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Thread: My future beast?

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  1. #1
    Spinnaker is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    My future beast?


    Hi all, I've recently befriended a fellow that has something I wouldn't mind taking off his hands

    He's had a 1950 Pontiac Chieftain(2DR-H/T) sitting in a shed for the past few years, and I asked him if he'd want to sell 'er...

    He said $300CND($228USD) and he would let 'er go... And I'd give him a few more bucks, and he'd put it on his flatbed, and bring it into the city(He's 2 hours away).

    He's a great guy, but he's got his hands full with a couple of Fieros. He bought it for $300, and wants to break even, though we all know, you never break even with cars

    I've got a '70 MGB GT that's on the road... So I need something new... And I think this car can fill in the empty space. The thing is... She's in rough shape to say the least

    A total rest. will be needed... She's a basket-case

    My question is...

    Am I stupid?

    The plan is to chop and drop, but still keep a original feeling to her

    She'd be a show stopper, but also a daily driver

    Time for the pictures!

  2. #2
    Spinnaker is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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  3. #3
    joker51's Avatar
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    I don't think you are stupid, I did the same thing a few months ago, And I am now just finishing up the body and the floor pan and getting her ready for the engine. She's not in too bad of shape, you should be able to bring her back real nice.
    Good luck, and keep us posted on the work
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  4. #4
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Looks like most of it's there and it should make a nice driver. I've seen worse that turned out real nice. Good luck and keep us posted.
    Ken Thomas
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  5. #5
    Oldf100fordman's Avatar
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    Spinnaker, she looked pretty good until I saw that floor board. But if that's the worst of it, I think your brain is in the right place. But Please, please, put a Pontiac motor and trans in it.
    Duane S
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  6. #6
    suedeplymouth's Avatar
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    The car looks in good shape to me, outside of the floors. She shouldnt be that huge of a project to get her to be a driver as is. As for chopping and dropping her, you may want to reconsider that. Probably 90% of all serious home built customs never get finnished. Most give up after theyve gotten half of the major body work done and then just sell or scrap the car after it sets like that, unfinnished for a few years.
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  7. #7
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    The car looks like good project material to me. Bring it home and let the fun began. The body style certainly shows a lot of potential for customizing.
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  8. #8
    chevy 37's Avatar
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    The floor boards look the worst of the car but the rest looks in pretty nice shape. I say go for it and keep us posted with some pictures.
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  9. #9
    SprayTech's Avatar
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    Cool Project , the only thing i hope you keep when its all slicked up is keep using the 2x6 hood prop

    Floor boards arent all that tough if you make sure to gusset the door jamb areas before you cut it out so the body doesnt shift or go out of square.


  10. #10
    Spinnaker is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    But Please, please, put a Pontiac motor and trans in it
    For sure

    As for chopping and dropping her, you may want to reconsider that. Probably 90% of all serious home built customs never get finnished. Most give up after theyve gotten half of the major body work done and then just sell or scrap the car after it sets like that, unfinnished for a few years.
    Well, I'm part of the minority

    Don't worry... I'll make sure I do it. I'm looking for a spot to park 'er for a few years... I don't plan to finish this in a few months Maybe a few years

    The body style certainly shows a lot of potential for customizing.
    I agree

    I love the look of it... She's just screaming to be a hot rod

    hen its all slicked up is keep using the 2x6 hood prop
    I don't know if he'll let me take it He seems to be attached to it!

    before you cut it out so the body doesnt shift or go out of square.
    Wouldn't that be nice if it did

    and it sure looks like it's been sittin'
    Well... He hauled it to the shed 6 years ago... It's been sitting in various places over the past 30 years

    After ya find all the resto stuff and send upwards of 25G's it should look fine
    I'm thinking more like 5G's

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