The more I think about it the more I agree, just go shiny and be done with it. I'm going to have my friend with the mopar collection price me some paint and see what he can do. Since the glass will be out and it is already prepped, might as well make it shiny.

There are a couple other things I've wanted to do to it too and maybe I'll give them a shot too. A flush mounted 3rd brake light is high on the list. One flush with the paint/clear. I don't know if I'll go that route or not but I have always dug them.

Tonight I dug out my speedo and tach. I am going to make a bezel/gauge holder to put my 5" gauges on my dash. I talked myself right out of those high dollar gauges. I just don't like the Dakota digital ones like I thought I did. The Classic Instruments are nice but part of them look cheap at the same time. I'll just use what I have and I want to incorporate the Fitech controller in either the console or behind the speaker grill.

I'm working on dodges thinking about what all I need to get for the 40 and what all needs done still. I'm also thinking about putting autoloc bear claw latches on the doors. More than once I had the passenger door pop open and I don't want that to happen anymore.