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Thread: E-Bay Can Work

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  1. #1
    Hombre259's Avatar
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    E-Bay Can Work


    Been a busy weekend for me. Found this very cool little 46 Ford Tudoor Sedan on E-Bay. Been wanting a Fat Fendered Ford for years, but man how risky can this be, buying unseen of E-bay?? Not wanting to ship and wanting the car in my shop as soon as the deals done means one thing---- A long drive. So mywife and I leave Alabama Friday at Noon and head for Pennsylvania to pick it up. Got a small window of time to get in and out as there is this monster winter storm coming up there.

    We kind of beat the storm. Temp in Alabama when we leave is 68, temp in PA when we get there is 24 and its just starting to snow a little. We meet the folks with the car finish the deal, load up and head south as fast as we can. Stop at a Holiday Inn for some badly needed sleep about 200 miles south somewhere in Virginia. Temp there was in the high 40 when we stop, 8 hours later its 26 and theres a lot of Ice. We split anyway and finally drove out of the rain and sleet in Roanoke.

    Was really concerned buying a Hot Rod this way, but this time the car was way beyond my expectations. Very cool little Ford, take a look and let me know what you think.


    Protected people will never know or understand the intensity life can be lived at. To do that you must complettly and totally understand the meaning of the word "DUCK"

  2. #2
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    Looks good from the pics, i hope you got a good deal on it.

  3. #3
    youther's Avatar
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    I have similar stories. My first car, the '31 I found on ebay but did not buy it using ebay. I watched it til it's end and it didn't meet reserve, so I e-mailed the guy as soon as it was over and asked him what he wanted for it. We went back and forth for a few days and came to an agreement. So then came my long drive.

    My uncle and I hit the road for Florida. Met the guy with the car, test drove it and loaded it on the trailer. We drove 21 hours straight and 2200 miles only stopping for fuel and food.

    For the 66 Stang, I found it on ebay, watched til the end and bidded on it with 8 seconds to go and won it. It was located in Ohio. We met the guy in the middle. We drove 2 hours and he drove 2 hours and met on the exit in front of the State capitol building in Charleston, WV and and unloaded it from his trailer onto mine.

    So I have had two very good experiences with car purchases. I would buy again from ebay if the opportunity presents itself. There are scams out there and you have to be careful, that's for sure. I would never send all of the money without seeing the car in person first.
    Go Hokies!!!!!! ACC CHAMPS '04,'07,'08

  4. #4
    mooneye777's Avatar
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    Congrats on the buy, it looks clean and straight from the pics you posted. What motor does it have?

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  5. #5
    T42's Avatar
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    I am an ebay addict!!......I bought 2 Corvettes, a Porsche 911 Carrera, both my Harley's.....and Ive lost count of all the project cars I got on The Bay!!!..
    You just gotta do your home work and NEVER pay before you pick up if it's a big ticket item.......I'll take the negative feedback (oh wait, sellers cant do that anymore!!!) over loosing 5 figures in cash!!!

  6. #6
    pat mccarthy's Avatar
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    i never sold or pickup any cars there is some things i do not like about e-bay but 3 month of no work in the shop. i sell on e-bay for my only income at this time. so i can not cry to much. i have pickup some of my machine shop tools on there and sold engines long and short blocks along with a lot of bbc parts over all it been good never have been burn ether way that a nice ride HOMBRE 259 if things do not get any better i may have to try sell my cars on there i would have to de tune them big time.or i may just sell the engines out of them and just put two small iron 496 in both of them and sell all my big stuff. oh well
    Irish Diplomacy ..the ability to tell someone to go to Hell ,,So that they will look forward to to the trip

  7. #7
    HOTRODPAINT's Avatar
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    I always warn people to expect it not to be perfect. Of course it's best to see it in person before the money is handed over....and don't be afraid to look underneath and in the cracks.

    I have a customer who got a great deal on a '70 440 Chrger from Ebay, with a brand new motor in it. It was an "eastern car". He has lived in Arizona all of his life, and did not know what salt and moisture is capable of. At this time, he has replaced the floors, trunk floor, quarter panels, door skins, and front fenders! So much for bargains!

  8. #8
    Hombre259's Avatar
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    It's got the usual Small Block Chevy, I can live with that. The guy I got it from had done a really good job of detailing it. I don't have a picture of the engine as a matter of fact those pic's are the sellers pic's from the E-Bay ad.

    As far as paying to much, I usually do. Guess I'm not smart enough to haggle well. This one though I think I did real well on. Bought it just as it appears in those photos for $8,000. Guy needed money for his tax's and needed to sell it real bad. Got to meet his family real nice folks and I hope the 8 grand solves there problems, and I mean that.

    This damn economy, and the fools "WE" all let make choices for us in Washington have a lot of folks over a barrel. Toys are usually the first thing to go, and that means there are right now some real bargins out there in a lot of areas, toys can be a huge bargin.

    Protected people will never know or understand the intensity life can be lived at. To do that you must complettly and totally understand the meaning of the word "DUCK"

  9. #9
    T42's Avatar
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    Eight Grand!!...Wow...If that car looks even half as good in person as in the pics, I'd say you got a darn good deal!!!! Hey, now you should buy my 47 coupe project (listed here in the classified) and have his and hers cars!!!......
    Last edited by T42; 12-21-2008 at 08:54 PM.

  10. #10
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Hombre, looks like you scored there! For all that we're told the sky is falling, you bought one, I sold one on ebay last week, so for "the right deal, right buyer/seller" cars are still moving.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

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  11. #11
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    Great find very sharp looking car . Have that invested in one needing to be restored .

  12. #12
    glennsexton's Avatar
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    Congratulations - Looks good and the story sounds like you got a great deal as well. I think we'll see a lot of rods, boats, Harleys, and you name it for sale this next year. If you have some extra cash, this may be a good time to look for that special car you been wanting.

    Good luck with this beauty Hombre!


  13. #13
    Hombre259's Avatar
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    Joanne took these as I was laying under it tying it down for the trip home. I almost never let anyone take my picture, seems she snuck these of my old wore out butt. Man I need to do something about all that grey no white hair. And guys the car looks every bit that good just standing right next to it. I am jazzed about this one.


    Protected people will never know or understand the intensity life can be lived at. To do that you must complettly and totally understand the meaning of the word "DUCK"

  14. #14
    Daffy427's Avatar
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    I have sold many and bought many cars and trucks on Ebay...They keep changing the rules there...Now selling there(fee increased by over 50%) is not as good as it was but it's still a decent deal for buyers....Selling parts is still OK there..http://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/ws/eB...m=160178406797 This is a hilarious protest of the current system there...Check it out
    I remember when hot rods were all home made.

  15. #15
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Daffy427 View Post
    ...Now selling there(fee increased by over 50%) is not as good as it was but it's still a decent deal for buyers....
    I think that depends in part on the car being sold, and in part on your expectations. I was pleased to see their new "flat rate" program. $125 fee only applies if the car sells. That wouldn't be too good on a $1000 clunker (but then why would you put that on ebay when craigslist exists with "free" ads.......other than it didn't sell on craigslist and now you're praying for some out of state buyer). It's possible to advertise your car for no insertion fee if you want the bare bones ad/picture format. I took every photo option except I had only 14 pictures instead of the max 24, and my insertion fee was $12...........pretty cheap for an "ad" that goes round the world. I also was posted in three more local car ad sites that only yielded one real interested potential buyer. With ebay I had many prospects, including one who asked most of the "right" real buyer questions and multiple emails, from Switzerland. The car ended up selling to a guy from California who wouldn't have likely (and actually didn't)have seen the ad otherwise. And if you think about it, in a situation like brother Youther describes, the seller would likely have not even paid the selling fee..........not exactly fair to ebay, but that's the gamble they take.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

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