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Thread: Another Pontiac for the firebird

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    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    Another Pontiac for the firebird


    hey guys, I need a volunteer to post some pixels, or I'm a-gonna get told "pics or it didn't happen ".

    I don't know why I do things. Maybe because I don't have anyone telling me not to.

    So, I just burned some dino fuels in my newly acquired 49 pontiac silver streak. Well, it's titled as a 49 but the VIN tag position and front grill are correct for a 48.

    So far, I've cleaned up the corroded battery tray in the trunk, and added jumper cables to the trunk after getting a jump on my maiden voyage. Afterwards, back to the hacienda to pull the alternator, take it to town for testing and a replacement.

    Tomorrow it goes on the rack to look at grounds, as the volts Guage reads 1.5 V low. Also, I found out that my DMM reads voltage screwy when its battery is low.

    The fuel guage doesn't read right (like half - scale)

    Speedo and tach inop.

    All exterior lights work, all electrical replaced. The add-on blinker unit works fine but reaching behind the steering wheel for the toggle switch is annoying.

    It's got a HEID T front clip with rack and pinion which looks to have been installed well, along with a nice X brace through center. If I remember correctly, the ad said Ford nine inch rear, and the gears feel tall. The Olds 403 really gets it off the line. It has a holly double pumper and long tube headers and HEI. It's got an automatic three speed with a way cool floor shifter. However, I haven't found its dipstick yet. It shifts well.

    Brakes are upgraded with a mini booster and master cylinder which are dead in the way for checking the oil. There's no proportioning valve between the two lines, but there is some doohicky on the rear line which splits the lines going out, I'll not mess with the knob on that. The front brakes are late seventies pontiac.

    The next toy I buy off the net sight unseen, I would like to get in perfect condition. Ugh.

    Anyway, I've got oil leaks from the fuel pump and sending unit, haven't noticed any from the trans, but it looks like the rack and pinion is adding to the mess.

    The steering it twitchy, but rather easy to get used to. Some torque steer too.

    It's got a modern radio in the glove box, which is supposed to work but doesn't.

    I haven't figured out how to turn on the AC, and the heater valve is frozen in a non confirmed position.

    The vacuum - operated wipers don't work. The front will operate if you flip the knob on and off, but the back doesn't at all.

    Whoever built this had a dislike of interior cloth. The door panels and headliner are done in aluminum sheet with lots of pop rivets, very nicely done.

    The whole thing needs a good detailing. The paint is nice, cream with brown fenders.

    None of the locks work and it takes a screwdriver to open the hood.
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    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    Oh, and it's fun to drive. Definitely a two hands on wheel at all times operation, but the kid's got chops.

    At gas stations, the silver and white beards gather in and start wagging, uttering silver-tongued exultations of adulation.

    But, the little-uns have yet to exclaim in youthful jubilation "look Dad, it's a race car!" I guess I'll miss hearing that, as I'm selling the 75 firebird to make room. Many here accompanied me while muddling through the bird's restoration oversights.
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  3. #3
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    PM me and I'll post them for you, sounds like an interesting ride. Straight axle?
    Ken Thomas
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  4. #4
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    Thx for the offer, ill snap some pics soon.

    Not straight axle, modern upgrade with Heid T subframe.

    I can't decide if the center X member is stock or not. The frame is original and has been boxed.

    I addressed several oil leaks. The worst was the oil filter itself, barely screwed tight. I may have to change gasket on fuel pump. The rack and pinion had a leaky fitting which took a crows foot and elbow to tighten, I hope that got it.

    I pressure washed the undercarriage and shot some rattle can on the more obvious rust, to slow it down. It's clear that whoever last did body work was paid to paint, not to fix rust. This car definitely needs to stay dry.

    I thought I had fixed the speedo, but it may need a new cable.

    I added a ground from frame to body, but the volts guage still reads low.

    I put a new battery in the radio remote, but still nothing.

    Still haven't found the transmission dipstick.
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    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    So, who knows a wiper upgrade kit, or is it something I'll have to custom fabricate?

    What was the original rear suspension set up? This thing has trailing arms like a truck. Doesn't look stock to me.
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  6. #6
    rspears's Avatar
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    Check out Newport vacuum to electric conversions - https://newportwipers.com/

    Your Pontiac, '37 to '52 had leaf springs in the rear.
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  7. #7
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    Wow, those ain't cheap. I'll avoid rain for now.

    So the training arms are custom, and well done too.

    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

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    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firebird77clone View Post
    Wow, those ain't cheap. I'll avoid rain for now.

    So the training arms are custom, and well done too.

    Yeah, the good stuff isn't cheap. One thing their site points out is the model groupings - '42-48, then '49-'52. Looks like you need to figure out if your title is right as a '49 or your thought that it's a '48. Nice to know with factory built vehicles.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  9. #9
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    If the VIN info i got is accurate, plus the grille, it's definitely a 48.

    I've been working on my awning, to keep the pontiac dry.
    I've slapped some corrugated steel on the outside so only the ends are open. It looks ugly but I've got some ideas..

    I got rid of some clutter,and evicted the mower and log splitter. I'll figure that out later. Now I have a lot more fudge factor when backing in.

    Today I finished replacing the screws in the roof, cleaning out the garbage from the aluminum corrugated sheet overlaps, and adding extra screws so it doesn't reoccur. Quite a few screws had ripped through. The new screws are larger, and have rubber and steel washers, and shouldn't rip out again.

    Now I can figure out what next.
    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

  10. #10
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firebird77clone View Post
    If the VIN info i got is accurate, plus the grille, it's definitely a 48.
    OK, it's time to invoke "pics or it didn't happen "! The change to second generation in '49 was a dramatic change, and it should be obvious if it's first gen or second.

    For now, there's no Pontiac, just words!!


    1949 Pontiac.jpg
    Last edited by rspears; 10-13-2021 at 07:53 AM.
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    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

  11. #11
    firebird77clone's Avatar
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    The title came in the mail.

    The Wisconsin title DEFINITELY stated the pontiac as 49.

    I got my Georgia title back, it says 48! The bill of sale was written for a 48, and that must be what the tag office clerk went by.

    I'll send a couple pics to NTFday for posting.
    Education is expensive. Keep that in mind, and you'll never be terribly upset when a project goes awry.

  12. #12
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by firebird77clone View Post
    The title came in the mail.

    The Wisconsin title DEFINITELY stated the pontiac as 49.

    I got my Georgia title back, it says 48! The bill of sale was written for a 48, and that must be what the tag office clerk went by.

    I'll send a couple pics to NTFday for posting.
    Look at your front fenders and compare to the pics above! Should be obvious what you've got!
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  13. #13
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Looks like a 48 to me
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  14. #14
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    The last of the "fat fendered" cars and a fastback to boot. The two things I'd change are the headlight "eyebrows" and those ugly fender skirts. Other than rechroming the bumpers I'd pretty much leave it alone.
    Ken Thomas
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  15. #15
    rspears's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NTFDAY View Post
    Looks like a 48 to me
    Clearly not a '49! Does the Indian hood ornament have a light? That may have been later that they added illumination.
    Enjoy the little things in life, and you may look back one day and realize that they were really the BIG things.

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