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Thread: water spots

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  1. #1
    Don Meyer is offline Moderator Visit my Photo Gallery
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    water spots


    I have a blk. car that I have a hard time eliminating the water spots left after washing.
    I have heard that there is something better than a towel for dry a car with.......anyone have any products that they can recommend?
    Don Meyer, PhD-Mech Engr(48 GMC Trk/chopped/cab extended/caddy fins & a GM converted Rolls Royce Silver Shadow).

  2. #2
    4mula's Avatar
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    Been a detailer for 14yrs, first don't let them get there !, second make sure when you rinse the car use a flow instead of a spray. And if it's from rain and it can't be helped, as long as the car is fairly clean a good Chamois will work wonders. They come in real (natural), and synthetic, either are good choices.

  3. #3
    Bob Parmenter's Avatar
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    Another thought is soft water. Is the water in your area pretty hard? If so, it may be worth putting in a softener (and your wife will love the feel it gives her hair!!). I have the same problem when I'm in Vegas. The water there makes me wash the car at 6 am so I have time to wipe it down before it spots.

    As for equipment, 4mula had a good suggestion, and I also like a VERY soft terry towel (and the soft water will help these stay fluffier too). I've got a couple buddies who swear by those soft squeegies that California Car Cover sells, but I haven't used one. For some reason I have in my mind that they increase the potential for scratches, though I have no proof. But then, so does a dirty chamois or towel.
    Your Uncle Bob, Senior Geezer Curmudgeon

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  4. #4
    smokinwoody is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    there is a product that will eliminate most water spots both painted finish and glass,chrome and stainless..etc...It's called Rod and Custom...it's a polyurathane,no abrasives,will fill in small scrathces and leave a clear coat...some water and bird dropping spots get etched in so deep that only wet sanding with 1500-2000 grit and by applying Rod and Custom after will prevent this from ever happening again..
    Last edited by smokinwoody; 07-04-2004 at 05:25 PM.

  5. #5
    FMXhellraiser's Avatar
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    Rod and Custom.... I have to try some of that out. Our truck has water spots on the windows (easy to see with the really dark tint) and I have tried tons of stuff and none seem to work. What about getting scratches out of windows, is there any way to do that because one chemical my dad used took off the soft stuff under the rubber around the windows and one day we rolled them down and it scratched lines all the way down them.... Any suggestions would be appreciated, thanks.

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  6. #6
    smokinwoody is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    .anyways...if the scratches are realy deep,only the wet sanding and buffing will help,if they are light..Rod and Custom will actualy fill them in and in some cases your glass will look like it disapeared...you should see how it looks on paint finishes...there is nothing on the market like it...and it's a true one step process..

  7. #7
    smokinwoody is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    I'm not looking to free advertise...however I would like to advertise commercialy and support this site....as far as your paste wax....that's the worst thing you can put on a finish...it has and leaves absolutley no protection at all and in 3-5 car washes...it's gone......

  8. #8
    FMXhellraiser's Avatar
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    Smokin, I will see about that stuff. I am not the one to say about getting it, but right now it's not that big of a deal. Nothing on the paint is bad because the truck is white and a few nicks here and there on the side from the dually tires shooting up little rocks, etc so not a big deal.

    If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!

  9. #9
    smokinwoody is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    that's no problem at all.....If I can ever be of some help..just let me know........isn't that what it's all about.......

  10. #10
    smokinwoody is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    thank you Bill.....I realy appreciate this....I will get a hold of them asap......thanks again.....

    isn't this all about learning new things and sharing trade secrets...thanks again..............

  11. #11
    Henry Rifle's Avatar
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    The silicone squegees from California Car Covers work wonders, although they won't get rid of all the water. I use mine to wipe most of the water off, then whatever small drops are left with a chamois.

  12. #12
    smokinwoody is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    yes that is the best way to dry...but what do you do about water spots that are already there and you can't get them out.. acid stained....

  13. #13
    FMXhellraiser's Avatar
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    Is there any other way to get scratches out of windows instead of buying that product you were telling me about? I at least wan't to get them where they aren't noticed AS MUCH from a distance.

    If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!

  14. #14
    SprayTech's Avatar
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    You might try using a product called Clay Magic,(this takes off all minor contaminates ) after you give it a good cold bath, then use the meguiers 3 step car care product they have, its suppose to work pretty good.

    I have gotten badly stained water spots out of these 50K cads by way of using 2000 grit lightly with water and buffing with 3M's 3 step process and had real good success with it.

    One other trick you can try is getting some baby powder and mixing in some water to make a paste with it and use it for a very mild polishing compound and this works nice also , you can use just your hand and a clean rag.
    Then try going over it with just a tad of the dry baby powder on a rag to polish it up.............Dont laugh it works , as I did this on a 75 corvette black Ureathane custom paint job years ago and had no swirls to chase out of the paint, this was before all these High Tech polishes we have today.


  15. #15
    smokinwoody is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Eastwood makes a product...I've used it...it works but is a mess....it consists of a leather roll that chucks into a drill,first you have to soak it overnight...then there's this paste they give you..actualy its like a rouge,the paste is formed by the water and the spinning drill...it buffs fine scratches out...a lot of work...the other way is of what I had mentioned earlier...by taking 1500-2000 grit polishing paper,and wet sand the area...after you have wet sanded, buff it or it will remain scratched and cloudy....

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