You are in the same state anyway, lol! My folks lived in Newton for a few years. I helped Dad build a new garage while they were there. My baby sister lives in Colfax, so she's very close to you. I split my time between Manly and Bellevue, IA, nowadays. The Manly place will be for sale next spring when my wife retires (hopefully), and I quit subbing (definitely).
I've worn lots of hats in my life, from farming, to factory work, to police work, to newspaper reporter, and finally to 7-12 English teacher. I kinda retired in 2010, but I've been subbing 3-4 days a week since then because my wife, who is a couple years younger, is still working part time. We plan to actually retire next March.
I had a '41 two door sedan years ago. I didn't really have the time or money to work on it much, but I found a guy who wanted it more than I did. I always liked the '40 and earlier better. They got kind of bulbous after that, although the shoebox Fords were pretty sweet. I grew up wrenching on flathead Fords because my uncles had a stock car (1939 Ford coupe), and my Mom's younger brother was probably the best flathead mechanic in the midwest. He could get more out of those flatties than anyone else I ever knew. I was probably the only ten year-old around who knew the torque pattern for the head bolts on a Ford flathead, lol! I was sure proud when I "graduated" from scraping to wrenching! Actually, I just added the wrenching to the scraping...
What are you running in your '40?
I wore a camouflage T-shirt once. The response in the pub was "Oooh, it's a floating head!" .
the Official CHR joke page duel