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Thread: I have fuel problems...

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  1. #1
    brickman's Avatar
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    Question I have fuel problems...


    This is my first mopar and it's givin' me fits!! The car won't bring fuel up from the tank. I have replaced the fuel pump and the fuel filter and still no luck. I have blown out the lines and still it won't bring any gas up to the filter. Am I missing something guys? The car is a '66 plymouth Fury III with a 318 2 barrel and oh by the way, it does have gas in it (Half a tank)in case you where wondering. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.

  2. #2
    pro70z28's Avatar
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    Re: I have fuel problems...


    Originally posted by brickman
    This is my first mopar and it's givin' me fits!! The car won't bring fuel up from the tank. I have replaced the fuel pump and the fuel filter and still no luck. I have blown out the lines and still it won't bring any gas up to the filter. Am I missing something guys? The car is a '66 plymouth Fury III with a 318 2 barrel and oh by the way, it does have gas in it (Half a tank)in case you where wondering. Any ideas would be appreciated, thanks.
    I'm not real familiar with mopar's feul setup, but could the pick up tube in the tank be broken or cracked. Have someone blow the line out again and listen to the tank. If the pickup tube is o.k. you should hear the air bubbling through the gas. Or hook a syphon pump to the line and see if you can draw fuel out of the line.

  3. #3
    76GMC1500 is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Put your finger over either the inlet or outlet of the fuel pump and feel if it is sucking or blowing. If you don't get either of those actions or it is weak, you could have a bad pump. Sometimes the eccentric wears off the cam and that makes it so the pump doesn't pump. You could plugged vents or a stuck float in the carburetor that is creating a back pressure that prevents fuel from being pumped up the line.

  4. #4
    ter-nan's Avatar
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    Are you sure that your fuel pump is working? I know you said it's new but make sure it's doing its thang.

  5. #5
    brickman's Avatar
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    Great help guys, I only had time to do a one thing. I blew air down the line again and did hear air bubbling through the gas so I guess that means my pic-up is ok.
    I didn't have time to check the pump but that to is a great idea, I have had new parts be bad before and hadn't considered that.
    The car sat for 5 years after the original owner passed away before I got it and I have completely gone through the fuel system once and this is the second fuel pump. I haven't done anything but clean the carb so there could very possibly be a problem there. I didn't realize that back-pressure could be created like that. I may not have needed that pump! I should be able to take the line off of the carb and turn it over to tell if thats the problem Right?

    Thanks a bunch for all the help guys, much appreciated1

  6. #6
    MrMopar64's Avatar
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    One other thing you might check is all the rubber line between the tank and the pump. A crack in one of those hoses will cause it to suck air there for little or no fuel. Been there done that


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  7. #7
    brickman's Avatar
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    Thats very possible MrMopar, the car did sit for a good while. That's the first thing I'm going to do as soon as I get back from Georgia. Going to ride down there with a buddy to pick up a 70 something 318 black on black on black duster he bought. Should be a fun trip, I am anxoius to see the car, it looks really good in the pic's. I should be able to figure it out with all the help I have recieved from you all, thank you all very much. I will keep you all informed.

  8. #8
    brickman's Avatar
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    Thumbs up well, I figured it out guys...


    The fuel pump is doing absolutely nothing. I had the wife turn it over and put my finger over the intake of the pump and there is nothing at all. That is the second pump so I am sure that the pump is good. I guess there is something broken inside the engine.

    My question is, will it damage anything if I just put an electric fuel pump on the car or do I need to tear the car apart and fix the stock pump problem?

  9. #9
    racerxjj67's Avatar
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    Re: well, I figured it out guys...


    Originally posted by brickman
    The fuel pump is doing absolutely nothing. I had the wife turn it over and put my finger over the intake of the pump and there is nothing at all. That is the second pump so I am sure that the pump is good. I guess there is something broken inside the engine.

    My question is, will it damage anything if I just put an electric fuel pump on the car or do I need to tear the car apart and fix the stock pump problem?
    You lost me there. You said that you are getting no action from the pump (no sucking) but then you say, "That is the second pump so I am sure the pump is good." And that something in the engine may be broken. Maybe I read it wrong, did you mean you are sure the pump is no good?

    Anyhow, I'm not a 100% sure about Mopars but in a pontiac there is a part called the eccentric (sp) that your pump is attached to that does the pulling of the fuel. Could be that you're not hooked up to it or that that's the mechanical error. As for the installing an electric fuel pump there wouldn't be any issues with doing so. It would eliminate the whole eccentric (sp) issue as well. Sound confusing? I know, because it is.
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  10. #10
    brickman's Avatar
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    Thanks racerxjj67, to answer your question, yes I am sure that the pump is good. It drew in air off the car by hand and doesn't do that when installed. I am concered that there may be loose parts inside the timing cover that could damage the engine. I can't hear anything turning it over but something has to be broken in there.

    I am getting antsy, car show and cruise-in season is starting here and I am ready to get out there.

  11. #11
    smallblockdart is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    the eccentric is held on by the cam bolt. If the bolt is loose the eccentric may not be in the notch on the cam and just free wheeling on the bolt. You may want to check so the cam gear doesn't wear out of fall off

  12. #12
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    An electric fuel pump won't hurt your engine - assuming that the carburetor needle and seat is in good condition. However, you should still find out why the eccentric isn't making the mechanical pump work.

  13. #13
    vara4's Avatar
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    I once had a car that some one had swithed the tank on and it had a fuel pump in the tank too. I had replaced the one pump but since the pump in the tank was not working I could'nt get any fuel. A good sign that every thing is gummed up from sitting is the Fuel Gage won't usaully work.

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  14. #14
    dodgeman67 is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I have the same problem and it is driving me crazy. I had no fuel so I put a new fuel pump on. Nothing. I blew back through the line and still nothing. (It did bubble through the fuel). I put my finger in the fuel pump opening to see if the rod was moving to pump the pump and it was. So I think the eccentric is ok. I am at a loss so any other suggestions would be appreciated.
    Mopar or NoCar

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