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Thread: low oil pressure

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  1. #1
    MOPAR 360 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    low oil pressure


    I have 1976 dodge 360 engine that was just rebuilt. iT Has a stock oil pump When it idles it only has about 5-7 psi of oil pressure but when I rev it up to about 2,000 rpm it has little over 25 pounds of psi. I have reved it up to 6,200 rpm and it went little above 50 psi. I have already tried a diffrent gauge and it says the same thing. Is that normal oil pressure at idle or is there something wrong?

  2. #2
    MOPAR 360 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I just read on a diffrent site that the problem could be the pickup tube it said if there is air bubles in the oil it means that the pickup tube could be cracked and causing low oil pressure.

  3. #3
    MOPAR 360 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I rebuilt it myself. Whent the engine is cold it has about 20 pounds of oil pressure at idle but as soon as it warms up it only has about 7 pounds. I pulled the engine out and took the pan off the oil pump and pickup tube is fine. But when I took the main cap off it looked liked the bearing was to big for it There where shiny spots and dull spots on it. I have not checked the clearance yet but I think I need to turn the crank. I did not check the clearance whent I put it in because when I bought the crank they said it was stander size a I took there word for it.

  4. #4
    NTFDAY's Avatar
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    Are you sure that the pump is fully seated? When I rebuilt the 318 in my '75 Duster I had a main cap bolt the interferred with the oil pump and wouldn't allow it to seat and it caused the same problem you are having.
    Ken Thomas
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  5. #5
    lt1s10's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MOPAR 360
    I rebuilt it myself. Whent the engine is cold it has about 20 pounds of oil pressure at idle but as soon as it warms up it only has about 7 pounds. I pulled the engine out and took the pan off the oil pump and pickup tube is fine. But when I took the main cap off it looked liked the bearing was to big for it There where shiny spots and dull spots on it. I have not checked the clearance yet but I think I need to turn the crank. I did not check the clearance whent I put it in because when I bought the crank they said it was stander size a I took there word for it.
    thats why i say its always a good idea for all engine rebuilds to have a little Plastigage laying around just in case.
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