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Thread: Sand or not betwwen BC & CC

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  1. #1
    mcneilms is offline CHR Member Visit my Photo Gallery
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    Sand or not betwwen BC & CC


    My painter wants to sand between the BC and CC. I know they are designed to do wet on wet. The color is competition yellow (PPG).

    I'm worried that sanding with 1000 grit will inadvertently make damage the base do to the transparency of the yellow.

    Should I put my foot down and say no, or am I just paraniod about getting a poor job.


    Restoring '93 Hummer
    in the Desert of Saudi Arabia

  2. #2
    shine's Avatar
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    i color sand bc if it took a lot of coats to cover but then i lay down one nice coat of color before clear. he may want to get rid of trash before clear.

  3. #3
    mopar978's Avatar
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    Yeah you can sand the base coat down if you'd like, it will help get rid of much of the dirt, but if you do so i'd definetely put down another coat or two of base to cover the scratches you just put in... i'll sand it down too especially if i have to put on many coats to get coverage... the more coats the more dirt.... and I know many yellow's are bad for coverage..... so have him sand it just make sure to put a few coats on afterwards..

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