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Thread: water base paints

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  1. #1
    gunny is offline Registered User Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Lightbulb water base paints


    i am planning a paint job on a 55 checy truck.i have seen articles and advertisements on water base paints for automotive use. it seems like a good thing as far as resperation and other problems, has anyone used it and how well did it work/
    i am thinking of a cany color,pearl combination...any suggestions???

  2. #2
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
    Bob Parmenter is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    If you've got a spray environment with lots of heat and air movement (like many heated down draft booths) to pull out the water then it's a good product. It's not intended to work in a normal garage/back yard environment, there you still need the volatile organic "solvents" that will evaporate quickly at ambient temps (typically above 60 degree F).
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  3. #3
    SprayTech's Avatar
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    I havent used it , but have been to many PPG schools and they have a very good WaterBorne Base Coat paint line, but the cost is substantual , and my dealership wont spend any money to keep up with the times , they just suck the shop DRY instead.

    Bob is right ..it requiers a Downdraft booth with heat makeup. Plus you need these special Air dryers that hook up to air hoses that blow down the side of the vehicle to help evaporate the distilled water.( its also a slower) Its not a cheap process at all, then you still use a Catylized Uerathane High Solids Clear to spray over it , as to my knowledge they havent designed a Waterborne Clearl yet.

    Stick with the Acrylic Ureathane BaseCoat/ClearCoats, they havent let me down in the 20 years Since their introduction to the market !!!!


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