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Thread: 34 3 Window Re-Build

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  1. #91
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    Jack its going to just fine . You have the sheet metal knack now so just work at it when there is time .

  2. #92
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Hi all,
    It has been awhile so thought I would update. The shower has been done for about a month now and wow, what a relief to have that out of the way. One floor plate and all plywood under the pan needed to be replaced, thank god the joists under the pan were still good. Will post pics of the construction and finished product in another post.

    I earlier posted some pics of the work on the passenger rear fender and was real proud of myself to that stage. I then bolted that fender to the body Then I started on the driver rear fender. In the process of getting the two halves lined up and clamped to scribe the patch panel I look a look at the passenger fender to see how they looked together and.....OH NO. Some where in my making final trims on the patch panel (while on the welding bench) I didn't notice the bottom half was moving out of position. The result can be see quite well after the fender is bolted to the coupe; although I didn't notice till compared to the other fender. So... I have a do-over. I didn't like the welding job anyway so the next try will hopefully look better.
    The shot of the driver fender shows the two halves clamped to the patch panel with the dichem sprayed ready for scribing. In that shot you can see the lower edge of the fender with the proper angle to the floor. Tossed in a shot of the side of the road find Mazda hood sacrificing itself for the patch panels. While I was at it I made a die and punch to recreate the missing fender rib in the patches. Hoping for a better job this time.

    JackNew pas side.jpgDie and punch.jpgMazda Hood.jpgDrivers side3.jpgNew Pas side2.jpg
    Last edited by Jack F; 06-27-2011 at 12:18 PM.

  3. #93
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Oh well, probably not the first or the last re-do in the world of Hot Rodding! Good to see you back on the car again Jack!
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  4. #94
    falconvan's Avatar
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    Looks good, Jack. Keep chipping away, you'll be doing burnouts before you know it.

  5. #95
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    Jack how ya been had to stop in special to see this history and what you been up to . Haven't been on much but hope all is well there !

  6. #96
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Hi Bobby,

    Have done a little work on the drivers rear fender and made a S/S pin for the door hinges (made 1 too many of one length and 1 too few of the other length). Other than that work has been kind of slow on the 34. Mostly doing work around the house that was neglected during the bad weather this spring and summer. Am typing this right now from Middleton, Id. at daughter and SILs place where we are doing a little R&R. Hope to get back in the mood soon.

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  7. #97
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    Hey Jack how ya doing ? Someone on facebook just pulled out a 34 3 window to start on , I was trying to swap my 31 for it LOL . He said no way he had been wanting one since he was 7 years old .

  8. #98
    406Rich's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack F View Post
    Tossed in a shot of the side of the road find Mazda hood sacrificing itself for the patch panels. While I was at it I made a die and punch to recreate the missing fender rib in the patches. Hoping for a better job this time.

    JackAttachment 50123Attachment 50124Attachment 50125Attachment 50127Attachment 50126
    Ah..... therein lies the problem, foriegn tin mated with american steel...., sorry Jack just could`nt resist, anyways its coming along nicely, buy the way I`ve been asking around for a year about your plaque, can`t find a person that remembers it...still checking thou..
    `37 Ford Coupe
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  9. #99
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Not to worry, I expected someone to comment on the foreign metal. I'm a use whatja got kind of guy, in fact, I have 2 pretty messed up front fenders sitting in a shed I could have used for patches but I am saving them to see if there is any way I can "save" them. They are probably too far gone but someday I will give it a try.


    Sad to say but other chores have been keeping me busy around the house and yard. The wife retires in March and we will put the house up for sale as soon as neglected items around the house and yard are taken care of. Hopefully somewhere in there I will find some time to work on the coupe.


  10. #100
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    I know about the chores Jack they keep us busy else where . Selling of our house is what put heavy wraps on the mustang in 2000 , packed it up , moved in , more chores didn't get back to it till almost 9 years later . Now at least I give it a go a little more often .

    Finishing it gets me back on the 31 and its almost like a snap together model now in the position its in . Well except for swapping out the 302 for the 401 nailhead .

  11. #101
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Getting back on a project always feels good. I wanted to put a 401 Nailhead in a 35 more door I had years, many years, ago; never got around to it however and sold it with the 276 cu flathead I first built for it.

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  12. #102
    bluestang67's Avatar
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    Jack any updates done on the rod ??


  13. #103
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Hi Bobby,

    Thanks for asking. In short, no. The last year or so has been consumed with fixing the daily drivers, they are paid for and don't want another car payment, some traveling, including Mom sitting, Mom turns 92 this year, and getting the house ready for sale for the move to Idaho. Speaking of the move, last week we came that close to signing on the dotted line for a new construction for a home on a 1/2 acre (room for a shop) but decided at the last minute to wait until we sell our home in Wa.
    Having more time to think than actually work on the coupe I have decided to do away with the coil springs from the original rear suspension and go with coil overs. That will remove the bulky brackets needed for the coils and make more room for the filter and electric pump and exhaust. Wish I could add more news but until the move very little will get done on the 34.

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  14. #104
    Jack F's Avatar
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    Thought I would give everyone an update, what the heck, it's only been a year+ since the last one. First, the 34 is in about the same state as the last update. Second, the house is about a week from going on the market.. I injured my knee last October which really cut back on my ability to work on the outside work, I still have to favor it some even now. Had to put a new roof on the house, 22+year old shakes and one of the roofers workers side work between roofs. What a life saver. This kid finished a ditch I started to find a water main leak, then filled it back in after the fix. Replaced more fence posts and rebuilt more fence sections in 1 + weak than what I did in the previous3+ months. Then did landscape work to finish out the yard work. Thanks to his hard work outside the wife and I were able to concentrate on the inside work, much of which consisted of taking years of "must have" accumulation to the Goodwill. We also got a storage garage near where we will be building and have made 6 trips with stuff we didn't take to the Goodwill. Will make another trip over next weekend. The house, I think, will be on the market when we get back.

    That is enough for now, just didn't want people to think I had died in order to get out of having to do all this work. Can't wait to get to Idaho and into my new, larger shop, not to mention the new house.


  15. #105
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    We all go through stages where "other work" interferes with a guy's Hot Rod time!!!! Thanks for keeping us updated Jack! When is the big move going to take place?
    stovens likes this.
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