Thanks for sending me a new password. I cannot understand how this can only have affected my UserName and no one elses. I had full access into the evening Thursday, 12/8 and then this morning I had been logged out, and the system did not recognize my sign in information. On a whim I clicked the "Register" button, and it said that the account name "rspears" was not used, and open to be used. When I attempted to have my account info sent to me, the system said that my e-mail account was not recognized. I hate to see the loss of a couple of days of everyone's posts, but I will admit that it irks me a bit when I click my UserName, go into the profile and it says that I have no posts to review, nor any threads started including my build history. I understand that it may still be in the system, but with an rspears "guest" tag?

I'm not making the call on resetting the data base - it affects lots of other people, as all posts will be lost for a 24 to 48 hour period, but the longer you wait, the more that will be lost. I can live with either way.