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Thread: Willys body maker in illinois

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  1. #1
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    Willys body maker in illinois


    Have a customer who wants me to do a fiberglass Willys body from a guy in Illinois possibly with the name Dave Vicky? Any clues, I have not had a chance to see the body in person yet, just trying to track down the basic information for now.


    Bill S.
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  2. #2
    41willys's Avatar
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    Heritage Motors out of Kankakee

    I bought one of their bodies and unless they have changed all of their molds I would not build another one. I spent two years and the cost of TWO Outlaw bodies just getting it nice. I bought mine through one of their dealers and was not able to get much if any satifaction from them. I called the owner and drove to the factory in order to get "better" or should I say different parts.

    Search my posts and you will see how bad mine was.

  3. #3
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    This is probably who you mean; http://www.davviki.com/home.htm

    These folks used to own a similar company known as Heritage hot rod (or something close to that), also based in Ill. You can do a search online for some historical (note, they mention on their new site they sold the old one a few years back) opinions on their previous business practices and quality (?) level. Charitably I'll say they built down to a price point instead of up to a quality standard.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  4. #4
    41willys's Avatar
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    It is the same company, same building just a new name. I think the "Heritage quality" came back to bite them and they had to reorganize.

    I see they have dropped the prices on their current Willys complete body kit a grand or so. They, or their biggest dealer, specialized in rollers on the S10 frame which was a real bad deal. If all your customer wants is a Willys then this is a good price but if he wants you to build him a nice Willys I would look elswhere.

    Just my 2 cents worth of experience.

  5. #5
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Actually they sold the Heritage business. There were a number of press releases, and announcements of their "retirement". It was sold to some guy in Oklahoma. I see now the apparent remains of that are now in Ohio under the name Heritage Hot Rods, same line of bodies and similar business model. Wouldn't surprise me the first buyer found out what a pig in the poke he bought, but that's only speculation. Either way this is technically a new business not a reorganization..............but the owners are the same and I'm sure their outlook on the market is too. Your first hand experience reinforces the rest of what's been said about them in years past.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  6. #6
    41willys's Avatar
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    You are correct as usual It appears the second owner and the dealer I bought mine from, continue as Heritage Hot rods. I wonder if he took all of the molds with him. Perhaps Daveviki actually does produce a better product out the same building than was done before. I will afford them the benefit of the doubt.

  7. #7
    brian41chevy's Avatar
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    OUTLAW is the only way to go for your Willys body.

  8. #8
    bentwings's Avatar
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    Take a look at Antique and Collectable.


    Mine has no mold seams, excellent finish and fits pretty nice as does their frame. One of the few that does post mold heat curing to finish off the glass cure. Mine is hard as a rock and does not smell of resin.
    41 Willys 350 sbc 6-71 blower t350, 9in, 4 link
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    older than dirt

  9. #9
    Joliet Jake's Avatar
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    My 32 three window is a Heritage unit. It was a total mess but we finally, or should I say the guy that did the bodywork got it right. Both doors de-laminated, it had more waves than a bag of chips and the areas of the gel coat was full of air pockets. It's beautiful now, but I don't know how many weeks it took to get it that way.

  10. #10
    bigdude's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by brian41chevy View Post
    OUTLAW is the only way to go for your Willys body.
    My friend is right on there

  11. #11
    41willys's Avatar
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    I agree.
    I have two friends that built Outlaws and both had very minor body work done before the paint. Never EVER by a cheap body if you want a nice car. You will pay to make up the difference in quality and believe me it WILL be much more expensive.
    Bite the bullet and go for the best body out there.

  12. #12
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    Bill I am only about 25 minutes away if you would like me to snoop a bit and check it out . Not a pro but I do know what I would accept and expect out of fiberglass ( hull of a boat comes to mind ) .

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