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Thread: I Need Your Prayer's

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  1. #16
    rc57's Avatar
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    Thank god she came out alive, our prayers are certainly with her and your family. May god give her the strength and wisdom to free herself from him. Barb is right, she needs to talk to a psychologist soon. I've got family that went thru clinical depression (it's a real bad deal) and if she lets it well up inside she'll be there before you know it. She'll always have an insecure and belittled feeling around him. There's no shame in talking to a trained ear. God Bless!
    Superman wears Chuck Norris pajamas

  2. #17
    Ken Thurm's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear this. Our prayers go out to you and your family. We raise our grandson for similar reasons, Hang in there.

  3. #18
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    sorry to hear what your daughter and your family is going thru. having seen someone you love gets beat up by someone that tells them they love them is very hard to take. with out killing the one that gave them beating .i have been there .she needs to know he just wants to ruin her life to make him feel better about his. he needs to be incarcerated and gets help for his mental problem before he gets out
    Last edited by pat mccarthy; 08-23-2008 at 10:13 AM.
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  4. #19
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    the meds are helping me but i dont take them like i should and again i thank everyone here it gives me more strength to hear from someone with the passion in life that you and i have .

    I'm trying to figure out the best approach so not to have alot of turmoil but i dont know if that can be done . She did talk to me this morn saying we can get thru this and that she will be better and get thru school . But i want this kid in jail this is agravaitted battery and he needs a few years .

    Thank you all i read every word and it helps everyone has so much support and not get the guy thing . I will push the law as hard as i can i wont stop .

  5. #20
    falconvan's Avatar
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    This is nauseating to read, Bobby. I watched my sister go through the same thing for years until her ex put her in the hospital. Then she finally left, but it was a horrible time for all of us. We'll put her on our prayerlist at church, and the rest of your family, too.

  6. #21
    stovens's Avatar
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    So sorry to hear this. I can't imagine the range of emotions you must be going through right now. My instincts would be to scare the shit out of both him and his parents threatening to bury them if they all don't move out of state, or if he doesn't turn himself in for this.
    I also know how it works. Any retribution will get your family arrested for this @#@#$ behavior. It is a real catch 22. In the olden days, he would be dragged off in the desert and beaten to an inch of his life!
    I'm so sorry for you and your family! How is your daughter doing now? With school about to start, it will be very difficult for her to concentrate on what she's worked so hard towards.
    I think the tough love approach is the only thing you can do! Your in my wife and my prayers!
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  7. #22
    IC2 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Bobby - I am so sorry to see this - this forum is like a big family and we will stand with you to help you and her as part of your immediate family through this. Tough love sometimes works and other times - well sometimes you have to temper that as well. Get the SOB that did it - and make sure it doesn't happen again.
    Dave W
    I am now gone from this forum for now - finally have pulled the plug

  8. #23
    cnile64's Avatar
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    you and your family are also in my prayers...i hope you can get him locked up..you know exactly what they will do to him in prison when they find out why he is there...even prisoners have mothers, sisters and daughters...it won't be pretty...you're doing the right thing by not taking your on revenge...even though i know it's hard...

    peace brother and god bless
    "Behold, what manner of love the father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called sons of God." 1John3:1

  9. #24
    Don Dalton's Avatar
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    Thumbs up


    Bobby,I know the hurt.Our daughter had a relationship with an Alcoholic,and to this day I cannot understand how a Guy can influence a girl so mucn as to try and ruin their lives also.After following this bum around all over the country and losing some really good jobs,she finally wised up.She is now finishing school and I am one proud father.

    Keep your faith in her and we will remember you guys in our prayers.Things have a way of working out when you have faith and prayer.
    Don D


  10. #25
    FFR428's Avatar
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    Bobby so sorry to hear all this. My prayers go out to your Daughter, you and the family and hope she's ok. This is really sad to hear. I pray she comes to terms and see's she needs to get away from him. And I hope he gets some time for his actions. No one should EVER have to endure that kind of pain from another. I pray she comes out of this ok.

  11. #26
    johnboy is online now CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Bobby I'm just so sorry to hear this, it both saddens and sickens me that someone could be so absolutely vile.
    Barb (junkyardgirl) made a great and practical suggestion a couple of posts back......see if you can talk your daughter into contacting her, to talk to someone who has "been there - done that" could be a great help to her.
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  12. #27
    Pat Monaco's Avatar
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    Bobby...you're in my prayers brother! I know what you mean about keeping the family together. They aren't any good with you in jail. My wife always reminds me of that when I over react. Keep strong and get 'er done and over with ASAP for your little girls sake! By the way, I have 2 married daughters, fortunately I also have 2 great son in laws. We are blessed.

    1930 A Bone

  13. #28
    HemiTCoupe's Avatar
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    Sorry to hear this. I met my wife in '92, she had been in a spousal abuse shelter. They helped her to relocate from FL to MN. She said to take her to a battered women shelter to stay/talk with them, but not kick her out, you are her only safe haven.
    I see a moutain hunting trip! waaaaaay back in the woods, where no one cares............ Need some directions?


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  14. #29
    TooMany2count's Avatar
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    Bobby I can't add anything that hasn't already been said. I can only hope & pray that your daughter will listen to you & others about what has happen to her & what should be done to that asshole.
    I do know what I would do if that slimeball showed up at my house, the only problem is I would have to clean up a mess in my house when I got done.
    Take care of yourself & that child of yours....joe
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  15. #30
    Don Shillady's Avatar
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    Sorry to learn of this problem, it is a heartbreaker for sure. It seems to be perfectly natural for inlaws to disagree, I know that feeling, but physical violence is out of bounds. I hope you continue to have the strength of character to help your daughter out of this problem.

    Don Shillady
    Retired Scientist/teen rodder

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