Quote Originally Posted by Russ V. View Post
You are in the same state anyway, lol! My folks lived in Newton for a few years. I helped Dad build a new garage while they were there. My baby sister lives in Colfax, so she's very close to you. I split my time between Manly and Bellevue, IA, nowadays. The Manly place will be for sale next spring when my wife retires (hopefully), and I quit subbing (definitely).

I've worn lots of hats in my life, from farming, to factory work, to police work, to newspaper reporter, and finally to 7-12 English teacher. I kinda retired in 2010, but I've been subbing 3-4 days a week since then because my wife, who is a couple years younger, is still working part time. We plan to actually retire next March.

I had a '41 two door sedan years ago. I didn't really have the time or money to work on it much, but I found a guy who wanted it more than I did. I always liked the '40 and earlier better. They got kind of bulbous after that, although the shoebox Fords were pretty sweet. I grew up wrenching on flathead Fords because my uncles had a stock car (1939 Ford coupe), and my Mom's younger brother was probably the best flathead mechanic in the midwest. He could get more out of those flatties than anyone else I ever knew. I was probably the only ten year-old around who knew the torque pattern for the head bolts on a Ford flathead, lol! I was sure proud when I "graduated" from scraping to wrenching! Actually, I just added the wrenching to the scraping...

What are you running in your '40?
If you're at the Manly place now, you should run over to the Cruise to the Woods show on October 8th if you have time. I'm sure there will be plenty of Model A's there to check out.

I've got a 354 Hemi in my 40, but it isn't done yet. Right now it is just a catchall for it's own parts waiting for me to get the time to work on it again.