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Thread: Any Opinions on Factory Five racing's 33 Hot Rod ?

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  1. #1
    Crusty is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Question Any Opinions on Factory Five racing's 33 Hot Rod ?


    Hey guys,
    I have been watching this car with great interest. It is one heck of a new aproach to a street or hot rod.
    So what do some of you guys think ? Is it a good deal with good engineering?


    Hot Roddin" for 40yrs!!

  2. #2
    rspears's Avatar
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    Interesting! I had not seen that FF was doing a hot rod. Their concept is sound and my dream is a '33/'34, but I am not sure I am ready for a space frame hot rod. This is after only about 15 minutes on their website, so it may still grow on me.....

  3. #3
    FFR428's Avatar
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    There are a few 33 beta builders on the FF forum. You can check in and see some pics and progress. www.ffcobra.com click on the '33 Hot Rod forum.

  4. #4
    Crusty is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Although I'm not a member of the FFR forum I do read it
    and follow some of the builds. The 33 Hot Rod being one of them. I basically was trying to get the opinion of
    Street rodders who are familiar with the standard frame and body styles of the originals.
    I personally think it is a very good approach to a new generation Hot Rod. I like the safety factor that is built into this chassis. Something many street rods lack. The frame also tends to allow a more comfortable sitting positions. I know that my 34 Vicky was very short on leg room. It wasn't uncomfortable but it wasn't ideal either.
    I also like the fact that you sit in the confines of the chassis rather than on top of it.
    My observation on the suspension is HOLY SMOKES !! This thing is going to handle like a lotus elise ! Well .. maybe not that good but it will be close.
    I hope the Street Rod community doesn't snub it for being
    a "KITCAR" type and give it a chance. With the decline in registered street rodders I think this could help boost a renewed interest. Getting the young folks involved with something like this is great. It brings it into the affordability bracket for many of them.

    I for one will keep watching Mr. Iversons build thread on FFR forum to see and hear how it does work and perform.

    Thank for your comments so far.

    Hot Roddin" for 40yrs!!

  5. #5
    rumrumm's Avatar
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    I like it. It reminds me of Gibbon's Viper which I liked the looks of. The Superior Glass '34 roadster is similar in theory. Chopped and channeled '33-34's can be very cool.

    '32 3W

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  6. #6
    Mr Blue's Avatar
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    Looks like a neat concept to be sure and I bet it handles great. I am way to traditional for a design like that but I admire it and if it gets more people hot rodding then it is a win win. Don jr
    Don Jr.
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  7. #7
    rspears's Avatar
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    When I look at their base pictures I cannot see the details of the top to body mount. The top is an "option". Does this mean that there is a visible joint between a "roadster/cabriolet" body, or do they mold the top assembly to the body? I may be able to see this from the build forums - have not looked there yet.
    Edit - after some time on the FF forum the top is removable and they have a set of roadster/cabriolet windshield posts that put the windshield in the same spot "...so that there is only one scuff mark." The more I look at the FFR'33 the more I see that I don't like with the body. Seems to me that the beauty of henry's '33 has been lost to provide more space and the convenience of a removable hardtop - just my opinion from 2d pictures. Face to face it might be a wowser.
    Last edited by rspears; 10-16-2008 at 10:50 AM. Reason: Updated info

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