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Thread: Ball-Joint to Kunckle bolt WEAK???

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  1. #1
    stevet47's Avatar
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    Ball-Joint to Kunckle bolt WEAK???


    I found a 71 Dodge Dart Swinger for sale today for $1000, but the guy said he will consider all offers if it isn't sold in a week. It is a slant 6 auto car.

    Anyway: I read in a magazine that the ball-joint to knuckle bolts on these cars are VERY small and snap easily, is their anyway to swap these out? I dont want to be driving and have a major disaster!


  2. #2
    76GMC1500 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Dodge doesn't seem to have found a solution to the problem either, I hear their minivans and the Hemi Durango have the same issues.

  3. #3
    stevet47's Avatar
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    haha ok,

  4. #4
    drg84's Avatar
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    Well, consider the options of fabbing a part from a GM a-body. Im just gessing, but it seems to me that they are in the same area of size, but the GM always has larger knuckes and ball joints. Or just have a whole suspension put under it, but that can get annoying.
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  5. #5
    Mike P's Avatar
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    Not exactly sure what you your referring to as far as the setup being weak unless ............

    Chrysler used three different ball joint sizes during that era; Large (normally found on the big full sized cars and Imperials (C Bodies)), Medium (also used on some full sized cars, intermediates (B Bodies), and compacts (A bodies)), and small (found on some A bodies).

    The easy way to tell if if the Dodge has the small joints is by looking at the wheels. If it's the standard 5 on 4 1/2" bolt circle it's got the medium ball joints which are more than adequate for even a big block swap. If it's got a 5 on 4" bolt circle it's got the little ball joints and you should upgrage to the bigger pieces (control arms, spindles brakes etc) if your planning on an engine swap.

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