while some folks can roll with the increase in prices due to the cost of oil, I have to hope for one heck of a COLA (Cost of Living Adjustment) in my Social Security and of course that brings up the question of the solvency of Soc. Sec., the national debt etc. I entered the Soc. Sec. system at age 15 and I was amazed when I applied for benefits at age 66 that they had a record of my earnings for every year all the way back! Still when I go to the garage and look at that nearly finished roadster it is continuity with not only gas prices of $0.259/gallon but also the 1929 year that both my parents graduated from high school and I really like that chrome '29 grill shell and the rear quarter panels of the '29 roadster are in my brain forever so I will just have to stay close to home and run the "nostalgia machine" on occasional weekends because I don't think I can abandon it even if I wanted to.
Don Shillady
Retired Scientist/teen rodderLast edited by Don Shillady; 06-15-2008 at 07:41 PM.
Yep. And I seem to move 1 thing and it displaces something else with 1/2 of that landing on the workbench and then I forgot where I was going with this other thing and I'll see something else that...
1968 Plymouth Valiant 1st Gen HEMI