Thread: Custom paint pics
01-15-2005 05:27 PM #1
Custom paint pics
Just wondering what happend to my thread I posted the other day?Must have gotten deleted for some reason.Painting is my hobby not a buisness and I just wanted to share my knowledge with all of you!Oh well.Heres another shot!Life begins at 150!!!! If you cant run with the big dawgs stay on the porch!
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01-15-2005 07:33 PM #2
Custom paint ?
Well thank you for your edit mrmustang as I was almost offended by your first response and the thread was locked so I couldnt even respond.WMS IS NOT a body shop and I AM NOT LOOKING FOR WORK!Noware on my web page is there a phone # or hint that I am looking for work.The only thing for sale on my site is some hood stickers that are only of interest to other 03,04 MACH1 owners.I have a very good paying job that alows me to finally work on MY OWN projects instead of working for pennys on other peoples stuff.I closed the doors on my body shop 8 years ago and have no intention of reopening them.This dosent mean ive lost my passion for custom painting and I always enjoy sharing my painting wisdom with other people.Thats why the custom paint pictures are there-for everyone to enjoy.That is the reason most of us custom painters do custom paint-for other people to enjoy!By the way, my web site was set up by my 9 yr old son and I wouldnt even have it if he hadnt taken the time to do it!One more time-I AM NOT LOOKING FOR WORK!!!
With that behind us....What kind of racing do you do?Looks very similar to the SSCC I run in! ThanksLife begins at 150!!!! If you cant run with the big dawgs stay on the porch!
01-15-2005 07:37 PM #3
Hey topend ,
put your web site in your signature , as I would like to see some of your work.
01-15-2005 07:46 PM #4
Scared strait!
Kinda scared to now spraytech! Last time I did my thread got axed!Its in my profile.Its really not great as I still have literally thousands of custom paint pics to be sized and formatted to fit on the site.(9yr old has to go to school too!)Life begins at 150!!!! If you cant run with the big dawgs stay on the porch!
01-15-2005 08:11 PM #5
Nice site , your son did a great job!!!!
I dont see anywhere where your selling anything, dont see any reason why you cant put it in your sig.
01-15-2005 09:13 PM #6
Nice Website!!!! Your 9 year old did that???? Very nice job!!!! Looks like some great projects could also put some of your pics in your "gallery" hint, hint...I love looking at paint ideasYou miss 100% of the shots you never take
01-26-2005 07:14 PM #7
nice site topendmach i'm not a mustang guy but i can appreciate a quality job. really like the bronco and vette bet theres some man hours in those. oh yea nice music selection. again good job.
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