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Thread: Plymouth Satellite

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  1. #1
    Dog Face's Avatar
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    Car Year, Make, Model: '95 Subaru Impreza

    Plymouth Satellite


    I love the look of these. Is there anything that usually goes terribly wrong with them? What's it like to get parts for them?

    I think they're rad-looking, but that's about the extent of my knowledge.

    Bear with me - I'm learning.

    (and hey - it sure blows the subaru out of the lake)
    Cheers. - A

  2. #2
    Stu Cool's Avatar
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    Which year Satellite? Most of them were good solid cars, the torsion bar front suspension is pretty unique, but works well. The 318, 383, 413, 426 amd 440 motors were all pretty good too.

    I'm not sure what all else you are asking. I don't have experience with the bodies as far as rust goes.

    Hope that helps

    Of course, that's just my opinion, I could be wrong!

  3. #3
    poncho62's Avatar
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    Rusting is a big factor in these cars, especially the frame and the torsion bar crossmember................
    Home Handyman Forum

  4. #4
    Dog Face's Avatar
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    I saw a '65 at a local "real car" get-together and I've had a somewhat sick obession with them ever since.

    Thanks for the rusting tip, I'll be wary.
    Cheers. - A

  5. #5
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    As Pat says, it depends on which year you're talking about.

    The good news is there are lots of parts available, the bad news is they tend to cost a bit more than Fords and Chevs, and if you're putting one together one piece at a time it can really add up. Some interior trim, mostly dash, parts can be tough.

    Not only the areas poncho mentioned, but the trunk and passenger floors go soon too. Along with the lower quarters and lower front fenders. As with any car, don't fool yourself by thinking that it's just a "little work" to fix rust outs (or even the bubble stuff that many sellers say "isn't much"). Buy the absolutest rust free-est car you can find. They're worth the usual premium.

    '65 was the first year for Satellite, and the only year of that body shape. '66 & 7 were very similar to each other, and '68-'70 were similar to each other.
    Last edited by Bob Parmenter; 05-24-2004 at 08:42 PM.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

    It's much easier to promise someone a "free" ride on the wagon than to urge them to pull it.

    Luck occurs when preparation and opportunity converge.

  6. #6
    TXTolley's Avatar
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    rock on mopars!


    Howdy there. A satallite is an awesome car. They can look perty good, and the mopar engines last forever. If you DO happen to make the right choice and go mopar, then just tell me if anything wears out or needs to be replaced. There is a good mopar junkyard here in central TX that i can go get some parts from him and ship them to you. Just pay for everything and ill do the pulling for you. He has a website...drmopar.com. check it out if you want. Where are you located, by the way. Shipping might turn out to be a very bad idea.
    Audios for now,

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