OK, got the last strip in. there are a couple more pieces I COULD put in.. but I think this is good for now. The pan is complete, and all the major rust is gone. Of course, the entire pan needs replaced, but this is a beater not a show car, and the wife will probably wreck it anyway.

Anyway.. today I pulled the can of zero rust off the shelf, and it was bunch of goo, with some liquid on top. Got to stirring, and it actually came back to life. Looked through my stash of projects past, and found some reducer and paper filters. Thinned it down, and got five buckets / filters going. Pulled out my old spray gun, and filled it up. Everything was going well, until the air compressor 'walked' around and cut the hose. Fixed the hose and finished painting. Now, I wanted to shoot till it was all gone, but the gun clogged up, and so I called it good for the day. Got about a half quart of reduced Zero rust for another day. Really should have caulked first, but got ahead of myself. I'll caulk it tomorrow. Picked up a couple tubes of white lightning, might paint back over it, dunno.