Thread: laquer vs urethane
08-09-2005 07:23 PM #31
Magnum stripes with "chrome" Hemi logo, and ram's head.
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08-09-2005 08:12 PM #32
Very Nice !!! I like
I only dabble little in custom paint any more , but quit doing it along time ago , I have lost alot of my talent with air brusing ,and pinstriping , as everyone wants a custom job , but didnt like the price , what they fail to understand is you are paying for the guys tallent and materials , not just a paint job !!
By chance did you see the Rides TV show tonight ?
With Mike Lovelle ? The true flames creator .
He is here in Wichita getting ready to do a high dollar cesena jet , he was in the Jobbers shop I order color from , and is one hell of a nice guy i guess , talked to my jobber friend for hours , and showed him his portfollio , and ordered 3 or 4 thousand dollars of HoK kandy .
He showed him what is going on the jet, its a jet somehow blowing through the clouds or something .
08-09-2005 08:58 PM #33
Spray, I am watching that Rides show RIGHT NOW. Seems like it's going to be sweet! Also did you get my PM Spray?
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
08-09-2005 09:13 PM #34
Spray Tech, Sounds pretty cool. I don't know if I would want to tackle a large plane.
BTW, did you know that automotive painters were experimenting with photorealistic flames 20 years ago? They didn't catch on, obviously. Of course it would make sense that artists have tried to duplicate flames for about 25,000 years, if you think about it. It seems that most "new" things have usually been attempted somewhere in the past. The lucky (or smart) painters reach national prominance at the same time that they are developing their own techniques.
08-09-2005 09:51 PM #35
Planes SUCK to paint , and so do semis .........I used to custom paint the semis back in 79 and fell off a 16 foot rickity ladder onto a masking machine , because the shop didnt want to buy scaffolding , so I took my paint guns and left .
And FMX , yes i got your PM .
08-09-2005 10:22 PM #36
If I had to look forward to trucks and planes every day, I would consider getting a REAL job!
08-09-2005 11:26 PM #37
Well SOMEONE'S gotta do
If you wan't something done right, then you have to do it yourself!
08-12-2005 06:35 PM #38
talking about spraying semis i was painting for about 8 years at a shop and decided to make more money at a truck body shop. they made me walk the mast of a bentley roll off trailer while it was 1/2 way up when i was walking down i had to spray it and get ever nook and cranny. this was on my first day people in the shop was taking bets who long i would last. they said car painters never last. i got in the bet and won because i left that day. commercial equipment painters have it rough and i found out in my area they dont get paid like a car painter.
08-12-2005 06:42 PM #39
Just wait.....someone will figure out how to powdercoat them! :-)
Many of the long tube cast headers I've run across had a relief ground on the back side for starter bolt clearance. I just trimmed the bolt on mine. On these new shorty's, they eliminated the...
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