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Thread: Rides " Ratrods"

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  1. #31
    bottomfeeder is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Not a fool, but the availabillity of steel Mercs is hard to find but not rare even in the rusty north of CANADA. I understand what you have done and the reasons behind what you have done to your car but you should accept the fact that I would walk right past your car and head for something that resembles a daily driver not necessarily the "car show" quality vehicle but flat black, red wheels, and maybe some flames and of course truly old!

    And to you who said, "anyone can restore a car, but it takes a real man to cut one up" true enough, but start with a real car, not a "plastic" one
    Keep Kool

  2. #32
    hambiskit is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Hey- Steel is real, but Glass has class ! It's all rodding...in the imortal words of that famous Calif. rodder "Can't we all just get along?"
    LMAO at you guys....went from arguing about Rat rods again to what is better than what I got.
    You guys need to get out & CRUISE. Grab a shake & light the candles............gone.

  3. #33
    The Al Show's Avatar
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    Hey you're all wrong. I'm the only one who knows what's best. If you don't agree with me you shouldn't be building cars.
    I haven't decided yet what I like best so maybe you're all right. I don't know. Liked the show. Gotta go.
    " Im gone'

  4. #34
    treekiller's Avatar
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    Talking tech ...I think yu'll B the step Dadd'E.......


    DHOTROD, bottomfeeder :
    Did you guys see this!!! > http://www.clubhotrod.com/forums/t6878-15&pagenumber=8 <<<<< Can you belive this? !!!
    the whole "lifEstylE ..... just out the window!!!!
    know onw else Ce'S it but Ucs....... we should start R own town and it'D just B all 50's stuff ......? ., "YA know? "
    that'D B keen! , and peach'E all at the same time ! ......... then we could start "Like " R own movement !
    to B diffrent ! and then weeD?<<<<< be different ....... "Man" and Pay tribute 2 the old ways ! "you noooo..... "
    not like theese old rich guys on CHR had but..........
    it takes dedication to build a kool kar with no money. like the flat black, red wheels, and maybe some flames and of course truly old,We gotta stick together in this lifestyle!!!

    "Whad'ya want for nuth'N, ..............aaa,rrrrrubber biscuit... ?"

    "bad spellers of the word untie ! "

    If your wondering how I'm doing I'm > " I'm still pick'N up the shinny stuff and passing open windows "

  5. #35
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Oh yeah, I built the steel car that the molds were made from, does that count??? Geez, after 30 plus years now I find out that I didn't have to buy nice wheels or do slick paint jobs!!! How depressing, yawn. You are most certainly allowed to build and drive what you want, but why do you you guys have to keep bashing everybody with nice wheels and shiny paint. By the way, that shot of the yellow Merc is not paint, just color sanded and buffed gell coat. They look better with paint on them......
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  6. #36
    bottomfeeder is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    My only real point is that us bottom feeder types can only afford rough real steel patch panneld or 50s orphan cars and get a LITTLE ANNOYED when we get told that we arnt as good as those who order a replica from a shop because we arnt pushing the hobbie in the proper direction . We build like we want to no paint shiney paint or maybe even a run or two . If you think the owner is a little under skilled try to talk to them you might actually get along and understand why things are the way thay are.
    Keep Kool

  7. #37
    The Al Show's Avatar
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    All you sensative pissed off rat rodders have my sympathy. So quitchyer bitchin and go back to building what you want. This is gettin old.Maybe we need a new terminology for you. How about BITCH-RODDERS ?
    " Im gone'

  8. #38
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Originally posted by The Al Show
    How about BITCH-RODDERS ?

    Thanks Al, you've made my day!!!!
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  9. #39
    treekiller's Avatar
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    "Whad'ya want for nuth'N, ..............aaa,rrrrrubber biscuit... ?"

    "bad spellers of the word untie ! "

    If your wondering how I'm doing I'm > " I'm still pick'N up the shinny stuff and passing open windows "

  10. #40
    DHOTROD's Avatar
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    Smile KISS AND MAKE UP............


    CAN I HAVE A HUG.............AND, OH YEAH, A BEER.

  11. #41
    bottomfeeder is offline Banned Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Oh so deep thinking children you called us bad names
    Keep Kool

  12. #42
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    Interesting series of posts, but standing up for your particular type of rod by knocking down every other one under the sun is more than a little hypocritical. Let's take a look at a few of your "points."
    Any fool should be able to make a street rod with loads of money. But it takes dedication to build a kool kar with no money.
    Here's a little news for you, old son. Fools can't build street rods whether they have money or not. It takes skill and dedication to build any kind of street rod. Here's what fools do. Fools sit around and p-i-s-s and moan that nobody respects their ride. Fools think that lack of money equates to dedication.
    . . . you don"t (sic) have the time or dedication to build a real car than build a red glass kit car or order one from 1 800 red rods.
    I think the same about the steel repro bodies if a good rod body is not affordable try a newer car and have fun maybe even a 4 door.
    Let me get this straight. You were concerned about lack of respect for rat rods, and the way to rectify that is to tell everyone else what to build? If I can't or don't want to find an original body, then I should switch to something else? If I can't find an original coupe, then I should build a four-door.
    . . . glass bodys (sic) have a secondary place in the hobbie (sic)
    . . . but start with a real car, not a "plastic" one
    . . . you don"t (sic) have the time or dedication to build a real car than build a red glass kit car or order one from 1 800 red rods.
    So, I guess YOU get to decide what is REAL and what is not. Pretty hypocritical, since the whole point of your series of posts was to support your particular branch of the hobby. When you decide to leave office as lord high arbiter of what's right in the hobby, please let us know. We'll ALL need to know who to ask about our next REAL project. Give me your phone number so I can call you and get permission to continue my GLASS '34.
    My only real point is that us bottom feeder types can only afford rough real steel patch panneld (sic) or 50s orphan cars and get a LITTLE ANNOYED when we get told that we arnt (sic) as good as those who order a replica from a shop because we arnt (sic) pushing the hobbie (sic) in the proper direction.
    Here's a suggestion. Drop the paranoia for a few minutes and read what the folks said, NOBODY told you that rat rodders weren't as good as anyone else. They just said they didn't prefer rat rods. So freaking what? I don't like Volvos either. There's only one guy in this thread that seems to think he's more genuine than the rest. The name is at the top of this post. If you haven't figured it out by now, scroll up.

  13. #43
    The Al Show's Avatar
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    Originally posted by bottomfeeder
    Oh so deep thinking children you called us bad names
    Us? You got a mouse in your pocket?
    " Im gone'

  14. #44
    The Al Show's Avatar
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    Re: KISS AND MAKE UP............


    Originally posted by DHOTROD
    CAN I HAVE A HUG.............AND, OH YEAH, A BEER.
    I'm not much of a hugger but you can have a beer. Get me one while you're up.
    " Im gone'

  15. #45
    Dave Severson is offline CHR Member/Contributor Visit my Photo Gallery
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    IMHO this is another thread that should be dead and buried.......Now can we go back to well written, informative posts and lose the "rat rods are the only real rods built" ??
    Yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery, Live for Today!
    Carroll Shelby

    Learning must be difficult for those who already know it all!!!!

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