Thread: Truck 360 in a Dart?
04-05-2005 12:12 PM #1
Truck 360 in a Dart?
I have a 360-4 & 727 tranny from a 84 w100 pickup that I'd like to put in my 75, 225-6, Dart Swinger. Any thoughts and/or gotchas from you mopar gurus? Thanks.Last edited by chansen; 04-05-2005 at 01:36 PM.
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04-05-2005 12:57 PM #2
v6 dart ?75 GMC C-15 factory 454, automatic, lowered
06-17-2005 08:51 AM #3
Somebody in California (Alexander brothers?) built a slant-six V12 in the '60's.
12-08-2005 02:42 PM #4
Rebuild the 360 with some HP goodies and stuff that bad boy in there. You make very nice power numbers with a 360. Have fun!
01-03-2006 01:02 PM #5
At one time I knew a little from those years. Note the keyword "little". You say '75. Many, many were also built with the 318 and likely some with the 340 I think even... I know the Ply Duster was. The 360 was one of the last varient of the old 273/318/340 A block. I 'm not sure what the truck 360 externals were. Likely no different.
Don't know if the cross member in the 75 Dart was different for the S-6 or not. If not, its a simple bolt in... factory 340 headers should even work I think. May also have to change the setting on the front torsion bars too (think the Dart still had T bar front suspensions in 75).
Dart Swinger with the Slt-6???? .... not real sure many of them were made. You may want to research that... possibility that it is a little rare. Most had the 318 or the 340 if my antique memory serves correctly (although, it may not). If it were me and if there is any rarety to it... I'd keep all the original parts and do "bolt in only" modifications to accept your 360...
If your 360 is warmed up any at all... it'l run like a scalled dog by the way, but your 6cyl drive lined rear pinion shaft and small U-joint yoke may not really like it much. If you get after it much... that 360 will likely eat the rear after a bit. Surprizing how much they will hold though... watch your driveline shock loading and it'll last longer.
I have the FI 360 in my 94 Dodge 3/4 ton with factory 4:10. Runs reasonbly strong for a 6,000 lb truck... but 195,000 miles and quite abit of 6-12,000 lb trailer miles (12-18k gross) have taken some of its edge. Still original (except WP and timing chain)... only a quart between oil changes yet. Hoping for 300k but will see.
Your '84, while it does not have the FI advatage... some minor aftermarket bolt ons for replacing the 80s vintage intake and carb, should really run out in a 3200 lb Dart. Nice combo.
OK you other Mopar gray hairs... help him out. We used to be able to talk this kinda thing in our sleep.
Have fun. Dave
Oh... to the V-12 comment person's post... I'd like to know more... maybe even build one... what other info you do have.
Last edited by dem45133; 01-03-2006 at 01:10 PM.
01-03-2006 01:28 PM #6
Just thought of more. The truck engines in the 80s did not have the same smog limiters as the car counterparts. Not sure if your 84 360 was the heavy duty version... in could already have bigger valves and intake runners... might want to research that before getting too serious on after market HP goodies. Carb likley su_hs being from 84... But the heads and intake may be better than the average car 360 from the cordobas etc.
Just something to consider...
01-03-2006 06:15 PM #7
There isn't any problem mounting the V8 in the dart as long as it is one of the small blocks, it will bolt right in. A big block takes either different mounts or a completely different "K"member in some years.
You should look at the numbers on the rear end, some of the darts had the V8 rear ends in them regardless of the engine and the drive lines are very close too, I know my bud has 30 darts at his place so we have done alot of research.
It is really an easy conversion, I would look up the numbers of the 360 on "Big Block Dart", that site has many charts and very knowledgable mopar freaks. The reason being is that some of the 360's where made for pulling and don't rev up very well. They where usually in the heavier trucks and 4x4's. There is a fantastic variety of speed parts for the 360 including heads, cams, manifolds, about anything that is out there. I think you'll have fun, keep us updated."Sunshine, a street rod and a winding beautiful Ozarks road is truely Bliss!"
01-27-2006 08:08 AM #8
contact schmacher enginnering for motor mounts because the slant six is different they make a mount that will allow you to bolt in without cutting. if its got a pumpkin style rearend you will be fine that is a 83/4 if its got a cover on the rear it could be a 8 1/4 whichis good to about 400 hp. could have a 7 1/4 rearend which is worthless. with it being a slant six car the torsion bars will work fine when you dragrace front end will come up quicker and add in traction if your not going to race it and just drive around put v8 ones in
02-01-2006 08:57 PM #9
the dart that you have came with 2 different "K" frames, an 8 cylinder (small block) and a 6 cylinder (slant six). the engine you want to put in won't bolt up to the six cylinder frame. as someone mentioned in an earlier post, there are some manufacturers that offer motor mounts to put the 8 cyl in the 6 cyl. frame. you will have to change the oil pan and oil pump pick up tube. the truck engine is rear sump and the car engine is center sump. be sure to get a center sump oil pan for a 360 as the 273, 318, 340 pans will not work, the 360 has a different radius at the rear journal. check the length on the transmission tailshaft as there were short shaft and long shaft transmissions. if the shaft is the same length you will be able to use your driveshaft, but you will need to replace the front yoke as the 727 uses a larger diameter one. if you have a 7 1/4 rear end (which you probably do) i would suggest you change it out for an 8 1/4 or better yet an 8 3/4. shop the bone yards for one. it should be easy sailing as just about everyone sells parts for a small block v8 dart because they were available from the dealer. let me know if i can help. i've been a chrysler dealer tech since 1970 and still doing it. ken
07-20-2014 08:50 AM #10
drive shaft shops can build up any drive you need... thats the easy part.
building up mounts will be a bit harder... but not a show stopper.
yea, have to mate the pan to the cross-member location...
I know you already have this engine... but my 94 360 port FI always impressed me... often wondered what could be done with it for a rod. Its been pulling around its heavy 3/4 ton (8800 lb) and some heavy trailers now and then for 297k and never been opened up or heads off, and still runs perfect and no oil use. Damn tough engine... but I was meticulous on servicing... only twice in 19 years did it go over 3500 miles on the oil... and never over Chrysler's 7500 mile mark. Never been hot either. Heck its only been tuned up twice, once at 125k, again at 270k. One timing chain at 162k only because I was replacing the water pump and wouldn't be getting any closer so changed it out on principle. Bought it 1 year old and 15k.Last edited by dem45133; 07-20-2014 at 09:10 AM.
07-20-2014 09:54 AM #11
Did you happen to notice that this thread was more than 8 years old?Jack
Gone to Texas
07-20-2014 10:57 AM #12
No I didn't, but the thread browsers may benefit.
Stole from FB...
the Official CHR joke page duel