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Thread: Fuel tanks & Dizzy's

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  1. #1
    34_40's Avatar
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    Fuel tanks & Dizzy's


    I hadn't finished being inquisitive about MT1's fuel system and distributor selection before we were "pushed" into a different direction. I'm hopeful you could share some details on the fuel tanks, things like supports / driveshaft protection (if any?) fuel filler being up front... the whole rig is so different, I, I, I gotsta know!

    If you wouldn't mind sharing that is! tia...

  2. #2
    M.T.1 is offline Club Hot Rod Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Hey I just saw this I wasn't ignoring you... Honest. Think I had better re post those pics so everyone knows what the heck we are talking about.

    So I hated those running board tanks as they are a pain in the arse to fill and I really didn't like the looks of the fillers sticking through the splash aprons. More often than not I use the original gas tank bottom and cut a door in it that hinges and swings down. I then attach the fuse box to that so it can be accessed easily. The only other option is to make a single tank or twin tank for under the car. with the twin tanks I use a motorhome fuel change over valve. This allows changing over and the use of either tank on the fly. I run two sending units so its easy to read either tank level. The hangers are hung off the frame on the inside of the rails. The inside edge of the tank is attached to 2 pieces of flat bar that runs between the rails level with the top edge of the rails. Make since? The filler is a tube that I bend to come from the filler hole through the bottom of the original tank and snakes around the shifter and through the floor just behind the tranny and under the front seats. It then tee's into the inlet spouts of the tanks. It all gets covered with a small console and hidden from view. I weld 3 or 4 tabs to the snake tube and bolt it solid to the floor for safety sake. I get 10 gallons on each side and depending on who buys it depends on how serious of drive shaft hoop they get. These two guys will never break the tires loose . Ive built a few that are full cage between the tanks... Just depends?
    Last edited by M.T.1; 04-30-2013 at 04:10 PM.
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  3. #3
    34_40's Avatar
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    Thanks for making the time to fill in the blanks! And yes, it all made sense! 8-)

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