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Thread: Ok, you all have shamed me into it!!

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  1. #16
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gastrick View Post
    Hey the new carb setup looks great Don. Are you running the scoops with the openings facing forward or to the rear? I see them both ways in the pics. If you don't feel like making one, Lokar makes a bracket for the Rochester carbs.

    Dan's dash looks sweet. That's one car I can't wait to see in person.

    PS - I didn't have any problems with the seals fitting in my Wilson hubs either.

    Thanks Brad and Bill. I tried the scoops both ways and finally settled on openings facing the rear..........several reasons. Bugs and dirt going down the throats, and we felt the wind might catch the scoops and possibly dislodge one and have it come at me and the windshield like a missile. I've been hit by some bugs that were like birds, so I think a chromed scoop would smart a little. The Rochesters have a very shallow lip to put the set screws into, and we actually had to drill and tap new ones lower to catch that lip. We also dimpled the carb where the set screws go for a little more insurance. I was going to paint the insides to match the engine, but the red actually looks ok to me, sort of traditional.

    I didn't know that about Lokar making a Rochester bracket.........guess who I will be 1-800 ing tomorrow? Thanks for the tip.

    I'm as anxious as anyone to see Dan's car done too. Poor guy has missed 4 years at Daytona, and it looks like Billetproof in March will be tight too. He must have inherited his perfectionism from his Mom.........sure didn't get it from me. Luckily, Don is a lot like me in the respect we want things nice, but we also want to drive them in our lifetime.

    Don't you have a Hemi to stuff between those Deuce rails or something?


  2. #17
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  3. #18
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Nice addition Pops. I've been intrigued by that setup for some time, looks cool, hope it works well. I vote for painting the insides of the scoops to match the block. You need a chrome grommet cover for that PCV setup, if you can't find one I'll send you one. I know you like bling!

    Another voice on the Wilson hubs thing, I've had two sets and both took the seals just fine, so I agree, must have been a bad hair day on those undersize ones.

    The Lokar bracket is a nice piece, works well.

    I'll be interested to hear if the carbs were set well out of the box. I just got a complete setup from Price today. It's a little showier than I normally do with the chrome plated carb bodies, but he was selling the whole deal at 50% off, so you take what you can get. The workmanship on this is first rate, and the linkage/throttle shafts work very smoothly.
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    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  4. #19
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    Wow, that's too nice to put on a car Bob. Vintage Speed must be feeling the economy a little because they came down $ 200 bucks on the setup I bought and I wasn't even haggling........just standing there fondling their chrome goodies. I couldn't pass it up, and the carbs even have the right bases on them, one has idle screws and the other doesn't. Like you, I am really impressed with the quality of the linkage, carbs, fuel line, etc. You have to catch him at a show because you walk home with your stuff and the prices seem to drop a little.

    Whatcha putting that sweet setup on Bob? It's about time you posted some progress pictures of your own........we always see those great cars in the background, but you are the Howard Hughes of hot rodding...........very secretive.



  5. #20
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    Whatcha putting that sweet setup on Bob? It's about time you posted some progress pictures of your own........we always see those great cars in the background, but you are the Howard Hughes of hot rodding...........very secretive.
    Hmmmm, my hair and nails have been getting longer, I do wash with anit-bacterial soap, and I own property in Vegas........................you might be on to something!

    Last edited by Bob Parmenter; 12-30-2008 at 06:13 AM.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

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  6. #21
    Mr Blue's Avatar
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    Looks Great!


    Hey Pops,
    That carb setup looks great! dans dash looks fantastic too! Nice work!
    Don Jr
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  7. #22
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    Don--I have to post here so that I will recieve email notification of when you add to this thread. I always enjoy your posts. The Wild Canary is parked for the winter, but I will be back to "Hot Rod World" when the spring comes.---Brian
    Old guy hot rodder

  8. #23
    OFT is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Thank goodness your back!! I like the carb setup and the pin stripping is great looking. And you made progress. Now, with the T done, what's up with the P/U and your 27?


  9. #24
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    Who are you? Wow I missed this post! Your T looks great, water spots and all!! I think your new manifold and carbs fit the theme of your car better. I wonder if you will loose any power? I think those are about 220 cfm each? Tell Dan he really has good taste in steering wheels!
    No more vacations from the shop!

  10. #25
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    Thanks guys.

    Brian, from what I am seeing on the news it looks like you guys in the North are getting hit pretty hard this year, winter seems to have come pretty early. But now you have time to play with your new tools and create some of those awesome pieces you make.

    Earl, now that New Years is over Dan plans to really start hitting on his RPU hard. We sat and made a list the other night of stuff he needs and work yet to be done, and the list is not all that long. A little more welding on the frame and we can get it blasted and paint it. Then the shiny stuff (front and rear suspension) can start being bolted on. As for my '27, it is in line behind my Dodge truck. Same game plan as Dan's car, I just need to get the frame painted and start bolting it together for the last time. Then I will either do the '27 or else the little modified I want to build from Dan's cast off RPU body. I have all those neat '46 Ford drivetrain parts I picked up from Paul in Atlanta just sitting there begging to be used, but if I don't stay focused and finish the one car that is closest to being done (the Dodge) I won't get anything done.

    Ken: I think the new carbs can't perform as well as the single 600 cfm Edelbrock, but I don't think they will be too bad either. As I mentioned, when Dan and I took that little ride with me using a fishing line as a throttle (), I gave it a little tug when we were moving and the slicks lit up and it got a little out of shape, so the bottom end seems to still be there. For some unknown reason my Edelbrock always ran a little rich, and the little primary 2 barrel might cure that. I just hope my headers don't start cooking because up until now the richness has kept them pretty cool. I thought I smelled a little burning from them when we got back from our little cruise, so I have to keep an eye on that.

    We were going to head to the shop today, but both of us are just enjoying having a day off to lay around and do nothing. Dan is off tomorrow too, so he plans on getting over there (I have to work though )


  11. #26
    Don Shillady's Avatar
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    Don, I was interested in your mention of 25 mpg with the 600 carb. I have not followed your build very well so can you recap the driveline that gave you 25 mpg? Admittedly the light weight of the car helps a lot but can you review the specs of the car such as:

    1. rear gear ratio
    2. cu. in. of engine
    3. cam specs
    4. tranmission

    Don Shillady
    Retired Scientist/teen rodder

  12. #27
    Hotrod46's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    For some unknown reason my Edelbrock always ran a little rich

    FWIW - I have used several of the Edelbrocks and they all ran a little rich right out of the box. I always wound up rejetting 1 -2 steps lean on the primary side at cruise.

    Also, I should have known that my hubs were the only ones shipped undersize! I just look at that stuff as another part of hot rodding. I've delt with lots of stuff over the years that's supposed to fit, but doesn't. Can be very frustrating sometimes, though. Glad yours were OK. I wasn't trying to slam Wilson Welding, just giving you a heads up.

    Keep up the good work!


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