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Thread: First ride in 11 years!!!!!

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  1. #61
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Itoldyouso View Post
    I know from the little bit I have been driving it around town it LIKES Premium gas a WHOLE lot!
    I know what you mean!! I really wish I was closer to Florida so I could make the Turkey Run. You guys are going to have a blast!!
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  2. #62
    stovens's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by rspears View Post
    I know what you mean!! I really wish I was closer to Florida so I could make the Turkey Run. You guys are going to have a blast!!
    Wow Don two car in the time I have half a truck done! You and your sons are very industrious! I also understand why you want to take time off after your done with these two! The cost alone is killer, especially at the finish with interiors and paint, and all those little chrome pieces and gasgets!
    Hope you guys have a blast at the Turkey run. Your weather report sounds perfect.
    " "No matter where you go, there you are!" Steve.

  3. #63
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Looks like I am done with the 27, except to have some mild pinstriping done on the headlights and maybe dash. Dan and I hauled his rpu to the upholstery shop last night, and I picked up the 27. I have to say he did a very nice, professional job. I take back all the things I felt in the beginning, and am so happy we found this guy. I'll post some pictures tomorrow when I get some daylight. Not sure what it is about this 27, but at almost every red light I have someone talking to me and asking questions........that happened with the 23, but not as much as with this one. Nice part is, the 27 is quiet enough to be able to converse with the people in the next car......the 23, not so much.

    Dans is there for a top, seats, and carpets. It should be done by the time we get back from Turkey Run next week. In typical Dan fashion, he gave the guy a bunch of templates on how he wants the window shapes and positions to be, and had lots of blue tape stuck everywhere with notes about where stuff goes. They spent about an hour talking about what he wants and we left with a good feeling about how it will turn out.

    Dan is super nervous about anyone but him drilling holes in the body, such as for snaps, and I told him he should sleep at the guys house and offer free labor when drilling time comes around. The guy had my car all taped up and covered with soft blankets, so I don't think Dan has any worries about any scratches getting on anything.


  4. #64
    J. Robinson's Avatar
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    Are you planning on being at the field outside turn 4 on Saturday night?

    Racing! - Because football, basketball, baseball, and golf require only ONE BALL!

  5. #65
    Itoldyouso's Avatar
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    Yep, sure am Jim. I pulled up the weather forecast for Daytona, looks like the days will be nice but a little chilly at night, and maybe some rain over Saturday. Funny how it is a little cooler than where you and where I live just a few miles more to the South. I'm hoping to catch up with you, Bill and his family, and some others from on here.

    Here is the weather forecast:



  6. #66
    31 5w is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Itoldyouso, (Don) do/did you belong to a Jeep website using that name? I belong to a few and recognized the name but maybe someone else! (I am 34 ford there)

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