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Thread: virus warning?

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  1. #1
    chevy69's Avatar
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    virus warning?


    Anyone else getting a virus warning from the Kieth Craft Banner?
    I'm getting a pop up every time I go to a page with that banner.


  2. #2
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by chevy69 View Post
    Anyone else getting a virus warning from the Kieth Craft Banner?
    I'm getting a pop up every time I go to a page with that banner.

    Yes, I'm getting it too. I just sent an email to the webmaster about it before I saw your post.
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  3. #3
    hotroddaddy's Avatar
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    im getting it too.

  4. #4
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    This from Ron (moderator and chief bottle washer on clubcobra)

    Quote Originally Posted by computerworks View Post

    Plain english explanation....something has changed on the landing page at KC's site...such that if you click on the banner, it would get an error from the KC site, but redirect to their (new) home page.
    The pointer expects a graphic, but the landing page has a script... which could be interpreted as a trick link to something viral. That's what Kasper is finding when the link path is examined.

    It's just some messy code, but, rest easy, it's not a viral problem.

    It is something that needs a fix on this end...I'll get with Brent on this.

    Thanks for pointing it out.

    Bill S.
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  5. #5
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    I had the snifflz' this mornin'. Could have been a virus, but most likely the window I left open by the bed last night.
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  6. #6
    randyr's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mrmustang View Post
    This from Ron (moderator and chief bottle washer on clubcobra)

    Bill S.

    You may say it's nothing to worry about but my Virus Threat Warning file is completely full of "JS/download.Agent" as a result of whatever is going on with the Keithcraft banner. That doesn't sound like nothing to worry about to me! Please send out a notice when you get it fixed. I won't be back until then. I love this site but it's not worth screwing up my whole system for.
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  7. #7
    bluefishfoot is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    went to google and searched for JS/download.agent and got 1,960,000 hits and the ones I looked at all said it is a "virus". I assume it has to do with Javascript. When you have Javescript enabled, you get popups, and it enables other computers to download things on your computer. but most sites with banners and adds and things that move on their web pages require you to have it enabled to view their sites. Its a way they can put things on your computer so they can track your viewing habits so they can sell info to advertisers and select which popups to put on your screen, and track your key strokes to get your passwords and things. They can get the email addresses that you type in, and send you junk mail based on your viewing habits. There's alot of things that can be done with cookies and Javascript.
    But its meant to be just a way to make scrolling and flashing movement on your web pages. It can just be used and is an access point for other stuff.
    Last edited by bluefishfoot; 08-03-2009 at 08:01 AM.

  8. #8
    mrmustang's Avatar
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    The defect in their script is what the anti virus software is saying is JS/download. It in fact is not JS/download, but a scripting error that is similar in nature. It is not a true malicious code here or on their site, just things that need tweaking to bring them back into normal operating parameters.

    Think of it for what it is, human error.

    Bill S.
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